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Just cant be evil


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Just one, but unless the letter arrives safely they'll no doubt get suspicious about what happened to it, particularly because they know the only person who'd have anything to gain from intercepting it, at which point they're going to make sure that whoever needs to know will know through whatever means possible. And seeing as how the PC can't stake out the building 24/7 and intercept three trained magic plus Familiars constantly that information will fall through eventually.


I suppose it's fair to say I don't, but that has more to do with a lack of it making sense than anything else. If you had to send a letter that said "this person decided not to have a Mark placed, so put him/her on every watchlist imaginable" and you find out that same day someone stole it right from your Familiar's talons, what would you do?

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I don't know Metis, sometimes tragic accidents happen. Just because lightning striking from a clear sky is unusual doesn't mean it couldn't have been a coincidence! Or maybe a gust of wind just happened to blow a bit faster than usual all of a sudden, or maybe a hungry citizen decided to shoot himself some dinner just then, lots of things can happen. ;)


As for evil always coming back to harm you, that sounds suspiciously like the belief in karma. Not every act is risky though many certainly would be, but if the only one who knows about it is you then it might as well never have happened as far as the world is concerned, unless you have enough of a conscience to feel it by yourself. That means initial risk, it doesn't have to come back to harm you once you got away with it.


Displaying true evil would probably quickly move our characters too far into villain territory but you can be a spectacularly bad person without breaking a law, or only breaking a few in secret and then publicly just taking advantage. If the "good" choice always has a better reward then the "evil" choice it's really a problem with either priority or creativity from the writers, usually the real world works the other way.


Say you find 50k dollars in a bag, no one saw you take it. Return it you get some praise, maybe a 500 as a finders fee if you are lucky and that'd be that, versus taking it and getting no negative consequences for you personally.


Regardless I want intricate plots of greed and ambition, negative consequences wouldn't make it any less fun! :)

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The point of infiltration and spywork is to do so unnoticed, I guess you would need a massive skill sey in the arts of deception to pull it off.


It likely wouldn't be noticed until the day one of the family had a chat with the people at the Praetexta about this specific student and realise something has gone wrong. Which might be a year or five from now.

The better you are at staying below the radar, the less likely that anyone would ask.


I got a student that tracked down one of the Legates secret "homes" outside the academy where he was hiding along with illegal items and keys to security storages where such things are keept. Snuck in past his glamours, traps and defences. Snagged the key I was looking for while the Legate was upstairs and left unnoticed.


Went to one of the secret storage areas and did my thing. Apparently the Library is one of the Legates secret stashes, where he has hidden locked areas with magical guardians. Probably not the only place he's using though.


If you're able to do that, then you can most likely find the right opportunity to infiltrate or cause some diversion or misdirection to get your job done. Without anyone getting overly suspicious while it's happening.


If they figure it out years later... What are they supposed to do? That supposed crime was far lesser anyway and the evidence would be sketchy or non-existant.


So sure, they would still know but you would stop the spread of the knowledge for a while. The shadowy arts of espionage and intrigue are powerful tools, invaluable for those with great secrets to hide but mastered by very few.


You could id it in their home their very sanctum, you could cause a misdirection or distraction for the familiar delivering the letter without it being any wiser as to what was going on. It might find a snack, it might get a little sleepy, it might encounter a dashing charming kindred feathered soul that sweeps them off their legs for a while with flattery and misdirection then dissapears forever, leaving the familiar with it's letter still in need of delivery, so it would go on and deliver the thing. Which might not be what they think it is.


You could intercept it after it's been handed of while it's sitting in a pile of letters, yet again you could go in when noone is watching or cause a distraction.


This however, would requier massive skills in Espionage, planning, raiding and spywork, and most likely Caligraphy and forgery. Maybe some extra Orthographic enchantment to obscure it's fake nature and origin to those skilled beyond the non-magical. That last part likely isn't nessesary, but it might help later if nothing else.


This would likely make you one of the most dangerous people on planet though(least in the long run), you arn't just armed with forbidden magic, you control information and you can move around unnoticed. Keeping an eye on rivals and dangers. Setting up spy networks and informants etz.


Just ask the nearby ants or snake what's been going on, ask them to keep an eye on things for you, offer a reward.

I'm not sure what the point of mastery is when almost every person and animal seems to bend for my characters will without it. Academic interest I guess.


Have you played Chards adventure? There are a lot more of those shady adventures and event's in this game, I love it :)


Point being, If you can trick and steal from the Legate and bypass his magical defences and sneak in to steal from him unnoticed(In his secret, undocumented home further hidden by glamours). Then all cards are on the table, even if it's hard and risky. Most students won't be able to accomplish all that though. It would be a rare few, with prodigus abilities.

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Chard isn't afraid of stealing proscribed items from the Legate.... Then again, after she realises she's got a friend and thigns arn't that bad, she decideds she doesn't need that nasty thing that's causing shock in peopel just by mentioning it.


Kind of like an evil Chucky doll I guess. Which kills poor people. Apparently there were too many poor people she didn't like on the school.


Getting her a friend seems to be one way of turning her from that destructive path, or I guess in this case, being her friend. I guess she's a very lonely kid.

