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Trying to add new background


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So I'm trying to create a simple mod, where I add a new background option in the "Origin" group. After I downloaded the mod tool, and all the associated files, I loaded everything up. I can see all the pertinent game data, and when I publish my mod, it completes successfully (generating a .mdm that is roughly 3k in size). The only problem: when I load the mod in game, my new background isn't listed anywhere!


I made sure to set up my background in the exact same way as other similar backgrounds: Under the background section, background type set to "origin", action type set to "background", one of the effects is set as a default.


Am I missing something? Like a reference table somewhere? Please help.


Modtool 0.63.3

Academagia 1.0.0.amo

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Have you set a Background cost? Because in on of my mods I haved set Background cost to 0 and it didn't work then. So either set it to -1 or 1.

A other problem I encountered is if you set Prerequisits its invisible till you get the prerequisit and have canged to a other background page (needed to update).

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I've tried all of these things. Alas, it seems it just isn't meant to be.


I really wish I could open the generated .mdm directly so I could debug it. Just to see if the changes are even correctly publishing at all.


I assume there are no debug tools available anywhere?

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Ah! Here's a possible issue: when I go to create a new a mod file, and point it at the Academagia AMO base file, the background I created is still there. I must have saved it into the AMO base file somehow... and when the toolkit publishes mod files, I assume it's looking for differences between the AMO base and your mod?

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