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City of Ivory & Jade


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While we try to get interest up in the hope of another future Ars Kickstarter and the computer game, we are playing Ars Magica from the forum. The following is the player character's home, a marvellous flying city, in Ars Magica terms. I'll be updating it as we go. :)


City of Ivory & Jade

Winter Covenant, Medium Power.

1750 Build Points


AURA (Magic) 4: Covers the entire city, making everything seem more real, brighter and more vivid than "normal" world.







Weapon×27 (Standard); Points: 108

Ballista×4; Points: 64

Full Armor×9 (Standard); Points: 144

Shield×9 (Standard); Points: 36




Money Reserve: 300

Total Income: 250

Expenditures (Before Cost Savings): 191

Cost Savings: -21

Total Expenditures: 170

Points of Inhabitants: 157

Points of Laboratories: 130

Points of Weapons and Armor: 352

Weapon and Armor Points: 352


Sources of Income


Agriculture (Greater),


Yearly Expenditures


Buildings: 21

Inhabitants: 16

Major Fortifications: 5

Consumables: 31

Inflation: 0

Laboratories: 13

Provisions: 79

Tithes: 0

Wages: 31

Weapons and Armor: 2

Writing Materials: 14

Magi: 13

Other Book Specialists: 1


Cost Savings


Buildings: -5

Stonemason: Masonry 9

Consumables: -4

Candlemaker: Chandlery 6

Laboratories: -9

Glass-blower: Glassworking 7, Toolmaker: Toolmaker 6, Metalworker: Metalsmith 8

Weapons and Armor: 0

Writing Materials: -3

Bookbinder: Bookbinding 5

Provisions: 0



Fantastic Environment Major

Magical Fortress Major

Aura +1 Minor

Vast Aura Minor

Hidden Resources Minor

Local Languages Minor




Constantly Mobile Major

City Major

Pagans Major

Crumbling Minor


Totals Boons: 10, Hooks: 10




Summa on Arts (all in Latin)


Who Percieves? 31

Type: Summa; Quality: 14; Level: 17; Topic: Intellego; Language: Latin; Author: Trianoma Ex Bonisagi

The Breath of God 31

Type: Summa; Quality: 11; Level: 20; Topic: Auram; Language: Latin; Author: Diocletian of Rhodes


The Waters of the Earth 31

Type: Summa; Quality: 16; Level: 15; Topic: Aquam; Language: Latin; Author: Adam Carpentiere


The Four Humours in Hermetic Theory 31

Type: Summa; Quality: 17; Level: 14; Topic: Corpus; Language: Latin; Author: Pseudo-Galen


The Freezing Death 31

Type: Summa; Quality: 21; Level: 10; Topic: Ignem; Language: Latin; Author: Anonymous

The Implications of Conciatta's Metamagica Made Manifest 26

Type: Summa; Quality: 11; Level: 15; Topic: Vim; Language: Latin; Author: Janus of Bonisagus


Summa on Abilities in Latin


The Cunning of the Fox 35

Type: Summa; Quality: 17; Level: 6; Topic: Bjornaer Lore; Language: Latin; Author: Lupus Albi

The Forms in Theory & Practice 35

Type: Summa; Quality: 11; Level: 8; Topic: Magic Theory; Language: Latin; Author: Cyrus of Bonisagus


The Gothic Language & House Bjornaer 16

Type: Summa; Quality: 7; Level: 3; Topic: Gothic; Language: Latin; Author: Pistrello Esposito


Lest We Perish 35

Type: Summa; Quality: 14; Level: 7; Topic: Parma Magica; Language: Latin; Author: Lucius Delvander of Flambeau


Piercing the Shield 38

Type: Summa; Quality: 11; Level: 9; Topic: Penetration; Language: Latin; Author: Lucius Delvander of Flambeau


Rudiments of Grammar 39

Type: Summa; Quality: 15; Level: 8; Topic: Artes Liberales; Language: Latin; Author: Joia du Lua of Jerbiton


