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How to raise patience


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So, I'm trying to raise my patience skill . . . IRL. Waiting for year 2 is just like Christmas Eve as a kid, except longer (much longer) and with fewer cookies and gifts. Maybe it's like it being "always winter and never Christmas." I've gone on a couple of quests to try and raise it. I went to grad school, I got a job, I even got an Old English Sheepdog familiar and trained him how to roll over (I'm trying to assess what my bond level with him is, but the interface is weird. Anyway, he sleeps on the bed like any good familiar). But none of those helped raise patience. Any suggestions? In the meantime I've raised my botany, rhetoric, and pims . . . just not the skill I think I really really really need: patience. *sigh*

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Well, it can get expensive, but I took up Kickstarting as a hobby while waiting for Year 2. Waiting for other projects to be delivered helps distract from waiting for Year 2. And now waiting for Holdfast.

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Don't raise patience for Year 2!


Use Dispassion! Ignore the possibilities of a Year 2. Discourage yourself from thinking about it or even wishing it exists! And then when it comes out you will jump in your chair with surprise. Like I did when I saw The Sims 4 was announced.



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Oh, but I'd like to "encourage fellow student" right now and just say I'm only impatient because Academagia is so unique and, in my opinion, so much better than all the really ridiculously well-funded games out there. If I ever win the lottery, I'm investing an equity stake in BCS (if you will let me). And then you guys could have whatever resources you want to make the best games available.

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Ah! Then why not take the time to Eat a Biscuit Stick* to increase your passion for this oh so wonderful game and also prepare yourself to charm them into letting you invest in them?


*Biscuit Sticks are an invention of CremePudding and requires a full payment of 50 pims before user may chow down on the awesomeness of the Biscuit Stick


Or come on over to the suggestions thread and suggest some great ideas for the team?

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It would have been more effective if you said EA was making the next Elder Scrolls. THAT would have made me :angry: .


That said, I found the instructions for DF to be really long and have resolved to play it properly some other day.


Meanwhile Torolf, have you seen

insane fan video to Bethesda?
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Well, my initial thought was to say that it had been outsourced to EA: Sports division.



I love dwarf fortress, but I doubt it will ever be finished.


And I stopped clicking on links a long time ago after a particularly bad bout with tvtropes...

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