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Possible bug in adventure?


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I was playing as a student in Durand, doing the 'Seeking Perfection in Honors' adventure. I had the calender open and was picking it out of the other adventure options when I saw that it was purple. So I saved the game, in case the quest terminated at failure, but after saving I couldn't find the adventure in the list anymore. I'm not sure if this is a bug or save corruption

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I'm not quite clear on the timing- you mentioned that you saved it? Did you close out of the Adventure, or terminate the game in another fashion? The save/load menu is disabled during Adventures (except for the very earliest versions of the game- are you fully patched?), so I am not sure what you mean.


Let me know, and thanks!

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Dear Legate,



I apologize, I should've been clearer. I'm patched to upto patch 38. I picked the option of following the man in the adventure 'Seeking Perfection in Honors', and passed the next event (the one that has a role vs the character sub skill). After that, when I was picking that adventure out of the adventure menu (on the following day) I saw the option was purpled, so I decided to save and then attempt it so that I could find the skills needed for the next part. This was before I validated the orders for that day. After saving, I chose the adventure action and tried to find that adventure again but it was no longer there. I tried reloading to an earlier save and repeating the process just in case but the same thing happened everytime-that adventure would disappear off the adventure menu if I chose to follow the man. I had also started on an adventure for another clique member at the time so I was wondering if that affects it as well.


Later I tried to do the adventure chain by choosing to follow the woman and nothing of this sort occured. Does following the man automatically end that adventure chain?


Many thanks.


P.S Appreciate your quick response.


P.P.S Awesome game

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That doesn't sound like correct behavior at all. Two quick questions:


1) Which Spells and Phemes did you use (and was your casting successful?)


2) Which version of the game are you running? You can check this by pressing F12, and observing the numbers in the bottom left hand corner. If you are fully Patched, you will see:


Let me know, and thanks!

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