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An online Ars Magica session


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Maybe then we even have CJ also again with us as he only mentiond that he will be away for the last and this comming weekend because of the Grand Tribunal UK.

For recruiting people it dont looks that good right now because there where 2 sucessfull recruitments for Play by Post games the weeks bevore.

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Nagash overslept again last Sunday, so we skipped the session.


In other dastardly news, I won't be able to play at all next weekend, so I can't GM then.


We discussed the possibility of Nyaa GMing Calpurnia's rescue mission, but the problem would them remains that I won't be able to play. Even with Schwarz around, the possibility of having to cancel is substantial.


Without an extra player or two, I'm afraid things like these are bound to happen - the chances of two players missing sessions at once are quite high. This raises the big question: is the game still viable? Should we, under these circumstances, put it on hiatus?

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As nice as it was when it last we have to face that no one from the Atlas Forum want to join us.

So we are down to 4 player + GM as CJ didn't show up for the last sessions and probably future sessions out of reasons we souldn't make public.

It looks like we almost each time we miss at last 1 player and it becomes to common that we even get down to 2 player + GM what is to vew to play.

Thats why I agree that we should put a end on this game, even if I would love to continue it.

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Hmm, if we are putting an end to this game, I don't mind running that battle royal I had in mind to KILL OFF EVERYONE end this. It would mostly be forum and pm since it's just players plotting and assasinating each other.

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Yeah.. It is a bit sad to see this end, but with so few people a rough patch is very rough so... yeah. It is probably for the best to put it on extended hiatus. If BCS considers starting an Ars Magica Kickstarter again then I wouldn't mind if we gave it another go. (That said we've likely forgotten everything, but hey..)


@Nyaa Hehe sounds fun, can I put money on Baruch now or am I disqualified due to being a participating player? :P




It has been a fun trip these past many weekends. Before I started I certainly didn't imagine we would save England, not only from dragons but also the french. Who would have though! I never imagined a spell system quite like the one Ars Magica has presented and it has certainly opened my eyes. I'd like to thank you all for participating and for running these games (-it can't have been easy!). It was a shame the kickstarter didn't go through back then, but hopefully it will return some day in a kinder future - and then we will have something to present to curious souls!

All in all, I just wanted to say I am grateful for all the time and creativity you all have poured into this, it has been a great experience.

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I guess I can reveal that the dragon that possessed the city was suppose to reawaken sometime in the future and drive the city stright to China for another dragon plot, but won't be happening anymore I guess.


@Adrian Baruch won't be the strongest being in the game. All players can participate. Details later.

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Sigh~~~ I wish I didn't find it so easy to stay up at night.


@Nyaa To say that would have been interesting would be a extreme understatement.


We did go past CJ's expected time frame. Saved England (well you guys). And got married (Silas).


It had action (blasting dragons out of the sky and off the ground), drama (a grog stabbing England's head magus guy with a spear), horror (op snowballs), romance (silas/edith), and comedy (The Calpurnia, Makara stick).


We do probably need to some time to reorganize/regroup as we lack the numbers to be able to play with 2 people missing (hell having 1 missing is automatically bad). We do need to find out if or when CJ will be able to come back, as well Calpurnia. The plan in my head was to do 1 more adventure in Autumn of 1216 over in Scandinavia and however it turned out: 1. She dies, 2. She really just goes out and does some crazy ass thing (as she must see the world through all perspectives), 3. She comes back. As such, I'm in a odd predicament, I can withdraw her from Scandinavia basically whenever I want however should I have leave and CJ appears I would have missed that a opportunity as I might have wanted to stay (PS the faerie Regio I'm pretty certain moves at same time speed, if not time outside moves slower). Yet if he doesn't come well good thing I left before the time connection was too displaced.

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I informed CJ today that we ar about to go to a hiatus and here is what he answeared:

I've completely lost track of the game since August as I have had so much

stress and worry to contend with. Maybe some of us can get together in a

week or two? I'd like to carry on even if we can only play occasionally.

Edit: I'm personal not so sure if this will work but we still can try.

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Well if we were going to keep playing as we normally do we would have skipped this weekend as Baruch wouldn't be here anyway. (I think I was trying to say something but as I re-read this I couldn't find it however you might be able to figure it out.)


It will work if we can all make it (and stay up the entire night which causes a certain someone to find his coach to look comfy). Though if we continue for a substantial amount of time is, well it can happen or it might not.

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Well, I'm up for giving it a go, I do worry for the longevity of it, but if people are up for continuing then I certainly don't mind. But Nagash is right, it won't be this weekend, Baruch had other business. So, are we all able to play next weekend (the 14th or 15th)?

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