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Skill Decay


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Amusingly enough, I got this idea while out jogging. There I was thinking: yay, running +1, and feeling happy about it, till I realised that that wouldn't stick unless I went jogging again. So I got to thinking, what if that kind of decay was represented in the game i.e. after you max out a skill, you don't just forget about it but need to practise it to keep it at max or it decays. Just wondering what the implications would be and feeling curious. So, as they say in Mineta: pim for your thoughts?

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Skilldecay sounds stressful, and if you're taking classes and getting tutured and have to use your skill for classes or just getting to classes and in your daily life then it makes no sense.


Now if you were in jail on the other hand tied down and shackeled then it would make more sense...

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I'd agree with CremePudding. Had we fewer skills it would be a good idea, to ensure that you use the skills presented to you. (At the end of the game I usually got a whole lot of extra skills I would never use). I suggested a time in the past that you'd have to use skills to expand them. (As in, to increase Brute Strength, under Bully, you'd have to string a kid up the flagpole by their underwear.) But like this suggestion there are just too many skills to make it practical.


I like the suggestion though, would force me to *really* rethink my skill progression in the game :)

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