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Winning Merit Race in lazy colleges?


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Morvidus seems to be a real contender for the victory in my games, too. Not just when I'm with them, either. They sometimes take the lead over Vernin entirely naturally.


I've found that no matter how hard the AI tries to keep up, they can't contend with me skipping all my classes to do nothing but compete for a week, hehehe... Another trick is to get an early lead. Colleges that have been left in the dust won't bother competing very much, whereas your own college will try harder when they're trying to preserve a lead.

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89157Z from my last game I very sure there is curently something broken in skipping classes and your chance to get detention. (Have already reported it per PM to the Legate)


Check your concealment and encumbrance ratings. If you're carrying or concealing too many items, I believe your detection chances go up for EVERY kind of misbehavior.

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No its that you get away to easy right now if you know how to do it. (Thats why I didn't post more infos in public)


Heh, negative concealment, negative encumbrance, deeply negative chance of detection... My hands covered in rings of concealment and distraction, a wand tuned for quick escapes, a dark cloak... Plans made well in advance and then executed. Mmm. I don't just skip class. I vanish in broad daylight.


And while vanished I compete to raise the school's merit. Wat.

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The trick is triple Compete at the first day at school. By and large, that will let your college in the forefront. Maintain a 6 point lead is enough, and only intervene otherwise.


While trying to follow this advice, I have noted the following:


Every so often, the stars will align, and most of Vernin will Compete on the same day. The effect this has on their Merit can be large enough to not only leap into first, but to seize the next merit prize outright.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For my Morvidus I had to compete quite often to maintain the lead in the Merit race, only to have Vernin swoop in with a 20+ points from nowhere and take the prize from me.


Perhaps in the future we could inspire our fellow college-mates to get off their lazy butts and earn some merit.

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  • 3 months later...

Compete a TON during the beginning of the game. After that other houses slowly drop out, or your own college picks up the slack. That's really the only way I've discovered to do it, but I've managed to have Hedi win almost every merit prize in most of my Hedi playthroughs, so I think it works pretty well.

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  • 1 year later...

Since I usually play Durand, I had completely given up on ever getting any of the merit prizes. But this last playthough, completely inexplicably, Durand won like 5 in a row. Good ones too, the ones that increase skill maximums and decrease CoD. Weird.

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If you're in Vernin or Morvidus, where whether you win those prizes is determined basically by a coin toss it's worth going out of your way for them...a little. But if you're in other colleges, especially Hedi? Nope. Not worth the hassle, unless the RNG has a cold.

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  • 4 months later...

I try to take the early lead so that the rest of my college is encouraged to strive a bit. Also, during exam months I'm always skipping classes (yeah, so I get a detention or two, skipping exam month classes is worth it), so I often have a bit of free time to work on my college's honor.


Finally, later on, through means known to the initiate, I often ensure that my college has at least one individual tirelessly working for the good of everyone. (Even though I'm usually an Avila. "Tyranny Shall Not Prosper," my foot.)

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  • 2 months later...

A college that takes the early lead (because of you, 99% of the time) is much more likely to maintain it than one that doesn't. Any college's students will strive to stay in first, though maybe not as well as Aranaz, Vernin, or Morvidus. Once your college is in second or below, your fellow students will probably give up unless you get them back to first.


It's pretty variable, though - you won't be able to maintain first in a lazy college the whole year, or even reliably at all if you don't get ahead in the first week or two. Merit Prize X for Room of Champions is the only one that really matters, though, so if you can pull ahead at that point in the year you can safely not care otherwise.

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