The Winding Fool's Way; or the Dog Barketh Wisdom 35

Type: Summa; Quality: 11; Level: 8; Topic: House Criamon Lore; Language: Latin; Author: Goricious


The Secrets of the City 19

Type: Summa; Quality: 10; Level: 3; Topic: Covenant Lore: City of Ivory & Jade; Language: Latin; Author: Cyrus of Bonisagus


The Order in a Post Schism War World 28

Type: Summa; Quality: 10; Level: 6; Topic: Order of Hermes Lore; Language: Latin; Author: Bojan of Tremere


Summa on Spell Mastery in Latin

Ice of Drowning: A Single Spell Explicated 22

Type: Summa; Quality: 10; Level: 4; Topic: Ice of Drowning; Language: Latin; Author: Straffen of Criamon

Multicasting Beast of Outlandish Size 35

Type: Summa; Quality: 20; Level: 5; Topic: Beast of Outlandish Size; Language: Latin; Author: Pistrello Esposito


Summa on Abilities in Greek


The Church in the West 20

Type: Summa; Quality: 11; Level: 3; Topic: Church Lore; Language: Greek; Author: Demetrius of Ephesus; Skilled Illuminator


On the Glorious Saints 25

Type: Summa; Quality: 13; Level: 4; Topic: Dominion Lore; Language: Greek; Author: Demetrius of Ephesus; Skilled Illuminator


Tractati on the Arts


Mastering Magic 11

Type: Tractatus; Quality: 11; Topic: Vim; Language: Latin; Author: Goricious of Criamon; Skilled Scribe; Skilled Binder; Skilled Illuminator


Teach Your Apprentice: Corpus 13

Type: Tractatus; Quality: 13; Topic: Corpus; Language: Latin; Author: Edward of Milton; Skilled Scribe; Skilled Binder


Teach Your Apprentice: Rego 11

Type: Tractatus; Quality: 11; Topic: Rego; Language: Latin; Author: Edward of Milton

Teach Your Aprentice: Mentem 11

Type: Tractatus; Quality: 11 Topic: Mentem; Language: Latin; Author: Edward of Milton; Skilled Scribe; Skilled Binder; Skilled Illuminator


Vim: the Essence of Truth 9

Type: Tractatus; Quality: 9; Topic: Vim; Language: Latin; Author: Goricious of Criamon; Skilled Scribe; Skilled Binder; Skilled Illuminator

Total 618







The Beast Remade MuAn25 (ArM5 p.119)

Circle of Beast Warding ReAn5 (ArM5 p.120)

Commanding the Harnessed Beast ReAn30 (ArM5 p.120)

Doublet of Impenetrable Silk MuAn15 (ArM5 p.118)

The Gentle Beast ReAn25 (ArM5 p.120)

Growth of the Creeping Things MuAn15 (ArM5 p.118)

Hunter's Lethal Arrow PeAn40 (HoH:TL p.102 Tethered!)

Opening the Tome of the Animal's Mind InAn25 (ArM5 p.118)

The Wizard's Mount CrAn35 (ArM5 p.117)


Breath of Winter ReAq15 (ArM5 p.124)

Bridge of Frost ReAq30 (ArM5 p.124)

Chaos of the Angry Waves ReAq30 (ArM5 p.124)

Ice of Drowning ReAq35 (ArM5 p.124)

Waves of Drowning and Smashing ReAq30 (ArM5 p. 124)



Breath of the Open Sky CrAu40 (ArM5 p.126)

The Cloudless Sky Returned PeAu45 (ArM5 p.128)

Eyes of the Bat InAu25 (ArM5 p.127)

Pull of the Skybound Winds CrAu30 (ArM5 p.126)

Quiet the Raging Winds PeAu20 (ArM5 p.128)

Sailor's Foretaste of the Morrow InAu20 (ArM5 p.127)

True Sight of the Air InAu15 (ArM5 p.127)

