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Everything posted by Mignonette

  1. I hope he comes by more often. : >
  2. Whoa, well done! Nerpa is so cute.
  3. I hope the person that was in charge of the Tumblr is doing ok. They have been sick for a while.... why not have another staff do the picture uploading and stuff?
  4. So dudes, how exactly can we ship Nerpa to Baikal? The main rule is that you can't break her down to pieces for transport or else this won't be a fun challenge.
  5. Poland's gonna do a lot of butt kissing to get a foot in the door.
  6. One question I have on mind is what protections against leakers BCS will use? This is regarding the full public game and not the beta. Coming from the Pokemon fandom, I know those games get hacked and image/info dumped before release, due to people getting early copies and either playing the game normally, or using programs to unravel the game code. Either way, leaking might inadvertently happen.
  7. Finally drew some doodles that safe enough to not be put under a spoiler! These refer to Stewart's interview with the cheerleader stuff: Not a 1930's cheerleader outfit, but the point still gets across. Poor Mahan! Stewart with USS Ranger from WarshipGirls. I might go back and finish this later on, as I have other drawings that need to be finished first.
  8. Good stuff there! "Deither", not De Ruyter. XD (I need to draw the latter sometime....)
  9. That's tempting, but I don't think my art skill is anywhere close to Salmon's, much less can I try to match his style. Maybe in the future though, if the offer is still there! ETA: My more polished work is on my pixiv. The stuff I have posted here were just doodles.
  10. We need a "General general questions thread" for stuff like beard choices and age questions. This thread is for general questions for VB itself. XD
  11. Another question, how long would the beta test run?
  12. *late* I like big butts and I cannot lie Yeah, I was curious how beta-players would sign in and have their KS Belles already there (if applicable). Like let's say they have 50 backers on the Boise tier. Would BCS have to make 50 separate accounts (that include Boise and the lower tier exclusive Belles) according using their emails, which then the VB account has to be "activated" by the backers choosing a username and password, etc etc? Anyway, I'm excited~!
  13. That painting program is neato.
  14. That's very cute! I like how you colored her hair.
  15. Can you upload it on a site like Imgur? I can't see it at all. :<
  16. Even if it's just one quickly done book this coming summer, seeing VB at future Comikets is exciting. Maybe in the future, if there's enough support for it, BCS can hire translators for the story lines into Japanese.
  17. Yeah, I'm hoping the workload isn't too much for poor Salmon. I'm sure you have other artists doing other stuff like backgrounds and such, so Salmon only really has to focus on Belles only. I'm a KanColle/Warship Girls player so I'm pretty used to having different artists doing ships. As for the other artists being brought in, I do hope that even though their styles would have to mesh very well with Salmon's, I hope BCS will allow a little leeway to allow certain aspects of their art style shine through.
  18. I might get shamed for this, but recently I drew a (lewd) Mahan. It might be way too lewd for this poor forum (but it's not even porn, or else I wouldn't post it here *at all*), so I censored it just in case:
  19. I headcanon currently-being-constructed ships that start off as amorphous ghostly blobs (keel laid down) *if* they appear to the naked eye and then slowly forming into a human shape as they near completion. So they are fully formed when they get launched. Belles are somewhat like Klabautermanns to me (but definitely without the omen of a doomed ship if you see it ).
  20. Great stuff in here! Wrong thread? That's definitely not fanart.
  21. KanColle has Miyuki, who sunk in a ship-to-ship collision around 5 years before WW2 even started. She's very spunky tomboy in the game. She never mentions Inazuma in her lines, so I assuming there's no hard feelings as it was an accident.
  22. Yeah... what's what I was referring to. Oh neat~ It's like the opposite of what this Taiwanese shipgirl game does ("~Battleship Girl~" which I play... not to be confused with the mainland Chinese "Warship Girls"...which I also play). In that game, they give you a personal item when they fall in love with you, along with a rare weapon. The former item is just a vanity and doesn't have use in-game except to be put in a "collection" tab. Can extra vestures be added to their specific Belle as a boost or something else?
  23. ..but first, '39! Wait, wrong response! lol So we can't also build Belles....even though humankind builds the ships themselves. What do vestures look like?
  24. The only bad thing about acquiring Haida in WSG is that she's a drop all the way in World 7. I don't like the idea of putting most of the newly added ships (even if they are weak, super common ships like destroyers, eg. HMS Punjabi) in the harder, newer maps. It's less bullshit and easier than say, trying to acquire Z3 in KanColle, as it's a long quest chain of shit to do: Do a 48 hour sub expedition a total of 4 times. Then do a 2 hour expedition after that. Oh yeah, your subs have to be a very high level for these: flagship must be level 60 and the total sum of levels has to be 200 or more. Then you are handed Z1 after all that. Lastly, pray to the construction RNG that you will get Z3 (and Bismarck), but only if Z1 is your flagship. Yeah... Even if you are aiming for one ship in a game (I heard this from several people who started KanColle because one ship spurred them), you might fall in love with other ships along the way. I'm stuck in World 6, so no Haida for me just yet.
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