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About Purchasing..

Mr. Riddler

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Firstly, I just want to say that this game is truly refreshing. It is so nice to have something nice and non-gory to play, not to mention it's a creative game to boot. But I have just one tiny problem that is stopping me from clicking the little purchase button..


I have a home computer that is perfectly able to run this. But the emphasis is on -home-, you see. I have to use a public computer to access the internet currently. So, I was just wandering if the site's own purchase button was a purchase of the digital kind?


That seems a bit vague to me, so I guess I'll elaborate. I wanted to purchase direct, not via a client like Impulse, and I wasn't sure if it'd than give me something like.. An install executable or whatever, once I've paid and all. Sorry if this is a really basic and (heaven forbid) already-answered question!


Either way, I look forward to a response. Really, all I want to know is that if I purchase it here then I'll be able to somehow transfer it to my home computer. Or will I have to wait until I can afford internet again?


Thank you for your help!

Mr. Riddler

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Thank you for the quick reply!


I have, however, run into one small hitch. The paypal screen will load and all, but I cannot click "pay now" until I review my information concerning the street address and such things. The button will then appear.


This is the problem bit though: I click the button and the page immediately refreshes, looking just as it did before I clicked "pay." The only difference is that the button is no longer obscured, meaning I don't have to review my street address and all that. Do I merely need to click on "pay now" again, or perhaps I am just being impatient?


So sorry to keep this thread going, especially if it doesn't really belong here. Again, thank you for the future help and such an excellent game. I can't wait to play!


Mr. Riddler

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