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Family: Black Sheep


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Am I missing something? Is there some secret benefit to using a creation point on that? The only purposes of that family trait I can think of is to increase the difficulty of the game or possibly create a Mr. Potter imitation.

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I love that one. Makes my students feel more "self-made" in an "I'll prove them all" way... and as they couldn't be bothered to write to their family, that's just perfect :)


Though I wonder if I'll not regret it in year 2. In year 1, I see it more or less as a free BG point.

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Pro: you got one extra BG point, for me is to invest on another familiar other than the ghost. If not, you can spend it on a BG that add stat. You will never have to worry about parental approval in future.


Con: You will never have money from allowance. You can only have what you work/sell. Some skill gained add directly to PA so it become waste. There's an emotion from very high PA (I heard) that you will never have.

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