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Phemes Effects


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Loving the new modtool and while playing around with it I noticed some phemes, where the Effects tab wasn't completly correct. Since I wasn't sure whether this would prevent them from working properly I figured it would be better to be safe than sorry, so I took some notes and hope it is of some help.


Angle Pheme Effects is missing the 'Increase' in front of Trigonometry and Famous Geometry Problems.

Betray Pheme Effects is missing the 'Decrease' in front of Dedication.

Confound Pheme Effects is missing the 'Decrease' in front of Finesse and Insight.

Disorganize Pheme Effects is missing the 'Decrease' in front of Filing and Library Knowledge.

Divisible Pheme Effects is missing the 'Increase' in front of Identities of Arithmetic.

Even Pheme Effects is missing the 'Decrease' in front of Arithmetic.

Faith Pheme Effects is missing the 'Increase' in front of Piety and Religion.

Finite Pheme Effects is missing the 'Increase' in front of Arithmetic and Trigonometry.

Garble Pheme Effects is missing the 'Decrease' in front of Diction and Language.

Generosity Pheme Effects is missing the 'Increase' in front of Befriend and Persuasion.

Harmonicus Pheme Effects is missing the 'Increase' in front of Natural Philosophy and Religion.

Incompatible Pheme Effects is missing the 'Decrease' in front of Charm and Dating.

Indivisible Pheme Effects is missing the 'Increase' in front of Applications of Arithmetic.

Lead Pheme Effects has Increase spelt as Increaes.

Loyalty Pheme Effects is missing the 'Increase' in front of Befriend and Dedication.

Meditate Pheme Effects is missing the 'Increase' in front of Concentration and Enchant.

Middle Empire Pheme Effects is missing the 'Increase' in front of Heraldry.

Progress Pheme Effects is missing the 'Increase' in front Logic and Reason.

Proof Pheme Effects is missing the 'Increase' in front of Intelligence.

Rally Pheme Effects is missing the 'Increase' in front of Command and Famous Speeches.

Reawakening Pheme Effects is missing the 'Increase' in front of Art Appreciation.

Revision Pheme Effects is missing the 'Increase' in front of Revision.

Sequantial Pheme Effects has Cryptology spelled as Crypto.

Sewing Pheme Effects is missing the 'Increase' in front of Sewing.

Subterfuge Pheme Effects is missing the 'Increase' in front of Acting and Deceit.


And here a list of Phemes whose Effects seem a bit odd with the way the rest is written, so I thought mention them as well.

Adventurous Pheme has as Effects 'Adventurous'.

Air Pheme has as Effects 'Air'.

Austerity Pheme has as Effects 'Austerity'.

Breath Pheme has as Effects 'Breath'.

Earth Pheme has as Effects 'Earth'.

Glory Pheme has as Effects 'Pheme of Glory'.

Heroism Pheme has as Effects 'Heroism'.

Joy Pheme has as Effects 'Joy'.

Lightning Pheme has as Effects 'Lightning'.

Mind Pheme has as Effects 'Mind'.

Minuend Pheme has as Effects 'Maximize'.

Motions Pheme has as Effects 'Movement'.

Music Pheme has as Effects 'Increase Music 1'

True Strength Pheme Effects is written as 'Increase Strength on Self by 1.'

Water Pheme has as Effects 'Water'.


Anyway keep up the good work and hope it is usefull.

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