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Everything posted by Schwarzbart

  1. One can try 😁. Maybe you already forgot about the traumatic experience when your release date where way to optimistic in the past ^^
  2. A ) Within this year B ) Within the next 2.5 years C ) Within the next 5 years D) Even longer?
  3. Are there non magical encryptions for texts that let someone without actual knowledge of the specific magic school have it look like some common topic, like bad jokes etc. While someone with at last some actual understanding in the right magic school, realize that there should actual some encrypted text behind it. Edit: 2) Is there a clockpunk club in Academagia we can join?
  4. I see many of my Chars be forced to learn Heraldry during the Summer break ^^
  5. Will we see private education in Y2 outside the Favour system? Like paid lessons from senior students or even finished mages, or something similar.
  6. Any word on the class list of Y2? Be it the one that other student had during our Y1 or the one we will have in Y2. Edit: in the unexpected case that you got the OK to post at last a partial list please put it in a new topic
  7. is this something we will learn when combining Dialectic and Negation magic? Edit: A funny question, what happening usually when 2 Dialectic master making a public discussion assisted with glamour magic?
  8. So Clockpunk is no thing at all in Academagia?
  9. 3) Is there any official magic school that teach something in the direction of Clockpunk or Steampunk?
  10. How is the social status of a Knight who have no land of his / her own? Just like a normal landless noble? Are new knight forced to enter an army and if so at officer level?
  11. Was a player who started with the Page background on the way to become a knight who out of some reason got changed to become a mage now? Because in the story the Master you served under as Page don't sound like he is old enough to be a Knight him self how was the education supposed to be continued after the 7 years of be a Page? (From what I read in RL you supposed to serve 7 years as page under a noble lady then serve 7 years as squire under a Knight before become a knight your self when at last 21 years old. So isn't the master you serving under as page supposed to be more then 14 years older then the player?)
  12. And here I thought at last the 1st years are 4 students in 1 room
  13. 1) How common do it happen that a student end up in the wrong bed i.e. because (s)he is drunk or trough magic have their senses messed up? 2) Are there some club that make you do a dare to join them?
  14. https://store.steampowered.com/app/544610/Battlestar_Galactica_Deadlock/ Battlestar Galactica Deadlock is free to keep if you claim it in the next ~48h at Steam. RPS News about this: https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/you-can-grab-battlestar-galactica-deadlock-for-free-this-weekend
  15. Is creating new Spells or Magical Items along some basic guidelines a game concept planed for the next years?
  16. Six Ages 2 comes to the PC https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/storybook-strategy-sim-six-ages-2-treks-to-pc-this-summer
  17. And here I thought that the Venalicium has a mind of its own and sometimes give people access to part or all of its library for unknown reason.
  18. Think this 3 questions where never answered
  19. Do the Venalicium Library have hidden parts of its library that only people chosen by the library can enter? So i.e. a 1st year the Library like can enter some of this hidden parts while a Regent might never enter them in the live time.
  20. The question here is, if the language the students speak is actual the same modern English as the player read, if not the word play with missing E becomes messed up.
  21. Anything new you allowed to share i.e. the class list of the 2nd year during our 1st year?
  22. Is both already planed for Year 2? Have all College an core class they make Competitions with other School?
  23. Is it planed that the player can join the School Rimbal team if (s)je is good at it? Are there other Competition, where the player can join a Academagia team, that will happen at other schools?
  24. Think it is interesting that the official FB forum is so silent even after the official release. Not even the maintenance times are announced here.
  25. Even when Mastery was allowed would people who know the secret of permanent switch their body with someone else reveal that they know such a technique? I would say no because revealing would make it more difficult to get their next choice of body. Also I'm pretty sure such magic have limitations at what body they could be used.
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