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I don't know Metis, sometimes tragic accidents happen. Just because lightning striking from a clear sky is unusual doesn't mean it couldn't have been a coincidence! Or maybe a gust of wind just happened to blow a bit faster than usual all of a sudden, or maybe a hungry citizen decided to shoot himself some dinner just then, lots of things can happen. ;)


As for evil always coming back to harm you, that sounds suspiciously like the belief in karma. Not every act is risky though many certainly would be, but if the only one who knows about it is you then it might as well never have happened as far as the world is concerned, unless you have enough of a conscience to feel it by yourself. That means initial risk, it doesn't have to come back to harm you once you got away with it.


Displaying true evil would probably quickly move our characters too far into villain territory but you can be a spectacularly bad person without breaking a law, or only breaking a few in secret and then publicly just taking advantage. If the "good" choice always has a better reward then the "evil" choice it's really a problem with either priority or creativity from the writers, usually the real world works the other way.


Say you find 50k dollars in a bag, no one saw you take it. Return it you get some praise, maybe a 500 as a finders fee if you are lucky and that'd be that, versus taking it and getting no negative consequences for you personally.


Regardless I want intricate plots of greed and ambition, negative consequences wouldn't make it any less fun! :)

Indeed, and more things still can be made to happen.


Unless indeed. I'd dare anyone to survive a week as bound to truth as I am without being made redundant or worse. Unable to lie, unable to manipulate, unable to direct, unable to string along for any end except the one I that I know one has right to. It's a curse tailor-made for a robotic doormat, but none living.


I imagine there exist more than a few unwritten laws covering that, though whether anyone would care to enforce them is another matter. As for the writing and gameplay aspect, I imagine it's mostly a matter of priority. The Familiar adventures often have Evil paths, so they certainly can be done, but doing so for all adventures would be a lot of work. Particularly when you account for potential follow-up adventures and outside-adventure consequences, which other adventures/event might have to account for.


Up until someone comes looking for the bag, or questions are asked as to where you suddenly got the cash from. Most could indeed hide it. Most.


Pretty sure that Aranaz students will have those options. I mean, heck, von freaking Rupprecht during his Special Guest adventure. There is no way that that can end well.


The point of infiltration and spywork is to do so unnoticed, I guess you would need a massive skill sey in the arts of deception to pull it off.


It likely wouldn't be noticed until the day one of the family had a chat with the people at the Praetexta about this specific student and realise something has gone wrong. Which might be a year or five from now.

The better you are at staying below the radar, the less likely that anyone would ask.

How do you propose to steal a letter from a Familiar, flying over Mineta in broad daylight, unnoticed? I'm pretty sure if no one else the owl will realize it when he noticed the letter that he's supposed to deliver isn't there anymore.


Assuming the PC somehow intercepted and replaced the real letter with a perfect forgery, from an owl flying over Mineta in broad daylight, the switch would be noticed during the Y1-Y2 summer when Nhordum's parents send their son a letter about the succession issue and their pupil. At which point the pain train comes while the PC could be all the way in Meril visiting family over the summer.


I got a student that tracked down one of the Legates secret "homes" outside the academy where he was hiding along with illegal items and keys to security storages where such things are keept. Snuck in past his glamours, traps and defences. Snagged the key I was looking for while the Legate was upstairs and left unnoticed.


Went to one of the secret storage areas and did my thing. Apparently the Library is one of the Legates secret stashes, where he has hidden locked areas with magical guardians. Probably not the only place he's using though.


If you're able to do that, then you can most likely find the right opportunity to infiltrate or cause some diversion or misdirection to get your job done. Without anyone getting overly suspicious while it's happening.


If they figure it out years later... What are they supposed to do? That supposed crime was far lesser anyway and the evidence would be sketchy or non-existant.

Personally I'm still certain that the Legate intentionally let you steal it with the intend of it teaching old Chard a lesson...but I can't prove that he did any more than anyone else could prove he didn't, so I'll let that point drop


Even if you manage to do that I highly doubt Gregory would be stupid enough to leave the letter out in the open long enough for the PC to do anything but look longingly at it. Considering that he's, you know, the resident Sync expert he probably has Concentration and Willpower in the high 60s or 70s. What distraction, exactly, would distract him enough to forget about the letter without being overly suspicious?


Really big "if" there, and actually, you'll always leave at least one witness. If you go into An Outing... with Mastery skill levels Leene will know about your "curiosities", and if not you cannot actually continue the adventure on the "learn Sync" path without admitting to Professor Vickery that you do. Besides which, I highly doubt the Captain would agree with your assessment that the crime would be "far lesser"...though he might agree it's an academic distinction.


So sure, they would still know but you would stop the spread of the knowledge for a while. The shadowy arts of espionage and intrigue are powerful tools, invaluable for those with great secrets to hide but mastered by very few.

The best case scenario of "a while", in this case, would be "until the start of the next school year". Assuming that the PC could, in the span of a few hours, pull off a perfect sneaking mission.


