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Easy way to unlock riding?


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Is there an easy way to inform the riding skill? I'd like to do so for RP reasons. I was hoping the winged horse adventure or the event where you can choose to ride an unbroken horse might help, but sadly neither did. My attempts to unlock the skill has granted me access to mastery, gates and synchronicity - but the ultimate forbiden skill of riding a horse still lies beyond my reach.

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The Cloudy Skies adventure has a riding check if you tag along with Orsi to stop the evil wizard. Failing or passing a skill check should also inform you of a skill, right? And the adventure is also fairly easy (and done in just one day :) ) , so I guess doing it early should be possible.

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The Cloudy Skies adventure has a riding check if you tag along with Orsi to stop the evil wizard. Failing or passing a skill check should also inform you of a skill, right? And the adventure is also fairly easy (and done in just one day :) ) , so I guess doing it early should be possible.

Incorrect: Only if you fail a subskill check will you automatically be informed of that subskill. If you succeed the check, even if it's purely off of attributes/miscellaneous bonuses and you don't know the skill at all, you won't be informed of the skill.

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Incorrect: Only if you fail a subskill check will you automatically be informed of that subskill. If you succeed the check, even if it's purely off of attributes/miscellaneous bonuses and you don't know the skill at all, you won't be informed of the skill.

That's kind of strange, but can't be helped then. I guess it still might be the easiest way if you do the adventure early when your attributes aren't that high yet and are willing to reload a few times to make sure you fail the check. You might not get the most out of the adventure, but even failing the previous checks won't end it and you will continure to advance. So, you should probably be able to fail the riding check after a few tries and get what you want.

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  • 2 months later...

I don't know if the query was limited to already-begun campaigns -- or how new this background is (I have only recently started playing the Steam edition, and always with Touch of Summer) -- but one other trick is to spend a Background Point on Academy: Blackheath (+1 to Concentration, Persuasion, Riding, and three Glamour subs).

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