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KS Update 128: An Interview In The Blind


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KS Update 128

Well I can say three things.
1. Project 33 is definitely my kind of Belle. (I too thought she was being asked stupid questions for one, because gods know I've had questions like that at interviews before, and I would very much enjoy dining with her choice of dinner guest for two. The list goes on. At length. Suffice to say it's love at first expression of irritation with people who waste her time. Plus such lovely martial zeal.)
2. The redacted games have officially gotten old for me. Really they were old a year ago. If the game had launched on time, on target it would have been an amusing bit of fun, but as this stage I'm simply unamused and would appreciate if we could pack it in already. I'm not saying they should reveal the whole cast or anything, but if you're going to put a Belle up... Give her some proper spot light. It's been long enough for the Belles and for the fan base hasn't it?
3. However since we have a Belle to identify... J'Accuse! The Tenryuu class light cruisers were developed under the C-33 heading by the Imperial Japanese Navy, which makes them literally Project 33*. Their commissioning in 1919** puts them in excellent position to have met their true senpais such as HIJMS Mikasa, be well acquainted with their age peers, and their position/design as destroyer flotilla leaders would put them in a leadership and instructor role for new and younger Belles. I... am leaning towards this being Tatsuta for some reason. The letters give the impression as being from the big sister, but that is entirely in my head and is at best what engineers would call a WAG.

*In the listing I found, there is two other project 33s. The first is  project  S-33, the Junsen submarine mod III, aka I-7 and her sister I-8. I don't think they're likely the Belle(s) in question for a variety of reasons, but she doesn't... talk like any of the Submarines we've seen so far. The sisters were also commissioned in 1937 and 1938, which would make them "young" and not in any position to speak with the voice of experience to their kouhais. This could be wildly off base, but barring a closer reading of the article when I am not sleep deprived, I am satisfied with my conclusions as they stand. The last project 33 is project J-33, which is the Kazahaya class oiler. For one, it's a fleet oiler. For two, there's only one of her, and for three she commissioned in 1943, and since it's still 1939 as it has been for the last several years, I think we can safely rule out a time traveling fleet oiler.
**There are conflicting commissioning dates for the Tenryuu class, also muddled with "completion" dates. Some sources say 1918 for date of commission, others 1919. It's splitting rather fine hairs in the grand scheme of things.

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20 minutes ago, TwoHeavens said:

KS Update 128

Well I can say three things.
1. Project 33 is definitely my kind of Belle. (I too thought she was being asked stupid questions for one, because gods know I've had questions like that at interviews before, and I would very much enjoy dining with her choice of dinner guest for two. The list goes on. At length. Suffice to say it's love at first expression of irritation with people who waste her time. Plus such lovely martial zeal.)
2. The redacted games have officially gotten old for me. Really they were old a year ago. If the game had launched on time, on target it would have been an amusing bit of fun, but as this stage I'm simply unamused and would appreciate if we could pack it in already. I'm not saying they should reveal the whole cast or anything, but if you're going to put a Belle up... Give her some proper spot light. It's been long enough for the Belles and for the fan base hasn't it?
3. However since we have a Belle to identify... J'Accuse! The Tenryuu class light cruisers were developed under the C-33 heading by the Imperial Japanese Navy, which makes them literally Project 33. Their commissioning in 1919* puts them in excellent position to have met their true senpais such as HIJMS Mikasa, be well acquainted with their age peers, and their position/design as destroyer flotilla leaders would put them in a leadership and instructor role for new and younger Belles. I... am leaning towards this being Tatsuta for some reason. The letters give the impression as being from the big sister, but that is entirely in my head and is at best what engineers would call a WAG.

*There are conflicting commissioning dates for the Tenryuu class, also muddled with "completion" dates. Some sources say 1918 for date of commission, others 1919. It's splitting rather fine hairs in the grand scheme of things.

i agree to point 2 it would be nice to see some new belles

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Sure I can appreciate surprises, appreciate them quite a lot even, but we're also heading towards the three year anniversary of this kickstarter at flank speed.There's a certain amount of charm that wears off in terms of surprises.  Especially considering we're heading towards the second year anniversary of the end of the Captain's Association interview series, fresh blood in the water with some actual meat attached to it would certainly be appreciated by this shark. Throw a devildog a bone is all I'm saying.