You could id it in their home their very sanctum, you could cause a misdirection or distraction for the familiar delivering the letter without it being any wiser as to what was going on. It might find a snack, it might get a little sleepy, it might encounter a dashing charming kindred feathered soul that sweeps them off their legs for a while with flattery and misdirection then dissapears forever, leaving the familiar with it's letter still in need of delivery, so it would go on and deliver the thing. Which might not be what they think it is.


You could intercept it after it's been handed of while it's sitting in a pile of letters, yet again you could go in when noone is watching or cause a distraction.


This however, would requier massive skills in Espionage, planning, raiding and spywork, and most likely Caligraphy and forgery. Maybe some extra Orthographic enchantment to obscure it's fake nature and origin to those skilled beyond the non-magical. That last part likely isn't nessesary, but it might help later if nothing else.

Nhordum trained his Familiar to help him with Sync. The Familiar probably also has Concentration way beyond what most fourth- or fifth years students have, not to mention a very strong Bond and strict orders. Unless something came up that threatened his life he'd not deviate from his orders, and if that happened the plot would fall through immediately.


Nhordum's owl does not drop off the letter and leave it sitting there. It flies straight to the mansion and hand-delivers it to Gregory, Viella or a servant of the manor in case they're both out (I imagine some sort of enchanted perch tied to an alarm bell is involved). I suppose you could impersonate a servant, I don't assume that the owl is familiar enough with all the servants that he could spot a fake dressed up as one, but that would just delay the inevitable. In fact, it'd sign your own death warrant most likely.


Oh it definitely would take a significant amount of skills, beyond what an average first year could accomplish. But than the PC is hardly an "average" first year.


This would likely make you one of the most dangerous people on planet though(least in the long run), you arn't just armed with forbidden magic, you control information and you can move around unnoticed. Keeping an eye on rivals and dangers. Setting up spy networks and informants etz.


Just ask the nearby ants or snake what's been going on, ask them to keep an eye on things for you, offer a reward.

I'm not sure what the point of mastery is when almost every person and animal seems to bend for my characters will without it. Academic interest I guess.

Dressing up as a servant and taking a letter from an owl is hardly the level of skill required to be one of the most dangerous persons on the planet. What would make you one of the most dangerous persons on the planet is the level of clairvoyance necessary to pull off that plot in the time you have to pull it off.


Have you played Chards adventure? There are a lot more of those shady adventures and event's in this game, I love it :)


Chard isn't afraid of stealing proscribed items from the Legate.... Then again, after she realises she's got a friend and thigns arn't that bad, she decideds she doesn't need that nasty thing that's causing shock in peopel just by mentioning it.


Kind of like an evil Chucky doll I guess. Which kills poor people.

Have read it, yes. Not a fan, although that's mostly because I'm not a fan of Chard and, as said, it seems too much like a set-up for my tastes.


Indeed. How incredibly convenient that the moment Chard gets her hands on a proscribed item she decides to not use it, right?


Speaking of, I'm also suspect as to the actual function of that doll. How does it qualify "poor people", exactly? Based on what the user says? Why does Orsi keep it around, anyway? It's weird.

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How about very influential localy notable people, wealthy, nobility, with a hint of royal bloodlines who are connected everywhere in society.


Decides that little mastery cult needs to be purged, made illegal and all members arrested. hires a few thousands mercenaries, trackers and recruits concerned citizens well versed in the arts of magic(maybe people who used to be on the cults hitlist, to direct and lead parts of the effort)


Time for some beheading. One less cult of Mastery users to worry about, I'm sure the people would cheer as they are brought in after a the city council consisting of the most respected families announce the hunting season for these dangerous cultists who have long operated in the shadows, open.


Kind of like how Lord Vader marched into the Jedi temple with thousands of soldiers and other specialists in Star Wars 3. Cues the imperial marching band to enhance the festive feelings.

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Daddy, it seems they want to kill me... Can I have a few million pims for some protection?

Perhaps you could talk to your friends aswell? There is this dangerous cult of Mastery users called House Kazus.






Unless House Kazus runs the whole empire and is using mastery on the council consisting of nobles and wealthy people who generally don't like dangerous secretive cults. Of Mastery users hiding in the middle of the city.


Popular opinion? A mastery cult with connections operating freely in the city? Bring the pitchforks! Find their collaborators!

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I think I'd like to write some stuff for year 2 but there's no point until it gets released or we get real info on the mechanics.


As for evil plots I can often find a reason why a selfish path would lead to a better result for you, usually a real person wouldn't be evil for it's own sake but to obtain something. At any rate "evil" is just a word, in practice it'd involve exhibiting all sorts of unsympathetic traits to maybe qualify in the end. I just want opportunities to display excessive ambition and stupid pride. It could also lead to trade-offs where you screw over a classmate to get what you want, with a resulting destruction of the relationship, maybe with tailor made feuds and some of the self-proclaimed hero students starting to target you in events.


At least I think there could be some adventures which were really just schemes to obtain some sort of advantage, doesn't have to be evil really, just morally ambiguous with the option of trying some immoral solutions possibly with a game over screen if you fail.


Also Isadorbg there are many opportunities to either be directly a thief or take stuff that plainly isn't yours.


