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Best classes to take...


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...regarding the adventures tied to them. As in, which ones are more interesting to take and are prerequisites to adventures.


Dialectic has an awesome line of adventures tied to it, but it's just the one. So my vote would be on Zoology if only because it's tied to a lot of events and encounters.


Revision also has quite a lot of adventures.

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Yeah, Biology is not a class. The only ones similar to Biology are Zoology and Botany.


What adventures are tied to Botany? I only remember Magsa's and you could get it if you had 3 in Botany even without taking the class (granted, the subskills are a little hard to find)

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Ah! Forgot that one, and I'd just done a playthrough with a nature loving Morvidus, too. Also I just remembered the Mushroom adventure (DLC 15 added, I think). Botany as well.


Negation has one, as far as I can tell: The Community Service one.


Music has the whole Master of Music thing.


I'm a bit surprised Incantation doesn't seem to have one. If I were a teenage wizard, that'd be the first class I'd pick and subsequently use at everything !! That's bound to cause some problems...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Something I noticed...


Study Mastery: Botany grants +1 to all Botany rolls and +1 stress maximum.


Study Mastery: Zoology grants +1 to all Zoology rolls and +1 Fitness (which amounts to +2 stress maximum, +2 vitality maximum, a bonus to a huge number of rolls and faster learning for Fitness skills.)


Isn't that a bit unbalanced? Or are there other advantages to Botany that make up for it?

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  • 2 weeks later...

IIRC, botany has three quests require its class. Ditto with Music. History. Zoology. Save two class for Negation, Glamour, Enchant, Incantation. Revision can be trained, so while it's a great class to have, it's too easy to complete it early, like, Midterm early.


EDIT: Botany got the intial Study the Fields to help, so it's very easy to complete it early. Zoology got 75% of Skill taught in class, and must train the rest specifically.

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It's trade-off. Maximize class skills as soon as possible so that we have spare time in the next semester to do adventures and further training, OR maximize number SS gain.


Some runs I do the prior, some I do the latter.


Revision is a great class in that aspect because we can attain highest level very fast and use that as base to do other stuff. On the other hand, non-Revision student can still get 10 by the new year, just due to the Study in libraries actions.

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