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Everything posted by Nyaa

  1. Ah, that's why they didn't consider it a magic. Been having a tough time trying to make a Guide to Choosing Magic due to the vast scale of comprehension.
  2. Not sure about in-game, but the mod tool description said Artificing and Astrology. What's artificing anyway? Some info describe it like Enchant.
  3. So is like, Artifice vs Negation Astrology vs Incantation Revision vs Enchant ...and Glamour is too friendly to have rival.
  4. ^Already suggested that. So it's basically like those Achievement unlocked badge thing that unlock/cause nice things. Like having a background image change by maxing forge will change the background to a forge or you can set it in option, maxing music unlock more classier music, etc. Calligraphy font change should be easy since it just tell the system to load another set of font if it's implanted. Edit: Found Legate's answer
  5. Nyaa

    Cheat Mod

    I actually plan to do it in year 2 mod instead, but if it wasn't about game theory, those school of bullies and so should be pretty easy to make. My connection is damn fast, but I won't be able to do it anytime soon with all these quiz and exams, plus I only halfway through the book about game theory.
  6. Nyaa

    Cheat Mod

    Yes, it load the DLC without selecting it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cheat New Familiar (Ability): Replace your current familiar with the one you choose. Code 1: Effect Tag -> Effect Type: Remove -> Subject: Remove Subject/Familiar Code 2: Effect Tag -> Effect Type: Add -> Subject: Add subject/familiar/Choice of Familiar Note: Interestingly, you can also get the unique familiar from other student. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cheat Fight Monster (Ability): Fight a monster. Code : Effect Tag -> Effect Type: Add-> Subject: Add Subject/Monster/Choice of Monster/Choice of Type/Random Monster Note: Some monster entries seems to be deleted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cheat Learn Place: Inform of the chosen location Code : Effect Tag -> Effect Type: Inform-> Subject: Location/Choice of Location/Selection of Region/ Note: Didn't seem to have the choice for both choosing region and location, but maybe Selection of Region will do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cheat Play Rimbal: Play the Rimbal Mini-Game. Code : Effect Tag -> Effect Type: Rimbal-> Subject: Collage/(You pick a collage) -> Target: Collage/(You pick a collage) Note:Since we can't choose collage in game or put it at random, Copy/paste the code until every collage is fighting other one, so the player can at least fight a default collage. Not sure if this mini-game fully implemented or not. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cheat Parent skill MAX: Even though Legate said it can't, let's try it with SET script. Code : Effect Tag -> Set Type: Skill Level Maximum/Parent Skill/Choice of Parent Skill/Choice of Skill Note: Target self and magnitude 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cheat Learn Shop/Merchant: Inform of the chosen location Code : Effect Tag -> Effect Type: Inform-> Subject: Catalog or merchant/Choice of Catalog or merchant Note:This should be the proper code for learning places. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cheat Activate Adventure: Start an adventure. Code : Effect Tag -> Effect Type: Initiate-> Subject: Story/Choice of Adventure. Note:Looks like event can't be chosen manually. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cheat Duel Someone: Anyone! Even yourself! Code : Effect Tag -> Effect Type: Duel -> Target: Choice of Character/Character/Choice of Character Note: Dueling self need other code. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cheat Can't Bully You: No one can bully or be hostile at you. Code 1: Effect Tag -> Effect Type: Prevent-> Subject: Ability/Selection of Action/Bully Code 2: Effect Tag -> Effect Type: Prevent-> Subject: Ability/Selection of Action/Hostile (Hostile Action Type) Let's not include Vendetta in this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cheat No More Stess: Not sure how much this is covered. Code 1: Effect Tag -> Effect Type: Prevent-> Subject: Stress ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ho ho ho ho ho, I see that we can also manipulate student's behavior...I always want to mod a "Game Theory Sand Box". But that will leave for another time until I am more experience. Or something simple like a Total bullies school environment for hard mode, a whole school of rebelling students, a whole school of Mystery Students, I wonder how the AI will control you...
  7. Nyaa

    Cheat Mod

    Tested, everything works perfectly, and any order will load all the mod correctly. You should be a programmer! Success chance also seems to work correctly since my chance of discovery is -50%. Edit: Interesting, with 11 attribute and 50% success chance seem to only make the color blue or maybe the success chance didn't target those?
  8. Nyaa

    Cheat Mod

    So I shouldn't select the DLC? Then how do I open the main game to check it? Use 4shared, mediafire, FileServe, Bitshare, Hotfile or megaupload next time. Edit: Still can't download it.
  9. Nyaa

    Cheat Mod

    Pretty sure Legate mention somewhere before that it's increase...but that's too long ago to recall. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think I finally found the effect to let the user delete whatever they want. The code is in EFFECT tab of ability, set effect type to REMOVE and then Remove Subject/Ability/Self/Choice of ability Remove Subject/Action/Self/Choice of ability Not sure how much it let us choose though. Maybe magnitude is the one to decide? If so, then make a single remove and a 10x remove would be wonderful for cleaning up those useless ability that clogging up the menu. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. Nyaa

