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  1. Well, you went and did what I just now booted up the mod tools to do. Funny how things work out like that. Downloading/installing now. It'll be interesting to see everything in game, not just in the tools descriptions. I can always have another character suffer through her first year. Thanks. Now I have new motivation to start my Background Point Spam mod, so that everyone can choose as many backgrounds as they wish. For roleplaying purposes, obviously. We can't all be black sheep, after all. Some of us are really nice!
  2. I'm slightly ashamed to say that I first discovered this game through looking for games on a pirating website. However, I loved it at first play and bought it on Impulse. Clean now. Don't do that piracy junk anymore, corrupts the computer. Among other things.
  3. Ah, I was not swift enough and did not check back in time. Curse you, rapidshare, curse you... *shakes fist*
  4. Hmm...the Mod Base has been fixed, but the AMO has also reached its ten download limit.
  5. Aliquid linguam Romanae in forum dicit. (Excuse my grammar.) Ha. Writing on this thread after...what, fifteen days inactivity? *goes back to check* Nah. Only eleven. Hi there. I'm Solfege, or the Queen Weasel Solfege if you prefer a title. I actually hate solfege and use it as little as possible, really. I can never keep the hand motions down... I'm a current senior in high school, enrolled in AP Computer Science and all that jazz, and I feel really cheated since they changed the curriculum from C++ to Java. Guess that's for the best, though, so that I can learn programming before I dive headfirst into the shallow pool that is C. That's a metaphor I'd rather not try to dig too deep into. My first gaming experience was when I was around two or three years old, probably two, with the games "Mickey's ABC's - A Day At The Fair" and "Mickey's 123's -- The Big Surprise Party". My first programming experience was when I was eleven, changing the values (price, repair, experience) of all of the items and characters in School Tycoon. With this discovery came a feeling of empowerment. So that's why I'm the computer geek I am today. (Bless you, CatDaddy Games, you and your ini files.) I love Academagia and all of the people who made it (even if I don't know any of them, not even by name), especially the content writers who seem to have nailed my sense of humour in a game perfectly (a week of gameplay takes me a few hours since I read everything, and I freely blame my ADD). I write/talk too much.
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