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KS Update 118


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Its cool, its nice to learn that Nautilus too had a phase of loving big, grand words. I checked out emulous means to equal or rival something wonder what is going on between Orion and Nautilus

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1 hour ago, David J said:

Its cool, its nice to learn that Nautilus too had a phase of loving big, grand words. I checked out emulous means to equal or rival something wonder what is going on between Orion and Nautilus

Probably the fact that the Royal Navy used the name Nautilus (Greek for "sailor") as far back as 1762 for a number of sloops.  There have been ships in the Royal Navy named after a certain hunter from Greek Mythology since 1787, so I'm sure from then until now their paths have crossed once or twice...


Other than some really generic names like Ocean or Shark, there aren't too many Belles that have so many past-life ships of different navies to draw from.  No wonder "Naughtly-lass" is such a loose cannon:  if it's Tuesday, I must be a USN submarine.

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Orion: "We feast on Duty in the RN, you know."

Gottverdammt! And I thought we'd starve them with the U-Boot patrols and mine laying operations..... zhis changes everyzhing! *hurries to the HQ*


Orion (again): Germany? The Nazis are making all kinds of exceptions for someone strident and blonde enough. [...]

What is a good Nazi?

Be blond like Hitler,
fit like Goebbels,
slim like Goering
and chaste like Röhm.


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