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A few in game questions


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It would depend on the kind of magic. For some, you would begin aging normally. For others, it could very well be instant.



Mmh... This makes me think I guess it's possible to negate/revise/glammour/enchant someone who slowed his aging to gain the age s/he "should" have since I guess it's possible to make aging faster since we can make aging slower



But is it easier ?


For exemple: if someone used Revision to age slowly would using Revision to make him or her have the age he should have without magic be easier ? What about the other pillar afecting age (Negation, Glammour, etc.) how do they scale if used to counter another pillar in that regard?


If Yes does it scale with how wide is the difference between the "magic" age and the "real" age ?

So if I negate the difference and the mage is about 50 years old "magically" but is really 200 years old would it be even easier to negate than a 30 years old "magically" but really 40 years old?


And are the effect are more drastic ? Say my spell instead of being instant makes them age faster for a couple of days. And the effect in the 40 years old makes him age by one year each day would the same spell be more "effective" on the 200 years old one like say day 5 years old instead of one ?


do this apply to all magic spell ? Is it easier to reverse something altered by magic to its original form or the form it should have in present time had magic not be applied ?


I guess it's all boil down to this final question: If we assume that "Reality" has a Resistance to magic. Does this Resistance lowers when magic is used to reverse "Altering" magic ?


This came to my mind when I realised that it seems that something makes magic harder the more something is changed and how magic is intrinsically temporary (even if permanent is possible even it probably means lasting millenias :3) so "something" (natural Resistance ?) seem to fight magic so what happens when we "help" that something does it "help" us back so to say. :D


Oops I got a bit carried away. :P

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Maybe it's actually harder due to the sheer force of the magical energy stored in the anti-aging enchantments... :)


So a lot of energy might be needed to overcome the accumulated effect.


You're probably right. It would certainly be a bit weak if reversing a spell was so easy but it would certainly be funny if the main weakness of aging spell was that. The old geeser hiding from talented mage Haha what a sight it would be.

Altough they probably have protective magic along with their "enhancement".


But it sounded so good when I thought about it that I just had to share it. ;)

Even if rereading myself I have trouble understanding what I wrote. :P


I also have to imagine there are preparatory negations or something you can cast to make your magic more difficult to dispel.


Of course I wasn't taking into account any potective magic afterall there's always a overconfident/clumsy/naive/idiot mage around. ;)

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Will Y2 retain Y1's F12 function?


EDIT: So I just went through What Happens When You Break Curfew fully (last time I lied about going to the shop because I'm not that stupid) and, eh...yeah. That was...an adventure, for sure. Just one question, though, how long will that, eh...voice stay with the PC? I thought it was just one of the "illusions" caused by the psychedelic surprise dust, but it...kinda stayed even after the PC shook off the effects, so...

Edited by Metis
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You're probably right. It would certainly be a bit weak if reversing a spell was so easy but it would certainly be funny if the main weakness of aging spell was that. The old geeser hiding from talented mage Haha what a sight it would be.

Altough they probably have protective magic along with their "enhancement".


But it sounded so good when I thought about it that I just had to share it. ;)

Even if rereading myself I have trouble understanding what I wrote. :P


Of course I wasn't taking into account any potective magic afterall there's always a overconfident/clumsy/naive/idiot mage around. ;)

Don't forget that if you use i.e. a Anti Aging Potion you also get the power from the materials you used so its not just the power of the old magic user one have to overcome but also the power of the materials.
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Almost certainly, yes.




1) They won't leave on their own at any Bond level, but...there are some things which the Player can do in Y1, which may cause a Familiar to go. Bond needs to be very high to keep the Familiar in those cases- above 5, I think.

2) Folk superstition, for the most part.

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It's definitely a hacky solution, but man does it do a lot to solve the problems of classes actively holding the PC back and literally wasting everyone's time during exam months. I'll probably switch to perfect attendance come Y2, when classes are either useful or where I can make them useful, but in Y1? Yeah...

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