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I'm not too keen on whoever Project 33 is, too grumpy for my tastes. I agree with Two's point #2, but you guys already know my weariness on the whole [redacted] thing has been played out to the point of being super stale now (for realsies this time). Like Two said, it's been 2 years since the very last Belle interview and since then it's mostly the known Belles chattering with each other or the Captain. Other than a surprise Kaga in the Fleet Exercise video, there was been no other actual new reveals in 2 years. I'm also not asking for a full roster reveal either, but since the game has been delayed for quite a while, while not spice it up with new Belles sprinkled in every 2 or so weeks?...even if it wasn't planned because it was thought that game already would've been *out* already....seriously.
BUT, I do like how they went about it this update. They focused on one Belle and gave us a few hints on her identity. It was much different than that one update where the Captain was going around to different Belles preparing for a party and there was like....15+ redacted Belles present. Like the Captain came across Mahan, [Redacted], [Redacted], [Redacted], [Redacted], [Redacted], [Redacted], and [Redacted] making party decorations or something, and they barely have us any hints on the others. "Well, this one sub, named after a fish, likes making/wearing costumes!...." "I do know [Redacted] likes this certain poet", etc. So a good balance of [Redacted] and their hints is for the best.
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I must confess I believe that twoheavens is spot on with his theory of the Tenryuu class, although I’d need to do more research to determine which of the two it is.  I have to agree as well that an interview with Kaga is overdue.  I can’t wait for the next sortie, and maybe we’ll get a bit of a preview of a couple others... like Z-10.

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10 hours ago, Legate of Mineta said:

I liked this one, too- it's interesting, the reason they did it this way was to introduce and hint at a new Belle, without the reveal. It may be time to do a few more reveals- I'll bring it up next week.

it's not like anyone is asking for everyone just a few kaga and two we heard today perhaps

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Yeah I think that sentiment has been fairly universal every time it's come up in the last eight to ten months or so, here and on Discord. No one wants the entire box of chocolates. It's just been awhile since we had a chocolate and we're feeling a bit peckish.

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51 minutes ago, TwoHeavens said:

No one wants the entire box of chocolates. It's just been awhile since we had a chocolate and we're feeling a bit peckish.

I must admit that I’ve quite a bit of a sweet tooth... although my favorite chocolate happens to be dark.  The darker the better.  I must say I’m not likely to resist a whole box of chocolates if someone offers.

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21 hours ago, Mignonette said:
I'm not too keen on whoever Project 33 is, too grumpy for my tastes. I agree with Two's point #2, but you guys already know my weariness on the whole [redacted] thing has been played out to the point of being super stale now (for realsies this time). Like Two said, it's been 2 years since the very last Belle interview and since then it's mostly the known Belles chattering with each other or the Captain. Other than a surprise Kaga in the Fleet Exercise video, there was been no other actual new reveals in 2 years. I'm also not asking for a full roster reveal either, but since the game has been delayed for quite a while, while not spice it up with new Belles sprinkled in every 2 or so weeks?...even if it wasn't planned because it was thought that game already would've been *out* already....seriously.
BUT, I do like how they went about it this update. They focused on one Belle and gave us a few hints on her identity. It was much different than that one update where the Captain was going around to different Belles preparing for a party and there was like....15+ redacted Belles present. Like the Captain came across Mahan, [Redacted], [Redacted], [Redacted], [Redacted], [Redacted], [Redacted], and [Redacted] making party decorations or something, and they barely have us any hints on the others. "Well, this one sub, named after a fish, likes making/wearing costumes!...." "I do know [Redacted] likes this certain poet", etc. So a good balance of [Redacted] and their hints is for the best.

Funny you should bring up the infamous Mother's Day Special, and those wicked, wicked subs...


Redacted 7 is probably USS Argonaut (V-4/ SS-166):  Lone member of the Argonaut-class and the first and only USN submarine designed for mine-laying.  Like Nautilus, she started out as a V-boat: the successors to the S, O and R-class subs the trio plan to honor.  Taking the V-boats as a unit, she would have the same successors as Narwhal and Nautilus: the Porpoise, Salmon and Sargo-classes. 

