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How to use unequippable items?


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I found lockpicks after using explore to locate the thieves guild in Mineta early in the game. However, they don't seem to have ever done anything. What's more, I recently purchased an expensive "compass" item that claims to increase my danger sense skill (among other things) - however again, it has no effect I can discern. What am I doing wrong?

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You may not be doing anything wrong- unfortunately, some Items are misTyped and can't be 'equipped' properly.


For all Items that have a Passive Effect, you need to Equip them (ie, drag them to an appropriate slot on your Paperdoll.) However, some Items do not allow this, when in fact they should.


In the case of your Lockpicks and the Compass, see if you can place them on your Paperdoll. If not, please give me the name and I'll see if we can get this change into DLC 4.



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Neither the "steel lockpicks" nor the "compass" item seem to have any corresponding paper doll slots. And for that matter, I've just found an item called "gigaplant oil" which claims to improve brewing by 1 but similarly has no visible means of use.


Thanks for the quick response.

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Ah, when's your vacation begin so we can make sure to get it out in time? We're angling for Monday or Tuesday release, but we've slipped Patch 18 out to Saturday, so...:wacko:


Edit: Hmmm...we might have the Patch out in a few hours, actually. We'll see. :)


OMG, yes! I was actually planning on starting a new game tonight (made a lot of mistakes in my current game that could've been avoided with a little better planning :) )

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