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Several Questions


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First of all I want to say thank you for making an amazing game and I can't wait to play the next one.


Second are adventures time restrictive and once you get to summer break does it become harder to proceed past the first level of adventures?


Third I have really been having trouble running across places that I have been trying to explore is there any way to improve the chance of finding specific places? other than by raising your ability score in explore.


Fourth I have been trying to raise my relationship with certain people in a romantic way is it just for the later years or does it have some adventures or something like a date in first year?


And last is there any point to attending classes once you get to the max levels in those classes and can you implement anything that will acknowledge that you are at max level in those classes so you can do other things without the fear of getting detentions or suspensions

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Also in year two will we be able to get something like a hall pass so you can skip classes if your doing well enough in a class or maybe make it a get out of detention free card in monopoly or a scroll that has a list of places you have permission to go so you wont get reprimanded for trespassing. And do you have any sort of strategy guide that is a collection of events and friends that you can find and make I would be willing to buy something like that even if it was something rough like a word doc with all the info in it

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First of all why you dont use Edit as long no one have answeared?


2) Its already pointed out that you only can continue some adventures of year 1 on year 2 some adventure are gone for good and some are different.

3) Dont know I rarly use explore and especial never use it to get a specific place.

4) Romantic actions you or any other Student have done in year 1 will be remembered in year 2 and so yes it can be the start of some romances in later years but not in year 1. (There 2 romantic adventures in year 1 but you need a special Background to unlook them because usual the Students are to young in year 1)

5) Beside that you risk geting detention and if you then even continue to skip class you will get Hall sessions together with the chance to complet drop out of academagia there is no problem to skip classes especial if nothing is teached in the time slot. But remember that each time slot is 3 Classes and they teach also topics outside of theyr class skills.


6) There will be a complet different system in place in year 2 where you have more flexibility but not much info is realeased about this so fare.


7) There are other schools but this 2 are the only one you can unlook in year 1 that you can visit them.

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About the exploring one, it depends exactly where you're trying to go. You unlock new locations based on adventures and raising certain skills. That's the safest bet in getting the one you want. Otherwise, as far as I know, all exploration activities yield random locations.

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Okay so I wasnt asking about them going into year to one of the dlcs as you probably know contain what appears to be summer school even though i did better than every one else in the subject i still have to attend classes :( anyways i'm getting sidetrack i was more asking if the quest with in year one have a time stamp on them that will stop me from completing anything but the first stage of the quest once i have progressed to certain points in the year alas if that is not the case this is a bug that should be looked into... still i think i have a pretty good grasp of the game and that doesnt seem normal to me.


to your 4 and 5 bullet what is the background trait if you have it handy if not i'll get around to looking it up and how do i go about romancing them or if you have some sort of link that will provide me with the information i require i just havent been able to find specificly what i'm looking for with web searches. I know that you get detention and such i was more posing the idea to the mod that works on the game that answers question pretty regularly that they implament some sort of system that will allow you to get away with alot more once you have mastered your particular classes for the year which would allow for more free study time like you could do in real school if you did better than anyone else in your classes. As well as Some sort of system in year two that are items that allow you to get away with more when teachers add things to them or maybe some adventures that give you get out of detention points by visiting a teachers class room of your choice and passing a skill check. I dont know i'm just saying what i think it happens lol.


And last the reason I didnt think about editing my first post was because i didnt think about it i had a derpy moment.


actually one more question for Legate will there eventually be some kind of greater evil sort of adventure that has serious consequences on the story if you cant do what is necessary

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To answear it again there some adventures you cant sart nor continue in year 2 if your not finished them in year 1 but nothing is known about what adventures this will be.

Year 1 have no serius consequenses the worst thing that hapen to your char is that he got excluded from academagia and this also only if your realy bad but in the years to follow the consequenses will go up and even may end in the death of some people and or the player.

Year 1 is as it is there still 2 confirmed content DLCs but I doubt we will get much more for year 1.

With you're reduced chance of getting detention from skipping classes is something that would require a code change of the game and so I doubt we will see it in year 1 and as mentioned year 2 will have a different system.