The captain notes:

… I’m not sure I’ve ever seen [Redacted 7] this serious about anything.

Being named after a sea creature, another sub, a bunch of mythological Greek sailors and Lord only knows how many surface ships, she probably suffers from the same crazy that Nautilus does.

And her love of costumes?  Besides all the cosplay the Greek hero angle brings, an argonaut is a type of octopus and can change it's color. 


Redacted 6 is tougher because there are more than one ship that fit the hints (younger than the S, O and R-class boats, old enough to have a successor class,  "We probably should have posted splash warnings, huh?" , "You hit it right on the nose!" and "Sorry! I’m just so excited!")

She is probably USS Dolphin (V-7/ SS-169):  Lone member of the Dolphin-class.  Again, another V-boat.  Despite being the only one of her kind, her dimensions would (eventually) be the standard for future fleet subs.  She had an external bay for a motorboat to facilitate moving prize crews to captured ships: just what every successful, manic busy and rule-abiding submarine needs. :rolleyes:

She also happened to be at the submarine base in Pearl Harbor on the morning of 7 December, 1941... 


USS Porpoise (SS-172) -lead ship of the Porpoise-class- also fits the cetacean jokes , but I'm inclined to think Redacted 6 is Dolphin because of her shared V-boat heritage with Argonaut and Nautilus.  

So there you go.


I personally don't mind a heretofore unknown Belle being interviewed and remaining anonymous, but I think having a redacted Belle interview another redacted Belle a bit silly.  There's over seventy known Belles not named Mahan or Belfast: press some of them into service.

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I have to agree with Two. Perhaps some Belles that have been already confirmed being in (like Kaga) or perhaps some Belles that are obvious picks for being in the game for being interviewed and revealed.

And I like all sorts of chocolates. White, milk, dark, even the ones with caramel and nuts in them

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17 hours ago, Mignonette said:

That's right, plenty of other Belles to interview the [Redacted] ones. Like Hood is a good choice oooooor if you want to add some crazy spice to it....

Nürnberg. 😜

....I'd pay money for that interview series. I'm not sure when Nürnberg became endearing to me, but she's an amusing brand of crazy and matching her up with a variety of Belles promises to be highly amusing. 

Shit Nürnberg and Hood would be an awesome Belle duo. 

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7 hours ago, TwoHeavens said:

....I'd pay money for that interview series. I'm not sure when Nürnberg became endearing to me, but she's an amusing brand of crazy and matching her up with a variety of Belles promises to be highly amusing. 

Shit Nürnberg and Hood would be an awesome Belle duo. 

.Actually her and Ark cause Ark wants to hunt Fascists and Nurn is one

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I jump on the [redacted] train here and agree with the previous writers. The redacted game was fun, but is not anymore. At least not in its old form.

The next fleet exercise is overdue and in my opinion you only get off the hook, because it was christmas and new year, etc.

Interviewing Kaga is an excellent idea in my opinion. She got revealed, now she deserves to be better known. And that goes for all future revealed Walküren.

The here in front of us presented interview format with -presumably- HMS London and -presumably- IJN Tenryuu is indeed refreshing. Although I would like to see Kaga interviewed in the "classic" format, for comparability reasons. But the new one is excellent for foreshadowing. Love it.

On the matter of who should interview: Well, if the classic interviews get revived, Mahan should do us the honour. Or Leningrad, we all know she did it in the past.

For the new format, apparently the host seems decided. Another Walküre who would be suitable for the job in my opinion would be Le Triomphant btw.

One question to HMS Sweeney Todd/ Fleet Street: "How do you feel about the annus mirabilis 1666?"

Prior to all the research by people smarter than me, I actually theorised "Fleet Street" to be the English Channel or the Vickers Armstrong Shipyard.

Last, but not least: "Fleet Street" alias HMS Sweeney Todd, specifically asked for questions.
Here's some: "What is your most and what your least favourtie thing?" and "With whom would you like to share a sauna?"

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