Fair enough I can't seem to remember an adventure where you steal something but since I by no mean know all of them by heart I will take your word. :)


As for what I would categorise as evil I will go with the D&D definition: intentionally harming other to benefit yourself.


Being selfish is for me a Neutral stand. You don't harm anyone but you help no one too.


So things like Blackmail, Robbery, Assault, Deffamation, Homicide etc.

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Fair enough I can't seem to remember an adventure where you steal something but since I by no mean know all of them by heart I will take your word. :)


As for what I would categorise as evil I will go with the D&D definition: intentionally harming other to benefit yourself.


Being selfish is for me a Neutral stand. You don't harm anyone but you help no one too.


So things like Blackmail, Robbery, Assault, Deffamation, Homicide etc.

When you do that student adventure... Veumae..bah... I can't remember her name, the arcanescientist who accidentaly creates a black chicken in her student adventure.

In it you got the option to steal the specific cloth you needed, she's kind of shocked at your approach at getting the inventory you needed if you pick this one. Still it works since you're helping her.


When you are doing that Vernin Statue adventure you got the option of stealing Bronze from the other student, or ask the temple for some silver... Or if you're incredible at handling imperial bureacracy you could order the imperial treasury to deliver enough gold to plate the statue in gold. Anyway, there are adventures and events where you can steal, pick locks and do all kinds of questionable things. Sometimes I think they only show if you got enough skill for it to even be remotely possible.


Like infiltrating the professors lounge, listen to their academic discussion on gates that gives you the basic knowledge of all the basic subskills. You just need to use Infiltration successfully then hide and use skills to remain hidden and then a skill to sneak out undetected.


It only shows that the forbidden arts are very much alive, they are just not discussed in public but rather among groups of colleagues, friends and people who have some degree of trust in their fellow associates.


The general public is generally kind of confused and ignorant on the issues but most know it's banned for some reason. It must be bad right? ;)


I hope espionage and infiltration skills will keep rewarding our curiosity :)

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Unless House Kazus runs the whole empire and is using mastery on the council consisting of nobles and wealthy people who generally don't like dangerous secretive cults. Of Mastery users hiding in the middle of the city.


Popular opinion? A mastery cult with connections operating freely in the city? Bring the pitchforks! Find their collaborators!

Not quite the whole Empire (what's left of it, anyway), or even just a noteworthy part of it, but House Kazus does run the medical wing of the Council building where the well-connected and wealthy bring their paranoid kids that are dense enough to believe everything they're told. Such as the idea that House Kazus is a dangerous secretive cult who isn't on the entire Minetan Guard's watchlist thanks to the influence of the overly-influential watch Captain.


Further, I think popular opinion would be something more like "a Mastery cult? Call for the (sane and educated) Guard before they Master us magically untrained and unprotected peasants into gutting ourselves with our own pitchforks!".


And on the stealing discussion, there's also a few (one-time) actions/abilities that allow you to steal something from somewhere. There's a...music practice room, I think where you can take a gold bar from, and there's also an action that allows you to yoink a wand from some room the Imperial Palace (not an Emperor's wand, but a wand all the same).

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I know :) I think there is a repetable one with a room full of gold ornaments... I never bothered much because my students ended up with lots of skills that all gave more pims and skill's and reputation on top of it.


In general those Steal actions arn't efficient ways to earn money. though I guess it's more than not trying to earn money. My students tend to endup with massive amounts of money, never mind the few very high quality items I crafted that were worth several thousand each.


I can definately see why Vernin is good for you if you want to earn money.


Those spy, slight of hand and other shady skillsets have other far more valuable applications, intelligence and knowledge can topple empires and remove emperors. In the right hands it's a skill that can provide a lot more than a trinket sweept into your pocket.

I wouldn't mind joining the imperial intelligence bureau, keep an eye on hose Kazus and several other questionable shady organisations shown and hinted at in the game.

It would probably fit well with some of my students who's got very influential family members that are likely active in several government institutions and elected positions.

Run some mission for them to further the family influence, expose dangers to the city, or point people in the right direction.


As for my characters in general, they don't mind helping people, or healing people, but the cult elements of house Kazus was kind of freaky ;) It makes it easy for you to say, I would rather not get involved into that stuff.

A dragon would probably seem more trust worthy, at least they are open about who they are and what they are all about. You know what you get yourself into.

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Really? I know of one gold ornament room you can rob, but it's one-time...eh, lessie...ah, The Henna Ilyon Music Room. That memory it adds is to make sure you can only perform the action once, so I don't know of a repeatable action.


What aspects of House Kazus sound like cult elements anyhow? Well, more so than you'd get at the Academagia or just from associating yourself with practically any other faction.

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Really? I know of one gold ornament room you can rob, but it's one-time...eh, lessie...ah, The Henna Ilyon Music Room. That memory it adds is to make sure you can only perform the action once, so I don't know of a repeatable action.


What aspects of House Kazus sound like cult elements anyhow? Well, more so than you'd get at the Academagia or just from associating yourself with practically any other faction.

Secretive meetings, hidden cult tatoo's, forbidden not really publicly accepted practices. With a secret permission to keep their practices going(in secret) as long as they don't start causing trouble.

