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Everything posted by Schwarzbart

  1. How many 1st year have to share the same dorm bedroom in Morvidus? Do this change if the player (male) is a from a wealthy royal noble family?
  2. Would Orso Orsi really let the player guard Ilaro when the later first helped Ilaro before switching to the Legate main adventure during the duel between this 2? For Random Event - Soup I think a Investigation with Field Medicine to check on her with 2 or 3 new exits to get her cured would be good. For the exit: 1) could be brew to make her a soup that cure her 2) bring her to the nurse (or the nurse over to her) 3) Revision could work also if high enough In general I would change the wording of this RE a bit that it can be used for a random friend of the player with the same gender.
  3. @Good Coyoteif the player is in Aranaz (s)he only can take the money because the other exit don't exist for them. This still don't change that someone can change the college at a later point and is in Aranaz when the statue is finished.
  4. Will the statue that was build on your request for Durand also have the name of the player mentioned once it is finished? After all you asked for the statue instead of a money reward for finding and bringing back a long lost person. I suspect either in Y2 or Y3 you suddenly get Glory because the statue is finished.
  5. Will Y2 check on relationship between students before assuming things for adventures and events? I.e. if Joanna and Phillipe become enemies trough some circumstances (demean I look at you).
  6. @Rhialto this bug could be fixed easily by the BCS team, we even could fix this with the old Mod tools.
  7. Have Morvidus some history in gate magic? At last "Seeking Friends in Hidden Places" sound extrem like a perfect fit for Gate magic.
  8. Oratory 9 have [Character & Instructor Relationship]Character/Self/Instructor/Choice of Instructor] instead of a random Instructor, sadly choice of don't work as reward during SS / skill increase.
  9. Was only looking for a thread where I best could post my indirect complain that Formal Invitation is kind of useless now when it comes to spam adventures, sadly I saw to late that it was over 10 years old. Beside freespace despite that I have written something for Mastery in opposite to gate I think I only have 1 or 2 char that learned this magic.
  10. With Formal Invitation only be able to successful call 1 adventure per day per student how are you using the remaining timeslot when you using it? At last how I used Formal Invitation in the past with 1x Cleanse and Rework, 3x Formal Invitation and 1x Rest what now result in only 5 random Adventures is no longer worth it! Sadly both Cleanse and Rework and Rest are needed if your doing Formal Invitation for adventure, the first to increase your success chance with the random adventures and the later to get rid of all the stress you get from the stress bonus you need to spend.
  11. I wonder if Formal Invitation is still worth it given that at best you now get 2 random Adventure calls out of it because only the Adventure in the 1st timeslot appears to work now. 🤯👻 Ups that is a over 10 year old thread ^^
  12. I think it would be a interesting idea that the Academagia lend study material for the summer break for students who announce their will to change the college before returning home and have a good standing with the "new" Regent.
  13. Sadly VICTORY BELLES will come out first and only after the worst bugs are fixed of this game there is the chance that Academagia Y2 will come out.
  14. 1) How old is the Crystal Bridge in the Godina Park? I suspect it must be after the last ban or one could learn Gate and Mastery from it as well. 2) Will Y2 change how CoS / CoF work? 3) Do we see our CoS & CoF in Y2 and if so as mouse over info with the rolls or "just" in the character sheets? 4) Will some CoS / CoF values we have in Y1 will change during the import to Y2?
  15. suggestion: Fill up Revision Phemes 12 & 13, reason is the Orean's Ring that give +2 Revision Phemes max and can be bought in a shop that unlocks with Revision Phemes 11.
  16. I remember some people said in the past that the True Holly Negation Wand is to weak but given what we know now the 10% CoS for all Negation spells it gives is quite extraordinary and probably should seek its equal even in later years. Especial if you get CoS from other sources as well like the 5% my current char got trough a favour from Prof Briardi. We even have / had player who did go for a 3% or 5% chance to gain a attribute in Y1 and simply reload till they got what they wanted.
  17. Planning text say it is Finesse but is actual Insight! Random Event - Soup Exit 1 Success Text "I…. have a meeting with Professor [Character]Character/Selection/Morvidus/Eliana " make me wonder when she became a Professor! But even if she got the Professor title by now it is quite the bad idea to bring up this excuse in front of Eliana her self
  18. Any update on the class list I asked quite some time ago?
  19. Your wrong she did work in a Clockmaker shop the coffee shop was down the street! Also she even said "Do I look like I’m going to make you coffee" !
  20. @RhialtoWould she bother with a coffee shop when she can turn apple into gold and this apparently quite lasting? (the apple you get from her during the adventure is worth 400)
  21. Stress Bonus still have some problems. I had 4 stress and could use 2x7 stress bonus + 1x 6 stress bonus on a Saturday but the Stress Max was only 22! So ended up having 25 Stress the next day what is over the 22 I could handle but nothing happened to me because I put rest at the last time slot at the Sunday, ohh and yes I even increased the stress even more from the actions I did this Sunday ^^.
  22. Actual a suggestion but I thought it fit here better: If you ever bring a other update and decide to keep the old version also there please add a version number to the ingame name so that we know witch we need to use.
  23. I think a check if the player have equipped a music instrument, together with a roll equipped music instrument skill vs X and text "<player> play on <equipped music instrument>" could come handy in the next years if music still will play some part in RE and adventure there.
  24. Looks like the Fandom page no longer have a Admin or Manager listed. Was just checking it out because wiki are now supposed to have a rules page how this wiki is moderated.
  25. Botany Extra Credit Adventure 4a the investigation 1 missing the Success Text. Maybe simply copy and past it from the Investigation 2. Edit: Elvie 03 Pure Luck failure have no text
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