Wings of the Soaring Wind CrAu30 (ArM5 p.126)



Bind Wound CrCo10 (ArM5 p.129)

The Chirurgeon's Healing Touch CrCo20 (ArM5 p.129)

Disguise of the New Visage MuCo15 (ArM5 p.131)

Gift of the Bear's Fortitude MuCo25 (ArM5 p.131)

The Leap of Homecoming ReCo35 (ArM5 p.135)

Rise of the Feathery Body ReCo10 (ArM5 p.134)

Seven-League Stride ReCo30 (ArM5 p.135)

The Tireless Flight ReCo20 (HoH:TL p.102 Mutantum!)



Bridge of Wood CrHe20 (ArM5 p.135)

Dance of the Staves ReHe5 (ArM5 p.138)

Hunt for the Wild Herb InHe5 (ArM5 p.136)

Rope of Bronze MuHe15 (ArM5 p.137)

Wall of Thorns CrHe20 (ArM5 p.135)



Flames of Sculpted Ice MuIg35 (ArM5 p.142)

Gloom of Evening PeIg10 (ArM5 p.142)

Soothe the Raging Flames PeIg20 (ArM5 p.142)

Ward Against Heat and Flames ReIg25 (ArM5 p.143)

Wizard's Eclipse PeIg35 (ArM5 p.142)

Wizard's Icy Grip PeIg30 (ArM5 p.142)



Aura of Ennobled Presence MuIm10 (ArM5 p.145)

Discern Own Illusions InIm15 (ArM5 p.145)

Eyes of the Eagle InIm25 (ArM5 p.145)

Image from the Wizard Torn ReIm30 ((ArM5 p.147)

Summoning the Distant Image InIm25 (ArM5 p.145)

Veil of Invisibility PeIm20 (ArM5 p.146)



Aura of Inconsequence ReMe25 (HoH:TL p.73)

Aura of Rightful Authority ReMe20 (ArM5 p.151)

The Call to Slumber ReMe10 (ArM5 p.151)

Loss of But a Moment's Memory PeMe15 (ArM5 p.151)

Posing the Silent Question InMe20 (ArM5 p.149)

Weight of a Thousand Hells CrMe25 (ArM5 p.148)



Conjuring the Mystic Tower CrTe35 (ArM5 p.153)

Earth that Breaks No More MuTe20 (ArM5 p.154)

The Unseen Porter ReTe10 (ArM5 p.156)

Ward Against Faeries of the Mountain ReTe15 (ArM5 p.155)


Aegis of the Hearth ReVi25 (ArM5 p.161)

Maintaining the Demanding Spell ReVi20 (ArM5 p.162)

Mirror of Opposition (Auram) MuVi25 (ArM5 p.159)

Scales of the Magical Weight InVi5 (ArM5 p. 158)

Sense of the Lingering Magic InVi30 (ArM5 p. 158)

Sight of the Active Magics InVi40 (ArM5 p.159)

Watching Ward ReVi25 (ArM5 p.162)

Wizard's Communion MuVi15 (ArM5 p.160)

Wizard's Reach (Auram) MuVi30 (ArM5 p.160)



Vis Sources


The South Wind Blows Hot: Ignem 7

Physical Form: Tiny speck sof blood red sand. A pinch is a pawn of vis. ; Location: Covenant; Seasons: Summer


The Ancient Vizier's Hat: Rego 7

Physical Form: The Viziers hat in the Temple becomes imbued with a certain golden dust. Properly collected, it is Rego vis. A pinch is a pawn.; Location: Covenant; Seasons: Summer


The Golden Leaves: Muto 7

Physical Form: A certain tree has a strange property. When it's first leaves turn golden in the autum, they contain Muto vis if properly harvested.; Location: Covenant; Seasons: Autumn


The Wind In the Portico: Imaginem 7

Physical Form: On certain days the wind in the portico of the Temple takes on an unusual sound, something between a cry, a laugh and a sigh. Bottled it can be used as Imaginem vis.; Location: Covenant; Seasons: Winter


