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Can't Edit Main Text


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Help! Please, I've been working on and off on a mod for quite a while now and all of a sudden I can't write anything under main text for any category. I don't know why this happened, in the past it's been a little fussy but normally time would fix the issue and I could continue writing my adventures, setting up new locations and backgrounds, etc. However, I've waited over a week and still can't write anything. I've tried running modtools under compatibility mode, as an administrator and I really don't know anything about computers. Anyone know whats up or how I can fix this? So far my only hope is to wait for the updated modtools but I'm a little more devastated every time I think about all those months of work gone.

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Some time ago, one of our Writers reported a similar issue, which was related to an update in Windows 7. We did some investigation into it, and there is a fix in the Mod Tools for Year 2. Unfortunately, that is not backwards compatible. :(


Your work doesn't need to be lost, however- you can copy/paste it from the Tools as needed.


I can't say for certain if a fix will be released for the Year 1 Tools, but I'll send in an inquiry on your behalf.



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