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Mystery of the Sphynx


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I beat the Sphinx, but instead of getting 3 skills up one step up, I only get one of the 3 listed up one point. What am I missing?


On another issue: Can you teach yourself in 3 different areas? I tried once and only got 1 skill increased. Perhaps it is relaed to the above item as well.





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First, to confirm- please make sure that you are using the latest patch. If you press F12 in game you should see the version as In early patches there was a problem with the Sphinx which removed some effects.


Next, you can only gain 1 Skill Level per Action- is it possible that you've exceeded the number of Skill Steps needed to level?


Let me know, and thanks!

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Melnemar; should close the error on the Sphinx, but you can get Patch 16 here, if you like:




Please double-check the Skill Steps needed the next time you use the Sphinx- you should only be able to get 1 Skill Level per use of that Ability, so if you choose the same Skill, for instance, 3 times- but it only needs 1 Skill Step to level, the extra Skill Steps are lost.


You should definitely be able to train yourself in 3 different areas- I'll double check that in our test game, to see if it is an issue.



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Wait, three skills selected? I thought the sphinx gave you one skill increase of your choice and then several random skill increases? Further, if you fail the sphinx's test of wit, you only get a random skill increase.

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