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A few in game questions


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1. Will y2 have instructors and students relation max be increased to 20?

2. Will there be ways to stop relation decrease with students like let's say a passive at befreind 20 or is there going to be relation decrease always with everyone 

3. How does relation decrease work? Only during summer each month or each month starting in y2?

4.i heard that relations with people of your college stay the same, does this go for the summer months as well or just during the school year?

5. How much relation decay per month?

6. Will y2 end at the end of the school year or will it end at the end of y2 summer?

Edit:7. Am I right to assume that due to the multiple times gates and mastery were banned over long period of time,   Has affected the mages within this pillars of magic to become more discreet and thus have become more secretive and cunning and always are ready for another ban or unban? 

Secret societys which have been formed since the first bans on gate and mastery............... Certainly interest me.........

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If the item has the 'illegal' tag, it will be confiscated if you attract the attention of a professor. This could be because you're carrying a small library to class. Or It could be because you are caught in a place where you have no visitation rights. It's up to you to be aware of this and not carry around such things when you are doing something questionable.

Such Illegal items are things like The Wand of Insanity, The Book of Deep Shadows, and my personal favorite, chocolate cake*.


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Hey legate

1. During summer, would one get something like six actions because their are no rules or academy stating they have to go to bed or is it still 4 slots during summer?

2. Is it possible to add more time slots through adventures or other thing you do in y2 or is there an engine limitation?

3 if 2 is redacted then could the the team still add something like it or is it engine limitations?


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1) if we have timeslots during the summer-holiday then its probably just 4 slots per day but without the mentioned cost for using the 4. time slot.

2) To use the 4. timeslot already come at a cost.

3) I personal doubt that we will get access to more timeslot without hacking the game. (but there is always the way that you can create an ability that works like 2 ability)


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Well that was quick, just 1. MOre question

1. Could you comment on the relationship between Lambert cobo and I think his rival ayami courer...... I think, I ask this because I saw a really cool page where you talked about why milena hates on Zoe and how they could be potential friends with the interference of a certain someone, thought it to be really cool if the team could comment on the one sided rivelry of ayemi courer and Lambert cobo. Wondering if there is some cool reason if for why ayami considers Lambert to be his rival besides the “ oh he’s sneaky, I’m a wanna be edgy sneak guy so your my rival” reason. Played Lambarts adventure but not ayamis though

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@Raydestroyer: I never saw it that way - I rather think that Prudence and Badcrumble are both being revealed in that scene to be willful women who are willing to do almost anything that they can in order to do what they think is right - even when others do not understand why they behave the way that they do. As for hints about Prudence, I see the scene as evidence that Prudence needs confidence from some source before she can excel - and that Badcrumble, by being a willful woman who is not a tomboy (subjected, presumably to stereotypes about tomboys) may be giving Prudence confidence. Not that I have anything against tomboys, but some lore that was cutted from the game but is in the files reveals that Prudence feels insecure about, among other things, being seen as a tomboy. I suspect that Prudence may be associated with pirates and may (on a darker note) have some form of fetal alcohol syndrome.

@Legate of Mineta: Among the Cassetans, is Chorian kept as a liturgical or technical or prestige language, akin to Sumerian in Mesopotamia after the collapse of the Ur III dynasty? By this I mean to ask whether it maintains prestige among Cassetan elites despite a lack of contact with native Chorian speakers for millennia due to associations with past glories.

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