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Black Chicken Studios Forums

Spamming Problem


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my 5th email also states that. Ir's probable though, that whoever is doing this has a network of zombie PCs around the world. I wouldn't immediately assume that the person is actually reading us just yet.

Edit: It's more likely that this second IP is designed to partially circumvent the ip ban so that more brute force can be applied to the password guessing.

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Yea with this increase in hacking rate its probably best BCS inform the police /FBI / sheriff office about the ongoing cyber-criminality and listen to what they say they should do. (Especial because the forum users already be informed trough the automatic mails and so there is no point to keep it secret)

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Well, this upgrade is not too bad and so far nothing. The change to the login forum probably threw off their hacking software. I think that did it for now, but let's wait and see what happens in a few days.

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Had to blow up the forum to 140% size but it finally utilizes most of my (non-mobile <_<) monitor space. Checking my mail it seems that I got one about a hacking attempt every three hours (didn't Free mention that ban lasted six?), but the last one is dated over twelve hours ago. Seems like it worked so far?

Incidentally, what's up with the list of...emojis? There are suddenly...a lot of them.

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