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  1. Hello, so, I'm going through my (slow) first play of Sheherazade and now that I passed the half of the game I can tell that, between the many positive things, there's one that irks me quite a lot. There are several Capers (actually, the majority) that progress through a train of many "white" tests with no rest in between. Now, considering that the difficulty of each test is often higher than 50, it is practically impossible to succeed in more than two tests (unless using the +alot inspirations) because the inspiration cards you can hold is pretty limited (this is especially noticeable after you change your dream and you start from 10 again). This is really frustrating; I just found myself clicking through a series of failures and sparse dialogue choices (that usually do not have many in-game consequences) through the last couple of adventures with the thought that no matter the choices before the adventure it would have been the same. This took away quite a good amount of fun. I understand that with the progression of the game the difficulty of the tests must rise, I don't complain on that. What I don't like is that there are not enough breaks between the tests in each caper (or at least the possibility of suspending and coming back to it later). I really suggest to change it because it takes away a lot to the game! I think it should be pretty easy to add a couple of resting moments for each Caper (there are the possibilities in the stories for sure).
  2. Damn, I just came here to make the same suggestion (crossing the already done steps of a Caper)!
  3. But if you click on the portrait you can repeat the action you just did, am I correct?
  4. Yes well... if you start a Caper and you cannot do anything but click for the text progression and you see that the Stress increases of 8 points without having any possibility of intervention, that's pretty annoying. But for the adventures I have made I think the maximum of increase of stress points I saw was 3 or perhaps 4, and that doesn't bother me.
  5. I actually do not mind the Stress increases before obstacles (unless they become too much, let's say more than 5 between the start of the adventure and the meeting of the obstacle, without the possibility of eliminating some i.e. through dialogue - but I think I never had such a problem), they add some challenge.
  6. Speaking of the journal, this is not an error but a suggestion... the left bar always starts at the first day of the game when you open the journal screen, it could be much better if it is centred on the current day instead.
  7. Well, filtering the unavoidable trolls there are many comments that express interest in the game itself, they only have reserves about the graphic style (which I already commented on in the other thread so I will not repeat myself here). So all in all I don't think the reception is as bad as the lack of support for a Steam sale indicates. (I wonder however how many supports are needed! several of the people commenting gave their thumbs up and it's still far from the goal...) By the way, will you release the demo together with the full version or before? (even if it's true that we are only at one week from the official release...)
  8. Oh, that's interesting, thank you! (sorry but I haven't read all the posts in the forum! ) By the way, will the changes in the students' abilities depend whether the respective adventure was concluded in the previous year(s)?
  9. I was wondering why the clique abilities given by the students are so uneven... some are really powerful, permanent and with no weak points, others are pretty useless or have their drawbacks. Is there a plan of balancing them?
  10. You mean for the skill level 12, or for the favors?
  11. I noticed that, when you ask for a favor to a professor, he/she often gives +n Skill Steps in something (where n=relationship with the prof). However, the almost totality of the skills does not need more than 3 SS to increase a skill level, and considering that one cannot raise a skill more than 1 point at a time, professors' favors often get wasted. Perhaps, above a certain favor value, the favor tables could contain more interesting options, as for example raising two or three skills in a combination of the favor value (e.g. if I have a favor of 7, two skills could get +2 SS and one +3, or similar), or discovering a location (perhaps connected with the prof?), or opening an adventure... Regarding skill values, is there a planning to unlock something at level 12, for year 1? It is rare and difficult to arrive at 12, one should be at least rewarded!
  12. Hello! I don't know if it has been already asked, but I was curious to know if the game has a main multi-year storyline (à la Voldemort of our often-mentioned Harry Potter comparison reference) or it is more focused on single quests...
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