Secretive, distant, mystical cult leaders with cult dress uniforms.... Once invited it sounds like it's for life.


Kind of like Joining the Assasins or Templars in Assasins creed... It's kind of something you should probably pass on if asked to, it rarely ends well for you. It wouldn't surprise me if bearing the mark gets you powerful enemies who will sense or see the symbol even when it's not openly revealed. Thousand year old undead wizards with a grudge... Probably about as dangerous as a Dragon if you don't watch yourself and get out of there.


The Academagia is a School, a university of sorts, it teaches you skill that you can use to join other paths of life and seek out employment elsewhere. It's not for life unless you die there and get bound as a ghost for some reason.

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House Kazus isn't secret so much as not commonly spoken of, I wouldn't call "right in the middle of Mineta" distant either, neither Viella or Gregory are mystical (whatever that even signifies in a setting where twelve-year-olds can learn to sneeze fireballs), they don't have uniforms, the legal permission should be matter of public record (broadly, at least), their meetings are as open to the public as they need to be (naming a successor? Sure, that random beggar from Meril who stowed away on a pirate ship surely should be allowed to attend!...not), and their practices aren't entirely forbidden either. The PC can get away with casting the Embrace (initiating-)spell and refusing the Mark with only being put on watch lists. Trying that with Gates or proper Mastery would result in cloistering at the very least.


You got me on the tattoo, although it's technically not required to keep hidden. And on the "invited for life" part, but really, where do you expect to find any sort of employment outside of Elumia Proper where some organization or another isn't going to badger you into joining something?

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Well, can you imagine what it would be like going back to school with a random tattoo on your wrist? You're already very gifted, and probably the top of your class, regardless of what college your in. You help people, albeit in less than respectable ways sometimes. You can seem suspicious,a and if you're like me then you have an uncanny relationship with Von Rupprecht. Then you just come back, go to chill with your homies, and then BAM. There it is. A random tattoo on your wrist. No one is going to just dismiss it as one of your antics, especially with Girars most likely spouting some nonsense about you talking to him inside of his head. Some of the teachers will know what happened immediately as well. If you weren't put on some kind of watch list in the school, then you are now.


I also agree with Metis about the limits of our pc. With a lot of the adventures it really DOES feel that we are the complete and utter gods of Academagia, to the point where we can duel fully grown wizards and win, but we're still supposed to be kids. There is a limit to what we can do. We can chalk it all up to y1 luck, but in y2 that luck has to run out. Plus (because I downloaded the choose your own familiar mod) I usually get the shadow familiar. It will be incredibly easy to pinpoint who intercepted the familiar, if all Nhordum's familiar can remember is "seeing a strange moving shadow"


In the end it's best to just accept the mark. If you don't, then just accept the fact that your life is over and that you are never going to be safe ever again. Oooooooor you can study your heart out with gates and learn how to travel yourself to different dimensions at a moments notice. Sure it puts mastering Mastery on hold, but you'll ultimately be safer.

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I didn't say not hiding the tattoo was smart, I just said that it's technically not required. And yes, while it's never clarified and has no mechanical consequences, lore-wise the rumor about the PC having done something really freaky does make the rounds at the Academagia. Not that Girars was lucid enough to be able to remember any degree of useful detail, but Gwendy's story about the PC having accomplished that with a "Glamour" will...not hold. Of course the professors, Professor Vickery especially, will be able to piece two and two together, so yeah. Although honestly I cannot even begin to imagine how Regent Piaxenza will react. His "methods" that he mentions during the The Cave adventure and the hilarity that occurs during the first Court of Grace case make me...suspicious of him. In a good way.


That is one thing about Y1 that's...well, I wouldn't call it a downside, but it does play down the idea of magic being this immeasurably broad and complex field that a first year student can only scratch the surface of. As far as I remember the only time where the PC absolutely cannot win in a fight is during Carnage On The Field, although admittedly often enough it is clarified that the PC wins only because his/her opponents underestimate the twelve-year-old. Of course the only alternative to that would be to crank up the difficulty of rolls so much that preparatory magic is absolutely required, which wouldn't be fun on any level. Better a really talented and unreasonably lucky prodigy than someone who has to expend unreasonable amounts of effort to accomplish a single thing of hopefully particular note.


...Is the Shade Familiar land-bound? Can it fly? How does he look when he flies? How does the Shade take a physical item while in mid-air? Can it take a physical item while in mid-air? How does that look if it can? I don't know. I do know that it is indeed the better idea to accept the Mark, or otherwise not do the adventure at all. Besides, not like the PC's Mark actually stops the whole "Mastery" thing as it should, anyway <_<. Sure, you can't really do anything while Leene and Nhordum are breathing down your neck, but that's what patience is for.

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For the adventure with your shade, you can have your shade gain the ability to take physical from some weird demon thing. It doesn't do anything in adventures, but lore/story wise it can open a lot of doors with what your familiar can do. As well as make it easier for everyone to absolutely fear you. At first though your shade is completely land bound. Think of it like Peter Pan's shade. During the Shades Ball familiar adventure it is possible for it to die if in an area of complete and utter darkness with no light.


