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Familiar Bond Perks


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I saw in the modbase that the different bonds skills have skillperks of their own (and quite nice ones).


However for some reason we're not getting anything from raising these Bond skills, not even the lore.


Now I have noticed that all these perks have as target [Character]Character/Self which works quite well with other perks.


However in this case the skills are not in our skill list, but in our familiars skill list, so perhaps this it the problem?

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This is actually a legacy of an older design for Bond, where the Familiar was not *quite* a separate entity. You do not receive those perks because they belong to the Familiar; but the Familiar cannot receive them either as they are not the same class of entity as a Character. I don't believe we will do anything with these in Year 1, but we could review it if you feel strongly enough about any particular Ability. :)

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This is actually a legacy of an older design for Bond, where the Familiar was not *quite* a separate entity. You do not receive those perks because they belong to the Familiar; but the Familiar cannot receive them either as they are not the same class of entity as a Character. I don't believe we will do anything with these in Year 1, but we could review it if you feel strongly enough about any particular Ability. :)


Ah that explains a lot.


And if you happen to find a way to use some of those ideas for familiar abilities/actions for Year 2 that would be quite awesome :unsure:

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