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KS Update 63


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*General Grevious voice* Ahhh, a fine addition to my collection.


I love how classy she is. A seemingly perfect melding of British and Japanese cultures. I found it amusing how she and Nagato keep bumping into each other

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I know a destroyer from Kancolle-verse that would be enamored with this "first class lady"...


This is the sort of thing I really look forwards to in IJN interviews: the different focuses in the characters. In VB-verse it appears Kongou strikes me as a sort of Japanese Hood, which given the shared English heritage makes sense. Filled with pride to the point of arrogance, though given her achievements I'd say Kongou has earned the right to that... just mind the submarines. And definitely don't bring up submarines around her. That's like calling Pola adorable ;)

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I liked her. She's cool and good.


One thing I mentioned in the Discord chat was that in '39 Belles have 30ft of limited lateral movement away from any point of their shipselves, but they can go upwards or downwards several thousand feet? I had thought the restricted Belle movement was more of a sphere around their shipselves than a really tall, skinny cylinder.


Yeah yeah, if the upwards limit wasn't very high, Mahan and Kongou couldn't see all that cool stuff from above. So why nearly limitless up and down movement, but such a short distance for lateral?


ETA: Just noticed Fif brought up this same question in the general questions thread. Whoops.

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I thought it was clever that they recognised a special occasion for the first time since December. And I'm sure the Japanese must appreciate that it was Boy's Day (now Children's Day) rather than Cinco de Mayo... :-)

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