I also wonder what your antics will do with members of your clique. I know at some point some of your decisions are going to REALLY rub them the wrong way, and there is going to have to be some consequence to that. Also, still about the mark, I would think that they'd ask about. Perhaps even ask if you could give them the same mark? With one of my PC's I made them the black sheep and had them carry around Leene's bridging stone. So I'd think that would also put a suspicious eye on them if they suddenly showed affection for a rock (unless it's that other rock. That I hate. May he die a terrible rocky death X{D)


Piaxenzia seems to me like a Chaotic Good kind of guy. Perhaps he was... Iono... Maybe kind of like Illaro and then decided to calm down and become a good-guy teacher.

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They also got this cultist coded language, then we will embrace him, which is code for follow us...

It's not super weird, it could easily be interpreted as being welcomed or accepted. But really, they try their best at trying to be mystical, which is common for cult leaders in an attempt signify themselves as special.


Normally fiction with organised people who are able to enter other people's minds, like telepaths, have strict rules to guard the privacy of others, especially their clients. knowing a little Mastery even if it's at level 10 or 11 probably shouldn't be a reason to break such rules(if they existed) If the PC was involved in a conspiracy to hurt people with that knowledge and plans were in motion, then I guess there might be a moral obligation to save people in danger.


Also, from what I've gathered it seems Mastery and gates is common knowledge among the professors at the Academagia. Sure they might not be that skilled at it or very knowledgable, but they seem to know the basics. Enough to have casual discussions that allows the PC to learn of the four basic subskills for a proscribed art.

The professors might care less about the letter, even if they arn't happy about it, just as long as the Minetan Guard Captain isn't getting involved. He seems to have a thing for most wizards.



While mastering one of your students our healer sensed that one of your students might have picked up an interest in Mastery. I suggest you keep an eye on X so he/she doesn't get in trouble.


I guess it's passed upon because there is no clear evidence, no incident. Just someone pointing fingers. I doubt anyone would want to start a real witch hunt with all the turmoil that would create.

Now the main issues would be the mark and what's almost like a forced invite to a lifelong membership to this cult ;) You might not be looking for employment, or that type of employment at least.

I get what you're saying about not havign to do the Adventure, but from a roleplay perspective there was never a choice for the character since they wouldn't know what would come out of looking for that flower.


I think there should be a possible/optional continuation in year 2 even if you passed on the mark in year 1. Even if it's an awkward reunion. Students tend to need medical attention or supplies from time to time with all the accidents befalling Academagia students.

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For the adventure with your shade, you can have your shade gain the ability to take physical from some weird demon thing. It doesn't do anything in adventures, but lore/story wise it can open a lot of doors with what your familiar can do. As well as make it easier for everyone to absolutely fear you. At first though your shade is completely land bound. Think of it like Peter Pan's shade. During the Shades Ball familiar adventure it is possible for it to die if in an area of complete and utter darkness with no light.


I also wonder what your antics will do with members of your clique. I know at some point some of your decisions are going to REALLY rub them the wrong way, and there is going to have to be some consequence to that. Also, still about the mark, I would think that they'd ask about. Perhaps even ask if you could give them the same mark? With one of my PC's I made them the black sheep and had them carry around Leene's bridging stone. So I'd think that would also put a suspicious eye on them if they suddenly showed affection for a rock (unless it's that other rock. That I hate. May he die a terrible rocky death X{D)


Piaxenzia seems to me like a Chaotic Good kind of guy. Perhaps he was... Iono... Maybe kind of like Illaro and then decided to calm down and become a good-guy teacher.

...Well than, scratch that Familiar off the list of potential Familiars I want to deal with. I'm in close enough proximity to demons as is.


Pretty sure that Sync-wise it shouldn't ruffle too many feathers. Unless you have Rui in your Clique, but that's a personal matter anyway. And showing affection for a rock is an ailment that is completely separated from all Sync-related antics, minus the part where it's a treatment option. Of course if the Y2 Black Sheep pack exists...it'd be some mighty foreshadowing as well as characterization as well. Only twelve and already the kid's clinging to someone s/he's met all of three times as a parent figure? Yikes.


He seems to me like a pretty straight-and-narrow kind of teacher, definitely one with a greater sense of danger than Orsi (although the same could be said for a rock, so that's not saying much). Still, him not teaching you his personal dream "Glamour" methods and his absolute delight at the mention of the re-enactment idea in the Court of Grace...yeah. I have to wonder if the end of The Cave's a path could do with a Sync roll and whether it'd be...appropriate.


They also got this cultist coded language, then we will embrace him, which is code for follow us...

It's not super weird, it could easily be interpreted as being welcomed or accepted. But really, they try their best at trying to be mystical, which is common for cult leaders in an attempt signify themselves as special.


Normally fiction with organised people who are able to enter other people's minds, like telepaths, have strict rules to guard the privacy of others, especially their clients. knowing a little Mastery even if it's at level 10 or 11 probably shouldn't be a reason to break such rules(if they existed) If the PC was involved in a conspiracy to hurt people with that knowledge and plans were in motion, then I guess there might be a moral obligation to save people in danger.

