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DLC 10 and modbase 3


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You're scheduled to release a new modbase with the release of DLC 10, right? Could you tell me whether or not you guys anticipate to have it out before the july 4th weekend? I need to figure out whether I have a valid excuse to skip a family BBQ...



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"I need to wash my hair" would be a great excuse though, I do it almost every day so I could excuse just about everything that way!


Boring christianing? dinner with the in-laws? meeting with a dectective about the seven people who was found brutally murdered just outside my house? Nope - gotta wash my hair! (I'll be saying it with the widest of grins on my face too).


Looking forward for the next dlc ;)

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I wish I had family BBQ's. Never been to one, but it sounds fun! I like BBQ'd food... I think.


Any predictions on when we'll be seeing the next DLC and modbase? Thursday? Friday? Tomorrow? Today? >.>

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Hurray! Today or tomorrow, huh? That's not bad at all.


I have so much to do... I have to finish Renate, then get out two characters, then write that dueling adventure, then write that 'you have a younger sibling who'll follow you to the Academagia in a year or two and sends you letters' thing I swore I'd write when the game first came out, and then I have two other characters that are probably going to end in game (see: why I asked all those Monteon questions), and I know full well I'm going to end up doing another roleplay or two...


This game has serious addictive properties. It's even beating out the Sims 3... I haven't even touched Generations. XD

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The DLC is ready, but the Patch isn't. If we are ready to release the Patch today, we'll release today. Otherwise, we'll release just the content tomorrow, so that Jeff Wang isn't hung out to dry. :)

Looks like it will be a plain DLC Release now this week when I get this post right?

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