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The first error i found is in the journal, days like sign up for classes day end up with no journal entries. Not on the date, June 24th, or the line that says 'sign up for classes'.


Also, is there any possibility of some kind of simple progress report on capers. I started the Butler caper, and then went back to it, and was a bit lost. Maybe cross out the steps we completed?


Thank you



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Really enjoying the game so far! I haven't gotten too deeply into it yet, but here's a few things I've noted:


Typo: In the mummy adventure, in Egypt, one of the conversation branches says this: "You're a riot. If Zul al Zan is an archaeologist, he knows his history. He have to stop him"


Error (maybe?): In the info that pops up when you click on an attribute, most of the attributes just have a large blank space between the attribute and then ways to increase it. Wit, however, has a line in that space, "This is wits description"


Also, it makes sense mini-events don't have a journal entry, but it seems inconsistent on whether or not they're even noted; for example, it notes that I looked out over the city on June 27th - a minor action. But June 26th and 25th seem to have had nothing at all happen, when I must have done similar minor actions on those days. The inconsistency makes it feel strange, like there was an error somewhere. Is there a reason some actions are noted and others aren't?


And on that note, a suggestion: while some of the skills and attributes are self-explanatory, it might be nice to have a description of them listed in that blank spot I just mentioned. For example, while I've heard the term Moxie before, I don't really know what it means.

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There definitely seem to be some problems with how the Journal works. A lot of days just seem to be empty for no reason.


It seems like as I skill up I am getting better Inspirations and sometimes better training events. Is there any way we could get some kind of feedback ingame on what 'tier' each of our skills is in?

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I'm enjoying the game very much so far xD I'm happy to say that my bf likes it too even though he usually dislikes heavily text-based games.


Anyway, I've found a bug with Felix's adventure in Australia. In my game, Kate Leigh is already arrested and Felix/Nardu note that she's arrested but she shows up in the scene when the thug is harassing Nardu and you save him.

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In the skills section, the skills that are visible (and therefore to available to be highlighted) is based upon the last attribute that you moused over. It would be great if you can click on an attribute to "lock" it, so that I don't have to do funky mouse movements to get the skills I need.

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Saved game requests -


A way to enter a short string would be helpful.

Have the game date be available in addition to the save date.


Speaking of dates

It would be great if it's possible to see how many actions each date has, so that we know how many actions are left in a location.

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Not a bad idea about the Actions! I don't think we'll be able to add that in 1931, but it's a good idea. Renaming a save is also a highly useful feature- that one may appear in 1931, we'll see. :)


Regarding the click-lock, when I first read your report I thought your concern was the funky mouse movement to prevent roll over. :)

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This is less of a suggestion and more me picking a bone with you guys, but here goes: sometimes you're on this long caper/event, and during the narration part, before you get to make a choice or have a skill test, you gain stress. More stress = higher diffculty. Sometime you'd gain like 8 points of stress, so by the time you get to the skill test, instead of a diffculty of 26 you'd have like 34. That's really annoying, considering your base skill is 10 at most. Sometimes I'd look at those "+1 stress" flying around and just groan, and then try to caculate wether 10+14+8 is 34... It can be pretty frustrating, nintendo hard style.

I think either the skills should go higher then 10, the stress have less effect, or the insparion have more effect (execpt for the rare +13, most give, what, +9 to a skill?). Basically, if you end up with a skill check of 48 even though you didn't fail any checks before, had zero stress when you strated the caper, and picked all the "right" choices, something is kinda off. It takes a whole lotta cards to get from 10 to nearly 50.

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Jackrabbit- yep, a whole of the *right* cards, and that's the key!


I think you are right about the Stress bumps prior to Obstacles, it can be disheartening, especially if you aren't prepared for it. I don't think there will be any changes to this in 1931, but...for 1932, I think there's a good argument for their removal.

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I actually do not mind the Stress increases before obstacles (unless they become too much, let's say more than 5 between the start of the adventure and the meeting of the obstacle, without the possibility of eliminating some i.e. through dialogue - but I think I never had such a problem), they add some challenge.

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