That wasn't a coded language, that was a conversation using industry terms the PC didn't know at that point. And yes, "than we will Embrace him" does, in fact, mean that the PC will be welcomed (if not necessarily accepted). Recall that that's the PC's goal at that point, be accepted so s/he can learn Sync from them, and House Kazus' initiation for all new initiates is an Embrace. And they don't try to come off as mystical or special, they try to be professional. The PC, however, can definitely see the two as mystical due to their undeniably greater skill/standing/etc., hence why they might be described as such.


You're talking about Leene realizing the PC is learning Mastery during the adventure? For the strict rules bit House Kazus does have such rules, Ethics and all that, and Leene figuring that out was more accidental than anything. Further, story-wise it is assumed that a player she catches in that way studied Mastery for the sake of satisfying curiosity, not with the intent of harming others. If the latter she would have handed you off to the guards, which would have resulted in a Game Over, but since Y1 doesn't support that it's just assumed that it's unnecessary.


Also, from what I've gathered it seems Mastery and gates is common knowledge among the professors at the Academagia. Sure they might not be that skilled at it or very knowledgable, but they seem to know the basics. Enough to have casual discussions that allows the PC to learn of the four basic subskills for a proscribed art.

The professors might care less about the letter, even if they arn't happy about it, just as long as the Minetan Guard Captain isn't getting involved. He seems to have a thing for most wizards.



While mastering one of your students our healer sensed that one of your students might have picked up an interest in Mastery. I suggest you keep an eye on X so he/she doesn't get in trouble.


I guess it's passed upon because there is no clear evidence, no incident. Just someone pointing fingers. I doubt anyone would want to start a real witch hunt with all the turmoil that would create.

Now the main issues would be the mark and what's almost like a forced invite to a lifelong membership to this cult ;) You might not be looking for employment, or that type of employment at least.

I get what you're saying about not havign to do the Adventure, but from a roleplay perspective there was never a choice for the character since they wouldn't know what would come out of looking for that flower.


I think there should be a possible/optional continuation in year 2 even if you passed on the mark in year 1. Even if it's an awkward reunion. Students tend to need medical attention or supplies from time to time with all the accidents befalling Academagia students.

Perhaps. Heck, definitely, the only question is who.


That letter would be a wee bit more straightforward and demanding than that. Especially if the PC was roped into learning Sync by way of being caught learning Mastery.


Oh, trust me, there is clear evidence and at least one (lucid) witness to a very clear and verifiable incident. As for being given a forced lifelong invite into the "cult", that is...mostly true, but it's hardly unreasonable. They're not going to harass you constantly or demand to jump every time Gregory feels like it. Nhordum is allowed to be a brewer, after all, and Leene...eh, I wouldn't say Leene has a set job, as such, she just fills whatever roll the household needs her to fill at any given moment and pursues personal goals when she's not on call, but point is she's allowed to do that. Sure, the succession issue calls on both, but that's because they're the first and second in line.


And yes, not knowing what the adventure is about ahead of time is a...valid point, but if the PC doesn't have ranks in Mastery you are allowed to refuse going for Sync, and if so the adventure ends right there. Adventure as written you actually could still do so even if you had Mastery 11, so that anyone who gained Mastery ranks unwillingly from, say, the Sphinx wouldn't be treated like they intentionally studied Mastery. But the team changed that, so anyone with a Mastery subskill at 2 or higher gets roped into it. Maybe Sync ranks matter also, I'm not sure. It's one of the things I'll definitely be checking when the new mod base comes out.


I...don't think Nhordum would trust the PC, at all, if you refuse the Mark in Y1. Besides which, with the succession issue going on they're not exactly in a position to consider the idea anyway. Story-wise I suppose the PC could have a change of hearts, especially when the realization hits that everyone is going to keep an eye on him/her, but I...wouldn't know how to make that work. The Captain especially won't trust you as far as he can throw the Academagia building, which, rest assured, is not far.

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...Well than, scratch that Familiar off the list of potential Familiars I want to deal with. I'm in close enough proximity to demons as is.


Pretty sure that Sync-wise it shouldn't ruffle too many feathers. Unless you have Rui in your Clique, but that's a personal matter anyway. And showing affection for a rock is an ailment that is completely separated from all Sync-related antics, minus the part where it's a treatment option. Of course if the Y2 Black Sheep pack exists...it'd be some mighty foreshadowing as well as characterization as well. Only twelve and already the kid's clinging to someone s/he's met all of three times as a parent figure? Yikes.


He seems to me like a pretty straight-and-narrow kind of teacher, definitely one with a greater sense of danger than Orsi (although the same could be said for a rock, so that's not saying much). Still, him not teaching you his personal dream "Glamour" methods and his absolute delight at the mention of the re-enactment idea in the Court of Grace...yeah. I have to wonder if the end of The Cave's a path could do with a Sync roll and whether it'd be...appropriate.


That wasn't a coded language, that was a conversation using industry terms the PC didn't know at that point. And yes, "than we will Embrace him" does, in fact, mean that the PC will be welcomed (if not necessarily accepted). Recall that that's the PC's goal at that point, be accepted so s/he can learn Sync from them, and House Kazus' initiation for all new initiates is an Embrace. And they don't try to come off as mystical or special, they try to be professional. The PC, however, can definitely see the two as mystical due to their undeniably greater skill/standing/etc., hence why they might be described as such.