The North Wind Blows Cold: Perdo 7

Physical Form: snowflakes that never melt; Location: Covenant; Seasons: Winter


The West Wind Blows Wet: Aquam 7

Physical Form: Tiny crystalised raindrops, which feel wet yet retain their shape.; Location: Covenant; Seasons: Spring


The East Wind Blows Hard: Auram 7

Physical Form: Tiny air spirits, which must be caught in little leather bags and are relaeased to use.; Location: Covenant; Seasons: Autumn


The Forbidden Fruits: Creo 7

Physical Form: The first pomegranites of each New Year; Location: Covenant; Seasons: Spring, Winter


The Sacrificial Lamb: Corpus 7

Physical Form: A lamb is sacrified in a rite at the Temple. 7 pawns of vis are in its blood; Location: Covenant; Seasons: Spring


The Dreaming City: Mentem 7

Physical Form: The dreams of the city crystalise around the spike atop the dome of the Temple; Location: Covenant; Seasons: Winter


Total: Build Points: 385




Vis: Creo 30

Vis: Intellego 35

Vis: Muto 40

Vis: Perdo 7

Vis: Rego 75

Vis: Animal 20

Vis: Aquam 55

Vis: Auram 125

Vis: Corpus 45

Vis: Herbam 40

Vis: Ignem 15

Vis: Imaginem 25

Vis: Mentem 60

Vis: Terram 3

Vis: Vim 35




The Rowing Boat That Sails on the Wind 34

Creator: Cyrus of Bonisagus; Created: Summer 1197; Vis Capacity: 10; Effect Name: Sailing on the Winds; Effect Level: 34; Effect Details: R: Per, D: Sun, T: Ind, Frequency: 2/day, Trigger: Sun; Make a plant or thing made of plant products move with purpose and intelligence, without requiring your constant control; Arts: ReHe 30; Design: Base 10, +2 Sun, +2 ; Magical Servants: 2

Total: Build Points: 14



Elissa the Glass-blower (female): Year Born: 1178; Com: 1; Teaching: 3; Abilities: Illumination: 2; Ink-maker: 3; Jewelworking: 3; Lapidary: 3; Latin: 3; Leathercraft: 3; Glassworking: 7; Bazaar-Tongue 5.


Eluf the Stonemason (male): Com: 1; Teaching: 5; Abilities: Architecture: 6; Artes Liberales: 1; Bargain: 3; Brawl: 6; Carouse: 5; Charm: 1; Chirurgy: 2; Covenant Lore: 3; Latin: 3; Leadership: 5; Sculpting: 4; Survival: 1; Toolmaker: 1; Woodworking: 5; Masonry: 9; Angelic 5


Chabrias the Turb Captain (male): Pre 3; Com: 3; Teaching: 4; Abilities: Bows: 5; Great Weapon: 5; Guile: 3; Hunt: 3; Intrigue: 4; Latin: 4; Single Weapon: 7; Survival: 4; Swordsmith: 2; Leadership: 8; Hyperborean 5.


Bodil the Candlemaker (female): Year Born: 1184; Com: -2; Teaching: 3; Abilities: Animal Handling: 3; Bargain: 3; Brewer: 2; Concentration: 2; Farmer: 1; Lapidary: 1; Perfumery: 5; Sculpting: 3; Single Weapon: 2; Tinker: 1; Winemaking: 3; Chandlery: 6; Angelic 5.


