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Discovering new skills


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So I've been squeezing the game for all the replay value it's worth - basically by creating tons of different characters to get different adventures (I'm honestly awed by the sheer amount of variation. Major kudos for that.)


HOWEVER, a small detail had derailed my crazy replay train, and that is the cruel, heartless mechanism which decides what skills you're gonna randomly discover. I've been having fun following an adventure line, and bang! You need a good spy skillset to continue. Oh, you only have the Lie and Hide sub skills? Too bad, so sad. No adventure for you! So I run off to a different adventure, hoping the other skills will randomly reveal themselves, only to once again run head first into the wall-of-missing-subskills. This is incredibly frustrating, and takes alot of fun out of the game - I once ended up not doing anything but training for four months, because I lacked the sub skills to continue any interesting adventures!


Is the anyway (other then desperately spamming Joie de Vivre) to learn unknown skills?

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The easiest method is to go on one of those Adventures and simply fail the Exit with the Skill you are interested in. When you fail, you automatically learn about the Skill- this is true for Random Events, as well, so you can always strategically choose to try something beyond you to learn all about it. :)

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Yes, I've noticed that happy occurrence. You guys really think about everything! sadly, it's seems once you've gone far on the adventure line, the game stars snobbing you and if you fail the skill roll, it won't teach you your missing subskill, Oh no. It will just throws a stress point at you and sneer. I can hear it,the smug little thing.


By the way, about the color-coded-for-your-convenience method: are black-colored option better then red? (although non of them is very good, I suppose) And is it possible to fail a green option (it happened, and I wonder if it's a bug. Not to mention sometime you get... unexpected result from your seemingly safe option. The Magic Moment, indeed *burns with shame*)


EDIT: Oh, I think I wasn't specific enough. The check I'm trying to pass is for the parent skill Spy, and I only have Hide and Lie, therefore, the game won't teach me the missing sub skill, though I suppose it would have reduced my parent skill if it could. Any way I can discover that missing sub skill beside praying to the d20 gods?

p.s. that particular adventure has some bugs in the text, switching between the respective texts for a female and male PC. That was confusing before I caught on, and made me wonder how a male PC would have embarrassed himself. Does it also involves a corset? Please say yes!

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Thanks for that- can you tell me which adventure it is in particular? You can most easily see the Title by pressing F12 in game.


Black is better than Red. ;)


For Parent Skills, you are correct- there is no way to get the Sub-Skills conveniently for that. We have a good solution in Year 2 for this, and we'll see if we can apply it backwards in an upcoming Patch. No ETA, though. :)

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Damn! Now I'll never solve the mystery of the ghost battle at fancy-restaurant-with-fancy-name! Woe is me.


The text confusion is in the Magical Musical Contest line. It happens as soon as you meet the boy/girl in the restaurant. The highly suspicious boy\girl with suspicious medallion *ponders*. Stupid Spy skills *grumbles* I bet that pretty boy is up to no good. I'm so gonna do that adventure with a new character. I shall prevail!


Thank you for the quick feedback, by the way. I really appreciate it! This game is has to be the most in depth game I ran into in all my years of RPGing, including Planescape torment.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Spend a weekend casting Cleanse and Remake and you might even not fail those exits. Success reveals skills as well as failure!


Also, I don't think this game is quite as deep as Planescape: Torment yet.

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