You're talking about Leene realizing the PC is learning Mastery during the adventure? For the strict rules bit House Kazus does have such rules, Ethics and all that, and Leene figuring that out was more accidental than anything. Further, story-wise it is assumed that a player she catches in that way studied Mastery for the sake of satisfying curiosity, not with the intent of harming others. If the latter she would have handed you off to the guards, which would have resulted in a Game Over, but since Y1 doesn't support that it's just assumed that it's unnecessary.


Perhaps. Heck, definitely, the only question is who.


That letter would be a wee bit more straightforward and demanding than that. Especially if the PC was roped into learning Sync by way of being caught learning Mastery.


Oh, trust me, there is clear evidence and at least one (lucid) witness to a very clear and verifiable incident. As for being given a forced lifelong invite into the "cult", that is...mostly true, but it's hardly unreasonable. They're not going to harass you constantly or demand to jump every time Gregory feels like it. Nhordum is allowed to be a brewer, after all, and Leene...eh, I wouldn't say Leene has a set job, as such, she just fills whatever roll the household needs her to fill at any given moment and pursues personal goals when she's not on call, but point is she's allowed to do that. Sure, the succession issue calls on both, but that's because they're the first and second in line.


And yes, not knowing what the adventure is about ahead of time is a...valid point, but if the PC doesn't have ranks in Mastery you are allowed to refuse going for Sync, and if so the adventure ends right there. Adventure as written you actually could still do so even if you had Mastery 11, so that anyone who gained Mastery ranks unwillingly from, say, the Sphinx wouldn't be treated like they intentionally studied Mastery. But the team changed that, so anyone with a Mastery subskill at 2 or higher gets roped into it. Maybe Sync ranks matter also, I'm not sure. It's one of the things I'll definitely be checking when the new mod base comes out.


I...don't think Nhordum would trust the PC, at all, if you refuse the Mark in Y1. Besides which, with the succession issue going on they're not exactly in a position to consider the idea anyway. Story-wise I suppose the PC could have a change of hearts, especially when the realization hits that everyone is going to keep an eye on him/her, but I...wouldn't know how to make that work. The Captain especially won't trust you as far as he can throw the Academagia building, which, rest assured, is not far.

Or maybe one of the PC's family members has an accident or incident and the cults help is needed. Which would certain affect the PC's view of them even further. They might have saved the PC's life but accepting to join a cult dabbling in a kind of mastery for life might still have feelt like a big step. It would add a third person perspective.

Just the fact that it feelt more like extortion forcing you to join might have affected the choice aswell. Some people react really badly to such things. Even if their intentions might have been "good".

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Or maybe one of the PC's family members has an accident or incident and the cults help is needed. Which would certain affect the PC's view of them even further. They might have saved the PC's life but accepting to join a cult dabbling in a kind of mastery for life might still have feelt like a big step. It would add a third person perspective.

Just the fact that it feelt more like extortion forcing you to join might have affected the choice aswell. Some people react really badly to such things. Even if their intentions might have been "good".

Or maybe...oh...oh my. I forgot about that. Oops. That's a bit embarrassing. Well, going to have to remember that (assuming it'll ever be relevant).


What? Oh, eh, well, it's true that it's a big step, and it indeed comes sort of out of nowhere if you didn't hear of it before (which is entirely possible, guaranteed even in one of the adventure paths), but it is what it is. It's the sort of "choice" that's going to become increasingly more common the older the PC gets, so really, might as well get used to it now. It's up to the PC to realize that Leene, at least, is asking the PC to do what's best for him/herself first and foremost rather than anyone else.

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I think that Nhordum extorted you into it because he didn't want you to make a mistake you'll regret as a little kid. I mean, we all know what happens to people that practice illegal magic. As a kid, there isn't much the Praetextia can do (as far as I've seen) but your name is written down on a list of people who are known gates/mastery users. When you grow up to be an adult this information will essentially ruin your life. I think he was forceful because he wanted you to understand what would happen if you did not accept the Mark. I mean, his little speech gave me such a fright the first time I played the adventure that I immediately said yes without even thinking of saying no. Then I cheated-it-up and learned how to slip the master's mark and then I began my maniacal laughter and pretended I wasn't the least bit threatened of Nhordum.


I'm still not sure what the shade familiar is. In its adventure you find out that there are different types of shades from all types of backgrounds, but it doesn't explain how they come to be. They just... Come alive. Which is absolutely disconcerting and incredibly creepy. Perhaps in Y2 there will be more information on each of the familiars just for giggles.


On the family bit, I think that "joining House Kazus" will be a super emotional experience. As a person that is most likely not cared for in their household being embraced by Leene must've been way more traumatizing than the writing shows. They are struggling with a weird sensation created by magic, and then Leene is super nice and caring anyway making them feel like they belong more with her and the others than their own family. It would further the feeling if Leene keeps a correspondence with the PC after they return home for holiday

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