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Consolidated Patch 68

Legate of Mineta

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Are you guys still on target for a release this month? I know DLC 15 is supposed to come out in Feburary, but it's supposed to come out a week after secret project, which means secret project would have to be released by the 22nd, and as we haven't heard anything so far, I'm worrying. >.>

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That would be great seeing a kind of political sim built into the interface you guys have. If you ever played Space Rangers 2, a lot of the side missions involve a diverse array of text missions, at least one of which is political.


Alternatively, you could build on the wonderful Academagia setting, given how many countries there are. We don't get much info on most of them, so that is one way of fleshing them out.

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Political sim, sounds wonderful and horribly boring :P


God! My thoughts are so differing on this subject. Danish politics leaves me with a 'meh' feeling. (Though we did get a socialistic party leading goverment so small yay). USA's on the other hand is intriguing but most likely because they expose themselves far more than they do here. (And I don't have to live with them *cough*) - All in all perfect for a game since you wouldn't have to actually live under those rulers! ;)

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American politics are depressing. You get one guy who wants to blow up any country that looks at us funny, and the other who wants to tell us how to live. Both sides steal money from us, and neither cares to stop the other, though they will join together to stop any other person from having a shot at it.


One guess who I support! ;)


...I guess I probably said too much for a light-hearted forum... I'll stop now. :)

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One of the reason danish politics is a little boring is that there are really not a big difference between the parties, so the subjects we are discussing is often seems so... small.

While Acamagia politics might be funny and necessary if we have ambitions, the quest where you have to get into... I think it is guild laws, makes me ear that our characther might go crazy if they tried to play it by the book. (Of course we could always not play it by the book)

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Out of all known examples of politics, I prefer the Ankh Morpork ones best. The ones in the Ramtops are second best. Real life politics aren't nearly as interesting, efficient or gloriously planned.


That said, I could never understand American politics, am unfamiliar with the Danish ones and I think all of it is pretty darn boring. But a political sim that let's you go Vetinari on a city, now that would be marvellous.

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I only know the Danish as I live here and I like to know what is happening around me (and it is always something to ramble on about with random people in the train every morning :P).


I regret more and more that I never read Terry Pratchett <_< ah well, in the summer or if I get snowed-in inside a library! (Now that would be awesome)


(Just realized, we really have gone off a tangent haven't we? (Do that expression exist in English?))

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