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Wow... Mondays really are the worst day of the week...


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Oh you have detention in the game? Best train the Skills the Professor have listed in his/her Description as his/her Detention Skills. As soon they get high enough for the Prof. (s)he end the Detention.

Edit: You see who gives you Detention in the Dayreport. (Unless you play with a very old version or didn't enable the DLC at the gamestart)

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Schwarzbart is correct- you'll have to show your Instructors what you have learned...or else, you are stuck there until the end of the year. :)


Heh okay, I see it now... Not sure how I got detention from a prof whose class I am not in and I cannot see in the day logs when I got it, but at least I know I need Admin, Study Habits and Glamour Theory now...

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I sort of like getting detentions from some teachers for that exact reason. Detention with the Magic Class teachers when you're not taking their specific class is especially nice- it's hard to turn down 'free' phemes, as it can be quite hard to get some of them.


...I don't like it when I'm stuck with, say, Leo Massioti. I always know what he wants to teach, so boo on him.

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I hate getting detention because I always have forbidden items that end up confiscated and thus lost forever...(at least in Year One). So I make sure not to do anything that might jeopardize them too much. That said, I have also gotten detention out of nowhere (my detention day seemed to be Thursday).


Best strategy I have is gaining enough favor with most teachers (I've had a game where they were almost all of them at 10. I wandered without care)

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If we can only get it by Puppet Mastering the world with the knowledge of the New Reality pheme we've still been unable to find, I'm going to cry. ;_;


(Maybe New Reality is hardcorded? >.> As it's certainly not gettable elsewise, according to the tools.)


So hardcoded... that means it's likely not gotten in a way that could have been done easily another way, by simply favoring someone to death or by raising a skill to a certain point, or even by casting a spell, I would think. As for those, they wouldn't have had to hardcode it. I... think.


...Perhaps it could be triggered by visitation rights? Like, if you had Visitation Rights to the Registry, maybe all confiscated artifacts would appear there to be picked up. Only I doubt something as easily found as the registry would be the area.


Other then that, we know geases are hardcoded. But I can't imagine getting artifacts back being dependent on dueling, unless you somehow (?!?) challenged the Professor to the duel- but then you'd have to introduce their familiar, so... hm. No. Doesn't make sense. Hm.

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It's not by trespassing places teachers go to ...at least, not that I've seen and my character has broken into the Legate's office so often that if it were possible to have negative Parental Approval, he would be paying rent to his folks until he was 30.


It is by breaking in somewhere or do you sort of earn them back?


And Mikka, getting the phemes doesn't mean you get the spell. I got them all with my (cheating) character and I still can't cast it.

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