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Error when trying to load saves


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My game recently crashed when attempting to load a save in-game. Upon restarting, I am unable to load any of my saves due to an error (Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key). I tried reinstalling the game and deleting the Cache_V3 folder, but no luck so far. I also do not think it is due to save-game corruption, since I am unable to load even known bug-free saves that I re-pasted into the savegame folder from a backup. Any tips on how to resolve this error?

Thanks for your help!

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This is really strange - I uninstalled from the Steam menu, went into my Steam/commonapps folder and deleted the Academagia folder entirely, then reinstalled from Steam. But I'm still getting the error, even with the known uncorrupted saves. Maybe I'm missing something that I should also be deleting with the install?

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Finally had a chance to try this out today - unfortunately, it didn't work :( Here is the output from the log:

Parameter name: key
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
   at Academagia.AI.AIStateBag.LoadFromStream(Stream stream)
   at Academagia.Storage.RepositorySerializer.Deserialize(Dictionary`2 contentObjects, String headerFileName, String dataFileName)
   at Academagia.Storage.RepositorySerializer.LoadGameFromFolder(String folderName, String cacheLocation, GameInfo info)
   at Academagia.Storage.RepositorySerializer.LoadGame(GameInfo gameInfo)
   at Academagia.UI.Views.LoadGameControl.Worker_DoWork(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
[Academagia] - [2017-07-09T12:52:21.3620926-04:00] - [Error] - System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.


And here's the log covering what happened during the crash (can't find any info logged on what cause it):

[Academagia] - [2017-07-09T12:50:00.0574418-04:00] - [Info] - System Error. Restarting application C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Academagia The Making of Mages\Academagia.exe with clear cache
[Academagia] - [2017-07-09T12:50:01.1956459-04:00] - [Error] - System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


Any suggestions on possible reasons for this?


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  • 3 weeks later...

I just had this problem where I couldn't load known good saves. I haven't played in a while and when I went to open my save, it crashed with a "system error".

After deleting the cache, I tried to load the save file again and it gave me an error saying it couldn't find a mod and crashed. (The exotic familiar mod) The mod was present in the mods folder.

Deleting the hidden GCC folder in the mods directory didn't solve it, but creating a new game with same mod configuration rebuilt the cache and let me open the save file. 

Shouldn't the game be able to rebuild the cache from the save?

(Also the game should have a "reset cache" button on the initial menu screen. Most users probably don't have the computer skills needed to manually delete the cache.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Legate, I got the cache corruption issue again where the game crashes when I try to load a save that was just fine the night before. No updates to the game that I'm aware of. Version is: 3.0.12

Couple of things that might help track it down:

1. When it happens, the splash screen with the boat shows for the old (longer) time and not the new (shorter) time. 
2. When trying to create a new game to fix the cache, the Omen: Three Suns was missing. 

Also weird is the things I did to get it to work this time:

1. Start creating a new game, but back it out and exit before the final step. (Omen: Three Suns missing)
2. Load different save. Succeeded.
3. Without exiting, load save that failed to load initially. Succeeded.
4. Without exiting, start creating new game. (Omen: Three Suns is there.)

I'm guessing that part of this problem is that the mods aren't being properly loaded from the save if they are not already in the cache.

Also, just a guess and it might be coincidental, but could there be an issue with starting a session before midnight (12:00 AM) and then saving after midnight? 

The midnight thing might affect the random number generator as well, since (anecdotally) I've found that sometimes if a session passes through 12:00 AM, checks that should have a good chance (blue) sometimes always fail (20+ reloads), and my detection rate for trespassing and skipping seem to increase as well.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi there, I've recently started a new game in the Steam version of Academagia and I'm in the same situation--the game crashed while trying to load a save from within the game, and now all of my game saves refuse to load while giving the error "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key". I've only been playing for 2 in-game weeks so it's no big deal if I have to trash these saves and start over, but I would like to take steps to ensure this doesn't happen again. However, I'm a Mac user playing in Boot Camp and I have very little familiarity with Windows, so even something simple like finding the Steam game files is a challenge for me. So is there anything I can do to prevent this problem from reoccurring (what's the "wrong uploaded DLC"?), and if I need to delete any files beyond uninstalling the game from within Steam, can someone kindly explain how to do that? 😓

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@Toast For a short time  there was a wrong DLC delivered with the game at Steam, but that is a long time ago already. Only for games started with this DLC there could be the problem I mentioned as the used DLC would be no where to get anymore but the game would need the right DLC to reconstruct the temporary files.

Legate I really hope once Year 2 is out the team mange to find the time to fix this save game error and the adventure CTD error for Year 1.

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Thanks for replying. I'd be happy to send the log file but I fear I may have already deleted it, as I have already uninstalled and reinstalled the game in Steam. If you tell me where to find it, I will send it along should this happen again.

So to be clear, I have 2 options when starting the game, "Summer's First Blush" and "The First Touch of Summer," should both of them be selected or just one?

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You have to select only one because the newer one contain everything of the old one + new content + fixes, the old one is just there to continue past games. I think Summer's Blush is the new one but not 100% sure my self right now.

In Windows 7 & 10 the log is at the hidden folder ProgramData > Academagia and is called Academagia.log

Have a look at the 1st posting of the link below for other troubleshoot help 


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OK... so I restarted the game using only the Summer's Blush mod. Got halfway through the year, then upon attempting to reload a save from within the game I got a terrible dark magics crash. Attempting to load any save gave the error "Unable to find mod: Summer's Blush" although that mod was definitely there. Following the above post by Rydenius I created a new game but backed out of creation process after the first step. Without exiting the game, attempted to load previous saves. Previous saves will now load properly. So... it works, hooray. But also, do you want me to provide logs to assist in addressing the issue?

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