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Dont miss out that some Skills if you realy bring them to 11 (not with just some bonies) have other nice things.

But yes Skillmax +1 is only interesting if you realy whant to focus but I read that some Research Topics also gives a Attribute +1 when you bring them to 10.

Sadly Research Topics at 1-9 are only Lore to my knowledge.

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Lors is good, but research can be hard sometimes and I don't want to spend 10 actions for just one max skill. The attribute bonus is good, but 9 levels of lore is a bit sad (even if I like lore)


Maybe research could help get better results at exam ? And half your research could enhance your max skill (so a skill could go up to 15 thanks to research) ? Or each research level would let you do additionnal rolls (if you have 3 levels of research in ambush and you have an ambush roll to do, you in fact roll 3 dice and keep the best) ?

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Lors is good, but research can be hard sometimes and I don't want to spend 10 actions for just one max skill. The attribute bonus is good, but 9 levels of lore is a bit sad (even if I like lore)


Maybe research could help get better results at exam ? And half your research could enhance your max skill (so a skill could go up to 15 thanks to research) ? Or each research level would let you do additionnal rolls (if you have 3 levels of research in ambush and you have an ambush roll to do, you in fact roll 3 dice and keep the best) ?


Many of the most powerful and interesting actions, abilities, and phemes come from the 11th level of various skills; researching them is usually required to gain those interesting things. View research as similar to studying; you don't get much out of it apart from lore and a bonus at the end, but the bonus at the end is worth 10 actions.


Minor rewards at research level 5 or something might be good incentives, however.

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Today I Researched Dialectic to 10 in hope to increase the Skill Max for it because I haved 2 SS of it realy at 11 (increased theyr max) and Famous Dilemmas at 13 thanks to a Clique Member. Because Dialectic still was at 10 I thought I need to do the research but sadly I only got a +1 to a Attribute.

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Today I Researched Dialectic to 10 in hope to increase the Skill Max for it because I haved 2 SS of it realy at 11 (increased theyr max) and Famous Dilemmas at 13 thanks to a Clique Member. Because Dialectic still was at 10 I thought I need to do the research but sadly I only got a +1 to a Attribute.


In general, I have found that researching parent skills will almost never raise a skill maximum, as they themselves don't actually have maximums; only subskills do. Most subskill research, on the other hand, will raise skill maximums; but not all. In particular, History subskill research tends to give attribute bonuses; I'm not really sure about any others, but I'm sure they're out there.

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In regard to the 'let's speculate' there might be several ways to apply lore directly. If you add more options to an event, example:


Finesse/Incantation: That huge @specificplant@ think it can outsmart you? Blast it with lightning!

Finesse/Incantation: That huge @specificplant@ think it can outsmart you? Blast it with fire!


If you happen to remember what the @specificplant@ was vulnerable to you might get a bonus result... but gneh, seems like a lot of work.

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