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A few in game questions


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Moved here from the suggestions thread:


Satyric Revelry really makes one wonder why you should pick it up, especialy when the grumy Satyr you meet tells you humans can't dance like a Satyr due to the legs etz. Still, maybe it's not all worthless to understand other cultures in case you have to deal with them.

Which RE/Adventure is that from?

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1) Can we take a test like with changing College if we didn't have a skill as class in year 1 that a year 2 class require?


2) How will year 2 exam work if there different ways to spend your time in class and resulting from this we probably have a even bigger spread in skill-level as in year 1?


3) If out of some strange reason the midterm exam are better for a student then the final exam will the game react to this?


4) Looking at the numbers of students of each class I wonder if Regent Kate Badcrumble will try to keep all year 1 students of her class to continue in Astrology?


@ Legate you saw my PM?

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1) After filled the exam sheet of freespace again I wonder if you can give us hints how year 2 will calculate the best students (or if at all)?

I kind of doubt that the best student will be calculated only according the Honors a student get in each class especial if like in my current game 2 or more student get 6 First Class Honor.

Also I suspect that failure in a class have a big negative impact in how you are ranked.


2) Once again Joana complete failed in 2 class and resulting from this can drop her idea in become a crafter (she failed Arithmetic and Enchant), will this give her the drive to put more attention to her class in next year? (One can hope and if she continue to be only good in Zoology she might have to drop out after year 2 what means no more Philippe)

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Legate, Schwazbart is referring in #1 to how you would calculate who is the best student, counting all the classes together. IE. If 2 students both got first class honours for all 6 classes, are there any ways to determine who is superior?


I recommend you show my gradebook to the team and ask them to point out any errors. That would be the fastest way to find out; If they are cooperative, anyway...

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We'll never know until we get an answer. If the answer is sufficiently different to my current guess, I will release a new version of the gradebook, though I expect we'll get nothing new until Y2.

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True. I can think of at least five factors that could be used as tie-breakers: Higher result on the Kaliri exam; higher relationship total with class professors; higher study levels total; higher/lower Extra Credit total (an honest argument could be made for both); PC being given preference over NPCs and NPCs duking it out with just a 1d10 or what have you.

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Basia is a poser, mostly. sure she *wants* to be #1, but even if she managed to get the top student to fall from grace, it doesn't matter if she's not #2.


And if she tries that stuff on me, well, I hope she has Preparation H.

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In my recent game Basia wasn't that bad as she was best in Calligraphy and Geography!

Even in Arithmetic, History and Revision she was in the top 10 of the class. Maybe she have to drop Negation for a subject that suit her more as place 21 don't look good for a student aim to be the best.

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Then again, it's arguable that Basia only cares about Aranaz classes. It's moot in my case since I'd still be competing with her, but it would explain those cases where she doesn't do spectacularly.


Legate, in terms of just the Y1 classes... Would you say that the pillar classes are more difficult than the remaining classes? Would there be more prestige to focusing on pillar classes?

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I actual hope we will see the first drop outs in year 2 but that means that BCS must get the AI, Skills thought & unlocked in class, Exam mechanic and detention mechanic balanced so it not get to many.

Also depending on the grading system you might see some drop out each year just because they are the weakest in their core class.


Back to questions:


1) From how many different class will we be able to pick our 6 class according to the current planning?

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1) Are there any mage of legends (or hopefully in "recorded" history) that are famous for having mastered all pillars of Magic ?


I would assume it is possible in theory if someone as a lot of time to dedicate and since talented Mages have a lot of time to spare... .


2) what is the known record of how long a mage managed to extend his life until dying ?


3) Not sure if already asked but is there a concept of "lichdom" in the setting (immortal undeath basically) or not ?


4) Related to 3) are Vampire immortal ?

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