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Clease and Remake skill check: Bugged or just coincedence?


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So with the new patch I decided to try and beeline for Piety 7 so I can get Cleanse and Remake. Now is it just me, or does this spell fail to cast too often? With Insight 3 and Piety 10, I (from my very unscientific method of just spamming Cleanse and Remake everytime it expires) only succeed every one in three times. When I cast other spells with similar requirements (Revision of skills, Positive Alteration) and with the exact same stats of the required skill at 10 and the attribute at 3 they cast without fail. Now these three spells are all color coded at green, so I'm not sure if its just a bug, the RNG has decided to make fun of me, or if it follows a different method.

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With Insight 3 and Piety 10, the spell should succeed about 3 out of 5 times. I believe your 'dice range' with that is 11-16. I'm not sure that really should be a green spell.


If you use Durand's Prayer Grove for the casting, the spell should succeed every time, because Durand's Prayer Grove gives you +2 Piety.

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