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A few in game questions


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Ah shame, would have been a hilarious moment when a spell collide with a negated person to the surprise of both.

Has there ever been outside invasions of Elumia? Like an Mongolian invasion expy or even Elumian invasions such as the Great Heathen Army of the Danes.

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2) Can the player become a (research) assistant to a professor in year 2 beside of taking a extra class?


3) Are there rules in place how many assistant a Professor, Regent and the Legate can claim from the Students and what they can offer them for becoming an assistant?


@glowboa the actual might of your noble family depend on the wealth level you take but effective our characters will never become a ruler unless they marry the 1st son or daughter of a other noble family. (Natural you also could kill all other siblings but you have to do so in a way that other not find out it was you)

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I am pretty sure that would be a quick way for the family to die out really quick especially to acts of God. I mean the goal is to ensure that the land is pass down whole from one generation to the next and sole survivor successions tend to have the entire family wipe each other out.

Speaking of Nobles, are there Knights Errants who travel around attempting to stop evil no matter where. or at least novels about the concept (because lets face it. Most nobles are jerks)

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Are there any notable theater troupes roaming around Elumia that is well regarded? I mean I know some towns hate carnivals entering their local area. Also could we get a carnie type of background sometime in the future? Though I suppose a sky pirate would be close enough.

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