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Suspended animation would be like taking 90% of life away from the person (still can breath and have heartbeat), not as the 100% magical 'fake death', but both would probably be essentially the same in this case.


You could recast it repeatedly over the year to keep the suspension going.


*shrug* I guess it depends on if you think of "suspended animation" as only like the natural hibernation of certain real life animals. Although your idea does seem reasonable a way to achieve that sort of hibernation.


Instead, I was thinking of a true stasis; not death (fake or otherwise), not extremely attenuated life, but a person's body exists in such a way that their physical body does not and cannot change. As for their mind, they probably would just black-out for the duration, I would certainly hope so if such a state could last years or longer...

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Instead, I was thinking of a true stasis; not death (fake or otherwise), not extremely attenuated life, but a person's body exists in such a way that their physical body does not and cannot change. As for their mind, they probably would just black-out for the duration, I would certainly hope so if such a state could last years or longer...

Sure, negation can do it. Duration however, are longer as your skill improves.


Although it's impossible to make spell last permanently, a really powerful wizard can usually make it "last for a centuries in most cases."


Food for thought: Ghost are in a way, naturally true stasis.

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What you suggest can be accomplished, but not by Negation alone; you'd need Revision or Glamour as well. But it could (and has) been done.


Thank you for the response Legate. However, it does bring-up an other question (I'm sure you find that shocking!:rolleyes:). How are magical results that require multiple schools actually achieved, and are there any differences between the in-story portrayal and potential game mechanics in future years? For example, would placing someone under suspended animation require a different spell from each of the three pillars of magic you mentioned, would it be one spell that that somehow mixed the three pillars of magic in a way that hasn't been seen in Year 1, or would it be described as if it was one spell in the in-game text but actually require three "sub-spells" by the game engine?


In addition to just my innate curiosity, I was specifically wondering if stories of finding people or creatures in such stasis from the far past were possible in this setting (hence the reference to "Once and Future King"). Furthermore, I don't mean just some long lost leader, but also just someone in an average or above-average station in life during the Early or Middle Empire. As to cause, it could be an accident, it could be intentionally self-inflicted (e.g. a powerful but unhappy wizard wanted to leave everything they know behind them and start again really fresh), or intentionally done to another (e.g. to get someone out-of-the-way or severely punish them without killing, though some might feel this would be a fate worse than death especially if the victim was aware but totally cut-off from the rest of the world).


Sure, negation can do it. Duration however, are longer as your skill improves.


Although it's impossible to make spell last permanently, a really powerful wizard can usually make it "last for a centuries in most cases."


Food for thought: Ghost are in a way, naturally true stasis.


Nyaa, I respectfully disagree about your conclusion on the Ghosts found in the game. They are souls that simply lack bodies, but can still to, at least some extent, perceive and interact with other people and/or the physical world. Now my concept of a true stasis would me a person's body could not change, therefore could not feel stimulus of any kind nor move at all. This why I would hope the person would be unconscious if this state could last for a long time... Imagine being unable to see, hear, taste, smell, or feel anything at all. In addition to experiencing the ultimate in literal sensory deprivation you would have absolutely no way to gauge the passage of time, your internal circadian rhythm would be halted as well! Now, if someone was an unwilling recipient (or more correctly victim) of this magic they might not even know how long they'd be in this state, or even that it is actually temporary. I think that would be enough to drive most people insane after a relatively short time!


However, one thing your post inspired is recognition of a third option, neither the total mental solitary confinement nor simple unconsciousness. This third possibility would be a body in stasis but a mind in a ghost-like state of limited perception and interaction with the rest of the world. While still potentially a very unpleasant condition to be in, it would be less likely induce permanent mental breakdown and more importantly offer some interesting story possibilities over what I outlined above... Hmmm

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As you will see, blending Pillars requires a new form of Casting which you have not been exposed to.


There are certainly stories of long-forgotten heroes who may come again via influence, magical or otherwise. King Durand is one such, as is the New Goddess Noimea. More mundane, 'accidental' stasis is possible, but not recorded as fact.


As Ghosts, well, [redacted.] I hope you found that illuminating. :)

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As you will see, blending Pillars requires a new form of Casting which you have not been exposed to.


Hmm, can you tell us if it will still rely on wands and palettes, like the magic already present in the game?


There are certainly stories of long-forgotten heroes who may come again via influence, magical or otherwise. King Durand is one such, as is the New Goddess Noimea. More mundane, 'accidental' stasis is possible, but not recorded as fact.


Yes that's exactly what I'm getting at, the possibility of anything from an Academagian Student finding and "awakening" their college's namesake (or perhaps even better, their rival college's namesake), to a powerful wizard from antiquity (potentially a friend or foe), or even just finding a poor soul thrust from everything they know and love who now has to rebuild their life in changed and largely unfamiliar world. Good to know, I might actually get around to making an adventure story-line for Year 2.


As Ghosts, well, [redacted.] I hope you found that illuminating. :)


Only in the sense that it's further indication of "redacted" being favorite English word. :P

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This third possibility would be a body in stasis but a mind in a ghost-like state of limited perception and interaction with the rest of the world.

Yes, I meant the 'ghost's body'/soul actually, not the mental cogitation where it can feel stimulus. Although ghost probably can still feel with their 'ghost body', the state of the ghost form are seems to be in true stasis of naturally and permanently unchangeable (until someone break it artificially). One more step of turning off their mind and it's technically become a case of true stasis (of soul). /mad meta-idea


Alas, I understand you want something that perfectly shut off every sense and the body stay preserves a long time on a live subject artificially, but we could dig a bit deeper as to understand how the natural law of the world can naturally sustain this form of stasis of an astral being in such permanency.


Edit: Ah, maybe I shouldn't use the word stasis, and use 'permanent' or 'equilibrium' instead for the ghost example as that's more of my point by definition.

