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Alright, I'm done reading through Legate's 2358 posts. Is like reading a book about a man's journey to answering the question of the world and squashing bugs.


Now go look at how much he spoiled!


Edit: Added Lines...beautiful-beautiful lines.

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No- what you are seeing there is a magical explosion which tore in half the original Vernin Tower. The explosion itself was caught in a magical enchantment designed to strengthen the Tower against attack, and to this day that explosion-in-progress remains. Over the centuries, steps have been erected, threading through the destruction, so that Students, Staff and Faculty can reach the upper levels of the Tower.

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  • 3 months later...

Just out of curiosity, I believe in the page 1 it was explained that Elumia consists of floating island above Cyve, and that Cyve is to our knowledge, inaccessible. If that is the case, how do they get water? I mean, the larger islands seem to have rivers, but the smaller islands, such as the Duchy of Thevre (which I plan my character to be from in a little project I am writing...;) - and is rather small) do not seem to have any body of water. Do they collect rain or is there another explanation? And if so, how do they get rid of sewage - magic it?


Although they would be more advanced than I thought if they can collect rain. :D

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A curious feature of the draconic magic which elevated the isles is that whatever falls off the island also returns, albeit not always in the same form as it left. This means that as water leaves the islands, it is also replenished. Sewage, as was the case in the real world, is collected for farms, although in Mineta the excess is sent off the sides of the island for 'natural' reclamation.


Although Thevre is shown without bodies of water, it does in fact have a lot of 'natural' water, as well as a great deal from precipitation. More southerly isles tend to be dry and arid, though- in such places they must make do as well as they can...

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No- what you are seeing there is a magical explosion which tore in half the original Vernin Tower. The explosion itself was caught in a magical enchantment designed to strengthen the Tower against attack, and to this day that explosion-in-progress remains. Over the centuries, steps have been erected, threading through the destruction, so that Students, Staff and Faculty can reach the upper levels of the Tower.


Man, who knew the art nerds were so hardcore :o ?


On a similar note, are there any stereotypes associated with students from each College? Do they choose their College, or do those in charge look at a student's rap sheet and decide? Because I've noticed that Morvidus has two quite 'physical' bullies, Durand's delinquents are somewhat uncontrollable (wild child, prankster) and Vernin tends to be where the snobs hang out.

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Avila, I would think is the college of Charm, if we judge by students, namely the most popular ones: Emilia Picotti, Olivia Solari and Cyrus Dawes. That one sticks out the most! Aranaz students strike me as ridiculously ambitious and intelligent.


On the other had, I feel that Vernin has a few rather individualistic people. Yes, Catherine Chard is a bona fide snob, but Vincent Eins? Rixenda la Serena? I love those!


You can get a general idea of the students here, I should think! That would give an idea of stereotypes (but since I haven't encountered EVERY character in the game I will refrain from making judgments)! :D

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Man, who knew the art nerds were so hardcore :o ?

When intelligent literally equal power.


On a similar note, are there any stereotypes associated with students from each College? Do they choose their College, or do those in charge look at a student's rap sheet and decide?

Pretty sure they choose it themselves, but probably with recommendation and advisement from expert. They can switch collage each year, so I would say it pretty stereotypes since everyone would eventually end up where they think will fit best for themselves.


Also, my take on the stereotypes.

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When intelligent literally equal power.



Pretty sure they choose it themselves, but probably with recommendation and advisement from expert. They can switch collage each year, so I would say it pretty stereotypes since everyone would eventually end up where they think will fit best for themselves.


Also, my take on the stereotypes.


OH YES, I remember reading your take on it before! I loved reading the descriptions (as in when you put in for Morvidus):


"As I said, Sally stole your wallet, which in turn got stolen by Yaki's familiar cat, and eventually dropped it into my pocket. Yes, thank you for believing me, can I have a reward for finding your wallet?"


That was epic win.


And yes, Vernin students are competitive, but at the beginning of the game I find that Aranaz or Morvidus seem to always snag Merit Prize I first. Maybe because I'm in Vernin? Haha, as you go on, however, I notice that I manage to get 6 points for a compete roll though; maybe we're just that competitive! :P

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There are 10 New Gods (technically 11, but Aemean is not popularly worshipped), and the worship of these 10 is the predominant faith in Elumia. However, there are also thousands upon thousands of Old Gods, who relinquished guardianship of the world when the New Gods first appeared. Among them are very specific deities, for instance 'luck', but it's more common to appeal to saints of the New Gods for most kinds of intercessions in specific areas. The Old Gods do not answer prayers directly, but are thought to be the guiding principles behind the magical science of Astrology.


Areas outside of Elumia worship the Old Gods or the Dragons, and are considered benighted and barbaric by most Elumians for this reason.

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Sure, here you are:


Octavius, King of Men, Giver of Law, Master of Dragons, the Generous

Isol, Queen of Men, Mother of Gods, Lady of the Softs, the Noble


Their Male Children:


Calvius, Herald of the King, the Many-Skilled, the Proud

Iasos, the Traveller, the Arrow of Fortune, the Swift

Arcadius, the Wordsmith, the Master of Harps, the Gallant

Athanasius, the Wilful, the Teacher of Men, the Wise


Their Female Children:


Iudocia, the Temperate, Maiden Coin, the Kind

Livia, the Watcher, the Shepherd of Beasts, the Bountiful

Rostra, the Seer, the Brave Sailor, the Hope-Star

Noimea, the Dragonslayer, Hero of Heroes, the Bold


...and the eleventh, Aemean, who is rarely worshiped except by the very low classes:


Aemean, the Dutiful, Master of Ploughs, the Gentle

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Thanks again Legate. :lol:


A very interesting group of gods and goddesses here. Especially when the female children are shown to be a dragon-slayer and a sailor.


But is Aemean written in the lore in the game? Because I would like to know why Aemean is rarely worshiped.

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