    Cheat Mod

    Looking around the mod, it seem the expand function all linked to this instead. [increase]Increase Subject/Skill Level/Parent Skill/Selection of Concrete Parent Skill/[skill name](Skill) And you set the magnitude to 1. Probably will make the duration permanent instead?
  11. Nyaa

    Cheat Mod

    Cheat Clique Relationship: Raise Clique relationship Cheat Clique Skill: Raise Clique skills Code can be found in Message of the Winds spell unlock from Background: Family of Wizards. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Cheat Clique Break: Lower other clique relationship to make it more likely to disband. 5 points should do or else it would cause some large scale rivalry. Code from Stir up Trouble (Action) unlock from Compete - Manipulation 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Cheat Everyone Relationship: Raise almost everyone's relationship Can't think of way to get everyone easily, but you can get almost everyone easily if you use the code from Friendships: Godina then add all the other collages and add 500 Relationships with Random Students for EACH collage, so the cheat spends total of 3500 points on each collage randomly. The probably result should end in each student end up with at least 30 points relationship to a rare 100+ points. This method have the best spreading rate since it cap to each collage getting 500 points to spend randomly. You can increase the point by a lot to make sure everyone get it. For easiest coding, set Friendships: Random Students to spend like 9000 points instead. Not sure if this will break anything. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. Nyaa

    Cheat Mod

    Ah yes, the collage point is call merit. Now that I finally tried the dueling. It bring you to another screen like the shop and you have a limited amount of combat action with a action to draw one pheme. You can do one to three actions depend on how much action point you have left or something and you cannot cast spell until you draw out all the require pheme. There's also a moving action that change your distance with your opponent from melee range to far range. Your familiar can also assist you if it have a battle ability, or else it will just be a defend action that will protect and take the damage for you instead. If it like you enough... So, to cheat the duel, a custom spell that deal 10 999 damages and use a easy to get pheme like fire/ice/etc. or make one up that come with it. Edit: Not sure if stress will win me the game or not, but there's also winning condition you decide at the beginning like first blood, (knock out or something), quietus.
  13. Nyaa

    Cheat Mod

    All that left now is student relationship, professor relationship, and compete. I think it is more enjoyable to make friends the old ways, but it will be good for bug checking. Cheat Compete: +50 collage points. Cheat Compete Champion: +500 collage points. Could be a background that give one time boost instead like 'You saved Orsi Orso's favorite cat, he awarded your collage 50 points in a full display of power abuse.' Cheat Student Relationship (Code from Gossip) Cheat Professor Relationship (Elegant Service) Cheat Student Secret (Elegant Service) Elegant Service (Action) from the Background Apprenticeship: Page have the code for raising professor and reveal student's secret, which is good to have. Edit: Maybe the chance of success doesn't cover Spell success, so Familiar Training: Genius of Glamour have the code for raising glamour spell success or if you have the item (Mystery Yellow Stone or amulet of the six) that raise all spell chance. Edit 2: Ah yes, Friendships: Instructor have the code that reduce Chance of the School taking actions against you. Edit 3: Oh, I forgot about parent approval...but not really important with all these cheat other than roleplay and easy cure of some emotion problem. Edit 4: Ooookay, seems like the last thing is for those dueling things, but I never touched it so let see how duel works. Edit 5: If only there's a code that remove an action or ability from the list so I can do some spring cleaning with all the mess of skills I gotten in two turns...
  14. Some description I read also vaguely point to strength but you probably right since I haven't gotten gates yet. That's the problem I raised, how many people actually take Strength as the main attribute other than just for bully?
  15. I know the Strength attribute is not suppose to be important for wizard, but it just so depreciate by the fact that it only cover 4 sets of skills with bully and school education being commonly used and the only attribute without a magical skill. It might be better off to just merge the skills to other attributes but that would be too much work so I would like to suggest taking Gates out of Fitness because it already have three magical skills and it feel more right with Gates represented by Strength for the powerful creature that is summoned. If we go to the technicality of how strength is needed in using gate, the let's say that your wand become an out of control steering wheel that you need strength to align it properly to navigate the gate properly to trap-teleport the creature. In the case of summoning creature that have magic resistance, you will have to stretch open the magical portal and physically kidnap or pull the creature to at least touching the gate enough to overpower it's magical resistance to teleport it under your command. Or your wand become a fishing rod that you literally fish out an aqua/marine creature out of the pool of gate/portal. Something like that. Pretty sure the dragon in the past would totally do that to get new human slave.
  16. Nyaa

    Cheat Mod

    Base upon that idea, we could call it Easy Mode where it +1 to all starting attribute, start with 500 pims and increase the chance to succeeds by 30% (code can be found in Omen: Shattered Mirrors) so there shouldn't be much purple option at the beginning . Very easy mode would be 50% so you won't see much red option and black color is the common difficulty. Edit: Oh! Oh! You made the crate! Thank you!
  17. Nyaa