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Okay I need to say this I dont care how year one and two react when it comes to my adventure what i was trying to ask is in year one i waited untill after the year was done reloaded my last save and it has a couple weeks well i tried doing some of the adventures that i had not been able to get through during the normal year the task would succed when i did the embarking on blah blah blah quest but when i went to do the next portion it would automatically fail regardless of the task or whether it was blue or green i hardly ever try any actions that are above and beyond that. So what i was wondering is if their is a Time stamp that say he its to late in the year for you to do that quest you fail? If not that might be a bug that someone might want to adress.


Also why does there need to be a code chage couldn't you littery just add six lines of code that said something like if class skill = 100%(skill maximum) then detention occurs 50% less well i cant remember the exact coding phrasing its been awhile since i messed with it but you should just be able to add that to the coding for each class skill and it does a very simple check and lowers the probability of getting detention if i'm wrong eh well it happens

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Yes there are adventures where you only have a limited time window where you can do them.


No you can't do this with the modtool and you don't realy belive that it would be just 6 lines of code but even if it is, its then 6 lines of code that will be called each turn for each student and so they have to be 100% sure it don't break anything bevore adding it. But if you don't belive me then wait if the Legate will answear to your question.


Edit: You also need to know that what is teached is different for each Class and so you have to make DB Check what is teached in this class , check if all this skills are at theyr maximum allready (what ever this is because posible is 9,10,11 or even higher), then check if some extras will be teached and check if this is also done already (Yea you read right you get other subskills teached in each class that dont belong to the main skill) and only if in all 3 classes you got teached in this time slot your at the max your chance for detetntion is reduced.

On a side note the AI of the NPC Students can't skip classes intentional because in testings bevore the game got released to much students have ended up in Hall sessions. (I mention this to show you that any change on detention will have consequenses we player can't see)


What you can do with the modtool is add extra skills that will get teached in a class


Edit2: I just looked at the modtool again and there is no direct way to check right now what is teached in a class because its only stored in a format Skill X Date X Variance X what means you get the skill +1 at a day around the set Date so they would also have to add a extra DB Field just to get your wish.

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No i believe you but i forgot that every student in the school gets the same things as me so i didnt take that into account lol and yes i was underrating the ammount of coding it would take. i think i will have to look in to these mod tools they sound very interesting and i love the system you guys use and i do apologize if i sounded argumentive i wasnt try to be. Thank you, this conversation has been helpful


Edit #1


So theoretically if I could create said DB field could i accomplish what i want with the mod tools?

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The only other thing i might like to know is you mentioned specific quests for relationships if you have a certian background, I'm guessing that is the perk on the prowl. What do i have to do to unlock the adventures or what ever it is to access the relationship options or a link to the info in the forum if you have it handy describing how to go about it. I havent been able to find it anywhere on the net just that it is possible

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Next question and is it okay for me to continue in this thread, WIth the skill selective focus do you trade off on lore because i have noticed you learn something every time you gain a skill step but when you use selective focus you gain an three or four skill steps does that cause you to obtain less lore?

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You gain lore ect when you increase a skill by a rank and selective focus reduce the number of points you need to need for the next rank. I.e if Art Apprecation need 0 of 2 for next level then if you use Train Art Apprecation you end up need 1 of 2 but when using selective Focus you will actual gain a new rank.


But keep in mind one increase to a skill no matter how many points it gives can only increase the skill by 1 rank.

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Well i'm guessing it is okay to continue in hear as long as i stick to topic? Well my next question is i just picked up a book that say it will be usefull if i ever decide to take the advanced artiface lesons does that mean in year two i get to keep my items and you guys were thinking that far ahead if so on both accounts thats just amazing

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Hehe not answering for the Academagia crew, but they've certainly considered a large number of things, whether it was originally intended to be for later years or year one and just didn't make it I can't say though :)


And I believe crafting should get an overhaul next year, hopefully letting you draw some use from the book :)


And it is fine to continue the thread I think. There are a few similar threads already, littered across the forum, but we have a tendency to drive them off tack... *whistles innocently*

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