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Reprimand for skipping Hall Session ?


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Surely a bug. I got another like this one : (or maybe not?) after losing my last vitality point, I had to rest and I was reprimanded for not being in class. Should teachers really add insult to injury ? ;) I fyou are invalid you shouldn't get reprimanded after all, you have a valid reason for being absent.

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There is an issue now where if you set Actions in advance, and you gain a Reprimand which would give you some form of Detention, it does not replace your Actions- so you never know that it happened. In Patch 8 (or possibly Patch 7), this will be changed so that Detention automatically replaces your Actions.


You shouldn't be Reprimanded for being Ill, though- that is being looked at.



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I still dislike the fact that if I do get some reprimands up.. that I eventually get to the position of not being able to do ANYTHING except going to class (if available), Hall Sessions (only on saturday) or Rest. I cannot even Study in my own room... There should be at least a few options there.


Besides... having house arrest never stopped me from trying to get out if I really wanted to (even risking more house arrest or other punishment).

I think there should be more options available, perhaps with a higher Chance of Discovery?

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I think it would be nice if Study and Train could be still used then (if the Game Engine allows it) but without the ability to chose a other location then the character's room.

@ Draigh if I know it right as soon your get this fare you bether dont do anything bad because your allready nearly at the point where they throw you out of the school.

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