    Cheat Mod

    Cheat Explore: 5X Explores I think five times is good since some location give 3-5 ability and it will be messy. Cheat Familiar Little/Big Max Familiar Training: +10 Attributes. Inheritance: Mysterious Box Copy/paste the codes 10 times so it give 10 legendary item. Cheat Phemes (Ability) Give 10 random Phemes. Probably hard to do, and careful not to get the subskill Phemes from Enspell instead.
  18. Nyaa

    Cheat Mod

    My guess is either you didn't get the modbase 2 or "If using the official DLC, make sure my mod is above the DLC in the mod prompt list."
  19. Nyaa

    Cheat Mod

    An all item mod will probably be too difficult, so how about an all shop mod? You should be able to find the code in Discoveries: Shops. Although if we can get all the item, then it will help fill out the item information for the wiki and finally catch all the item bugs in one go. Edit: Is this for Modbase 2 or the old modbase?
  20. Posted to suggestion. Sorry, that suppose to be 50 pims a week and I thought of 100 pims a month instead but it would be too easy, so I switch back without changing the value. I guess a creature like mimic would have to eat jewels and randomly poop Pop out some random item every week. The item value will double every year and will give out legendary item in year 5 at the rate of two items per year.
  21. Here is some rough draft of familiar and background suggestion that could be improved. Most familiar are base on the idea of being difficult to raise, but provide extra benefit in the end of their adventure to make it worth the troubles and will cost 1-2 point or give you point instead if there's no benefit. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Familiar -------------------------------------------------------------------- Leeches: -2 hp permanently or -1 hp per week. Ability: Revive you with 1 hp in battle by giving you blood or prevent you from going to clinic once per month. Lazy Panda: -200 Pims per month for the expensive import of bamboos from far away land. Baby Hippopotamus: -50 Pims per week since the school refuse to give it more food than allowed, so you have to pay the rest. (Double cost each year) Ability: (Umm...cute and soft pillow?) Langur monkeys: -1 relationship with someone per month Ability: (Fight like a pirate) Beholder: This selfish familiar will hypnotize you to get whatever it want (Random negative reference from astrology effect) until you gain mystery/negation of 11 or finish it adventure with a familiar relationship of 8. Ability: Can hypnotize anyone for three action per month. Doppelganger: It mimic you and causing trouble (Random social negative)! Convince it to stop by finishing adventure or reach intimation 11. Ability: Ask your familiar to mimic someone else and cause them great trouble. (10% chance of you getting caught instead) Rafflesia: This flower smell like rotten meat, you are unwelcome everywhere (Raise chance of getting caught by 10%) and lost 2 charm until you finish it's adventure quest to teach it to make wonderful smell which reward you +2 charm in the end. Satyrs: You...can't...stop...DANCING! +2 stress per week, +1 dance ss per month, finish adventure to stop it. Ability : Someone...can't...stop...DANCING! All negative double each year until stopped by adventure or skills require to stop it will be at 21 next year. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Expensive Background suggestion -------------------------------------------------------------------- Family: Mass Mind Control Cost: 5 Points Prerequisite: (Family: The Secret Heritage or Family: Wizards) And (History: Descended of Traitors) Effect: +1 to two random mastery ss, fully (subconsciously) control of all students in your collage for two month, and Parental Approval + 50. Description: The head of your family decide to get you interested in the way of the forbidden art by providing you an interesting start of your school year by spending massive amount of resources setting up complex forbidden rituals that involving you spending lots of time reading people names over and over again on whatever possession your family manage to get from your potential dorm mates. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Family: Orphan Cost: 2 Prerequisite: (Exploits: The City of Mineta or Exploits: The Society of the West) And (one Discoveries: (location)) Effect: Parental Approval level will never rise above 0, start with 100 pims, Finesse +1, Wisdom +1, Stress maximum +1 , Stress +2, Greengrocery +2 SS, and Sleight-of-Hand +2 SS. Description: You spend part of your life living as a beggar/thief wondering the street and endured the harsh reality of the world until the day when you are finally gotten caught and send to the local orphanage by law, where you are evaluate to have magical potential enough to be eligible for the Mineta sponsored financial aid for the potential wizard. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Family: Adopted Cost: 0 Prerequisite: Family: Orphan Effect: Unlock parental approval, half the parental approval gain from other Background, Stress maximum -1 Description: You are adopted for your potential as a wizard and whatever nefarious intention by your new family. They didn't treat you badly and does provide you with some degree of freedom, but their unrealistic high expectation for you to succeed is a constant annoyance. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Inheritance: Stolen Mysterious Package Cost: 1 Points Prerequisite: Family: Graverobbers Effect: 1 Random Legendary Item (Reroll if value <900 pims) Description: Whatever is in the box, it is something expensive enough to make your family publicly known as the graverobbers. --------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. Edit: Eh, kinda off topic...
  23. Someone asked for it and maybe got it. I doubt player can retake it though, but it would be a nice new game+ if it won't overpower your char.
  24. Thanks for the map! Big update to my threads thanks to that ~ Let's say she fail the final and have to retake the year again.
  25. Happy New Year! Now I am curious how the world map and the nation boarder would be like. Edit: Yay, two more lore added to world of academagia.
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