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Yes, I meant the 'ghost's body'/soul actually, not the mental cogitation where it can feel stimulus. Although ghost probably can still feel with their 'ghost body', the state of the ghost form are seems to be in true stasis of naturally and permanently unchangeable (until someone break it artificially). One more step of turning off their mind and it's technically become a case of true stasis (of soul). /mad meta-idea


Alas, I understand you want something that perfectly shut off every sense and the body stay preserves a long time on a live subject artificially, but we could dig a bit deeper as to understand how the natural law of the world can naturally sustain this form of stasis of an astral being in such permanency.


Edit: Ah, maybe I shouldn't use the word stasis, and use 'permanent' or 'equilibrium' instead for the ghost example as that's more of my point by definition.


I definitely don't consider ghosts to be in "stasis", instead I a better word for my conception of them is "bound". They are apparently souls/spirits bound to the physical world, and often to very specific pieces of it (e.g. locations, objects, people, etc...), instead of going to whatever afterlife there is in this setting. As to how this happens, I'm less certain and there are probably multiple ways that "produce" a ghost. Although I am almost certain all of them have something to do with the general nature of what magic is and how it works in this setting, even if just indirectly. That leads me to believe that the incidence of haunting (i.e. having one or more bound ghosts) is much greater for locations, objects, and people that are innately magical or use magic. Therefore, while sometimes it seems that one can't far anywhere within Academagia's grounds without (metaphorically) tripping over one or more ghosts; this is not the case for all of the floating islands (Aside: What's their collective name again?), but given their nature they are probably more haunted than Cyve as a whole.


To go deeper into this idea, I'm sure there have been spells developed to intentionally to sunder the spiritual-physical connection of a person and then bound the resulting free spirit (pun intended ;) ) in some way. I'm sure there are also magical accidents (e.g. a miscast spell, different spells/magical effects interacting in chaotic ways, etc...) that can do the same. However, I really doubt that these would be the only sources of ghosts. Even ruling-out the potential actions of the Old and New Gods (think curses), there are a certain amount of "natural" ghosts (to the extent that magic seems an innate and therefore "natural" part of the physical world in this setting). However, given just what's presented in-game and on the Forums we are mostly limited to pure speculation on the details of how this happens, at least from my perspective.



Aside: I sometimes wonder what the Dev Team thinks about the fan musings on the Forms. :)

Edited by Exfides
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Collectively, the Isles are usually called Elumia, if you are referring to the section you are in now. As a whole, they are most often referred to as Azhiamas.

Thank you Legate! B) I knew the islands which were part of (and I guess technically still are) part of the Empire of Man are Elumia. Instead, I meant all of the bits of land the dragons wrenched from Cyve, so it would be Azhiamas. Also, your conspicuous avoidance of the main topic of my post is duly noted. :P


The Dev Team thinks [redacted] about this conversation. :)

Well by now it's to be expected that the Dev's reaction would be [redacted].;)

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  • 3 months later...

In year one I found out that 1 Malin = 100 pims.

Anyway I found this in the adventure where you participate in a battlemace tournament and someone stole your Cogspring piece. The thief demanded 7 Malins and my student stated that that was the equivalent to 700 Pims.


So a Malin is like 1 Euro or 1 dollar and pims = Cents.. Something like that it would seem. I guess it's worth slightly more comparatively since food and drinks in reallife usualy costs more.


Not sure about the other currencies though, there was one that seemed to be in between Malin and Pims aswell, not sure about it's pim value, can't even remember it's name atm. I think it would be nice to have some current currency information for the game :) Or maybe have it added if your character got soem accounting or maybe economy skill, probably wouldn't need much to know the basic value of coins :D

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Also while 10 000 pims might be a lot to a first year student it might not be a formidable fortune to a grown up unless they are fairly poor.


Families with the Wealthy Status are probably going to be Malin Milionaires or billionaires, thoguh the student got whatever scraps the family is throwing at them ;) And whatever they can pickup on their spare time. They havn't a got a real job after all ;) they are just students that got their tuition paid by their parents or schollarships.


I would guess that the wealthy students wont get insanely rich until they get invited to join the family business or inherits their family, one way or another. That or they create their own fortune from their incredible skills and good education.

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Sure- from another post:


200 Pims = 40 Quints = 8 Quiples = 4 Gints = 2 Malin, in this case.


So, 1 Malin is 100 Pims.


2 Quiples is 50.


Ah, so that makes Malin the biggest and shiniest coin on the market :)


Are they different sizes of gold coins or different materials or a combination of different materials and in some cases size.


Is it illegal to melt them down to craft things? In case you need gold or silver or copper or whatever the coins are made of?

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

It would be nice if you can add something to this:




Replacement: "If you wish, you can purchase new Familiars and pets in Year Two, to replace your current one. I can't say more than this."

"There is also already a Ability in year 1 to change your familiar."

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  • 6 years later...

I suspect if they write something like this its probably a D&D / D20 / Pathfinder product. Reason is because the idea started as a (A?)D&D game and with the popularity of the D20 systems they might have a bigger target audience then with a pure Academagia world book. Also I agree e-book with or without a print on demand option would probably the best. 

Still I think the extra work needed for such a book would do no good for the overall development of Academagia even if they could make money with this idea.

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6 minutes ago, Schwarzbart said:

I suspect if they write something like this its probably a D&D / D20 / Pathfinder product. Reason is because the idea started as a (A?)D&D game and with the popularity of the D20 systems they might have a bigger target audience then with a pure Academagia world book. Also I agree e-book with or without a print on demand option would probably the best. 

Still I think the extra work needed for such a book would do no good for the overall development of Academagia even if they could make money with this idea.

@Legate of Mineta: Is this true?

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