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Small bug


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Hey, I noticed a small bug in one of the quests. I don't remember the quest name, but the chain starts out with "The Painting" I think, and it involves an airship pulling along a floating island.





As you can see, the player name placeholder instead of the actual name value. Just a minor bug, but figured you should know nonetheless.

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I honestly couldn't find the typo-thread we had a while back but this will have to do :)


Minor typo in 'Random Event Classroom 9' Running failure (I think) "Who cares who or what it is with the light on? There shouldn't bee any lights on this late at night..."


The first sentence may be alright (I'm not a native English speaker, but it looks odd somehow), but 'bee' should have an 'e' buzzed off ;)

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Research Draughts do not appear to have the downtime that the action suggests :)


I don't think it is much of a worry as very few actually seem to worry about brewing, but still.



Also, one does not seem to be able to drink "Draught of Brains" (was cheap to make though, so I guess that is something ;)) - it may be due to me not getting a "potions" slot or whatever they are called. Regardless, there seem to be a minor issue there.

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Oddly, I learned "Essence of Epinephros" one of the days, and I am not 100% sure where it headed off to, but I do know "Essence of Adrenaline" which also mentions Epinephros. There may be some naming issue :)


I also learned about "Insight Drops" but I can't brew them, nor do they have recipe info. Again, not so important, but still :)

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I suppose a few people do read the newest posts (like me), so a question:


The Venalicium adventure line, is it bugged currently? Or just a very long time gap or some other obscure requirement for part 4/5/6 (not quire sure which, other than I could find no answer in the mod tools nor did a 2 week (in game) pause help.

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A thing I didn't try was raising my research. I think it said something along the lines of "now you got a spell to find and [...] to cast" its late and the exact phrasing eludes me. My Library knowledge was around 8 if I recall, but it may be research. Or enspell I suppose, though that would seem rather obscure. mrrrgh


I'm heading to bed. Its too late and if I don't get sleep I might liquefy. (Funny spelling, isn't it? I would have thought it was liquify)

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