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thezooqueen last won the day on May 30 2020

thezooqueen had the most liked content!

About thezooqueen

  • Birthday 12/01/1973

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    Texas, USA

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  1. Thank you so much I love you guys 😘
  2. So it's still up in the air as to whether or not it's going to continue? I'm a devoted fan in hopeless romantic. 🤎
  3. I am well thanks. I was just wondering, if Scheherazade was not going to get a continuation, then perhaps maybe we could find out how the stories end?
  4. I just wanted to see how y'all are doing? I have given up on a second year for Scheherazade. but I still come here from time to time to see what is going on. I hope things are going well for the group
  5. I just went an bought it on Steam. It is much easier that way I will do the same for Academagia when I get the money. Even thought I already own both.
  6. File Download Error The password has expired From BMT Micro
  7. I wish I could help. If only to abate my need 🐁 A little mouse
  8. Just checking in to make sure you all know there are still people who want 1932 😥
  9. You really think the dragons would vote?! Elumian: I saw what you did there. lol
  10. You are a Y1 mage, who can hardly make it to class without stepping in someones prank or getting eating by a plant in botany, or some rare beast in zoology, and you want to go face drakes? hehe
  11. I vote we remove Legate's ability to redact pertinent information from us
  12. I said he was probably Asian, Arabia is in Asia. I did not say he was Chinese or anything else
  13. To understand Academagia please purchase the college textbook of Life The Universe and Everything. Please understand this will change at any given moment and you will need to get the new edition and read it all again.
  14. That is interesting to know. That quest that required Bassan led to a book that unlocked Mastery. All sorts of trouble coming from that place.
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