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How to publish Official Content?


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I've tried publishing a mod as Official Content so I can test it after only one day rather than two or three, but the Background won't show up. (It also won't show up as a selectable mod, in case it should!)


Here's my steps:


1. Opened the Mod Tool

2. Open Mod: AcademagiaModBase2.amm

3. Rename under Properties, Make Mod Changes

4. Close the Mod Tool, Re-Open

5. Transform Mod to Official Content (Saved as AcademagiaModBase2.amo)

6. Close the Mod Tool, Re-Open

7. Publish Official Content (Saved as Academagia.odm)

8. Copy Academagia.odm to OfficialContent folder

9. Boot up Academagia to start testing, but no new Mod in the list and the new Background isn't showing up (Did not select any mods)

10. Copy Academagia.odm to Mods folder

11. Boot up Academagia to start testing, but no new Mod in the list and the new Background isn't showing up

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Now this is strange timing. I just asked this question yesterday! The odm is actually a compressed file, so you can extract it like a rar or zip. Simply extract to the Official Content folder and you're set. I'd make a backup of that folder first though.

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Here's what I've done in the past with my mod (never had a problem). It's probably copy/pasted from a previous post on this forum.


1) You opened Mod Base and changed a few things. (File -> Open Mod.)(File -> Properties and name your Mod.)

2) You then closed the Mod Tools and reopened them.

3) You navigated to Tools - Publish Mod and choose your mod (AcademagiaModBase2.amm) and pressed 'Open'.

4) You then selected Academagia 1.0.0.amo and chose 'Open'.

5) Finally, you typed in the name of your Mod and chose 'Save'.

Give your computer lots of time (6+ hours), as it checks exhaustively your mod against the official content

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@zelefis - Oh that is toooo funny, I thought I looked and didn't even see your post! It's packed. That makes instructions I saw about "unzip it" make a whoooooole lot more sense...


Oh, and @wiz650: my computer is old... and slow... and needs to go to work with me each day, thought it'd take me a couple to publish a mod. Official content or nothing, for me!



Quest Complete! Installed 7zip and sure enough, it's unpackable! Now I found out that you can only choose one negative background option (I tried to give back lots of points for two of them and wanted to try both). But I can fix that!


Thanks again for your quick answer :)

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