Eudokia the Autocrat (female): Pre 3; Year Born: 1177; Com: 3; Teaching: 1; Abilities: Artes Liberales: 4; Awareness: 4; Bargain: 5; Carouse: 3; Covenant Lore: 5; Folk Ken: 4; Greek: 4; Guile: 5; Latin: 5; Leadership: 5; Navigation: 2; Order of Hermes Lore: 4; Stealth: 3; Chamberlain: 6; Steward: 5; Hyperborean: 5


Eannakur the Toolmaker (male): Year Born: 1183; Com: -2; Teaching: 3; Abilities: Athletics: 3; Bargain: 4; Carpentry: 4; Metalsmith: 5; Woodworking: 4; Toolmaker: 6; Edenic: 5


Hjordis the Metalworker (female): Com: 2; Teaching: 4; Abilities: Blacksmith: 7; Brawl: 7; Carouse: 5; Charm: 3; Cooperage: 5; Folk Ken: 3; Swordsmith: 3; Woodworking: 5; Metalsmith: 8; Angelic: 5


Shulgin the Bookbinder (male): Year Born: 1188; Teaching: 3; Abilities: Animal Handling: 1; Calligraphy: 4; Concentration: 4; Covenant Lore: 1; Goldsmith: 1; Hideworking: 4; Illumination: 5; Ink-maker: 3; Latin: 5; Painter: 3; Edenic 5.


Hamilcax the Percamenarius (male): 5; Scribe: 4; Silversmith: 2; Bookbinding: 5; Bazaar Tongue 5.




Silas trained in the Tower of Emerald Joys. His parens Karvith Torin has his lab there too.

Baruch has a lab in the Tower of Emerald Joys. His parens Octavianus has his lab there, but it is no secret the two don't get on.

Calpurnia trained in the Tower of Flaming Passions. Goricious' lab was there.

Makara trained in the Tower of Secret Philosophy

Class trained in the Tower of Secret Philosophy under Pistrello Esposito, who has a lab there.

Helpax trained in the Tower of Burnished Brass. His parens, the sinister and contentious Fyjax of Tytalus can be found there too.


The head of the covenant is the autocratic Antonius of Guernicus, who has a lab in the Temple.



The magi never invited apprentices to visit other towers, and Baruch alone has been in all four as a guest, and fairly briefly in some cases.


Each tower has three labs, and the palace a single lab.

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Added, for quick index of other related stuff, read here.


Or maybe Cj can add them here and I will just hotlink it here



Thanks Nyaa, I added the map for ease of reference but leave your wonderful index as it is! :)


cj x

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Question is the aura strong enough to warp us, and if it can does parma magic at least defend against it partially?


Oh yeah almost forgot to add this............YAY PAGANS!!!!!



AN aura of four is not high enough to warp you luckily! Almost, but not quite :D


cj x

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Any detail of how we get income and stuff?


Yes. Loads of it. :( The formulae used are in the Covenants supplement, and until I have done all the enchanted devices and detailed the specialist, equipped the grogs, and worked out how many staff are in each tower and the Temple-palace I can't actually give you the figures. Oh and detailed all the laboratories.


So yes, they will follow later tonight if I have time (together with the above) and tomorrow if I want to read http://www.atlas-games.com/product_tables/AG0302.php for an hour or two as my playtester's free copy arrived yesterday :)


cj x

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So yes, they will follow later tonight if I have time (together with the above) and tomorrow if I want to read http://www.atlas-games.com/product_tables/AG0302.php for an hour or two as my playtester's free copy arrived yesterday :)


cj x


*gasps* well at least I know it's most likely close to completion. Now to wait for it to be available for download *sigh*

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*gasps* well at least I know it's most likely close to completion. Now to wait for it to be available for download *sigh*



It's out. I posted links to Amazon on the other thread in my response to Mikka. I can't tell you about books not released, even if I wrote them, let alone playtested them! :) It's a really good book, but so far I have read mainly the stuff on how House Tremere manage the Tribunal, and how they allow other magi to operate therein. I need to think about that for Calpurnia actually. However in Transylvania there are only 5 covenants, and House Tremere runs, or allows to run, everything. Covenants in Transylvania are very different - more like nationalities - waht in the West is called a covenant is there called an oppidum, a camp, and magi of different "covenants" live in these oppidum next to one another. In a sense a covenant in the Tremere sense is close to a class of citizenship, or even a sub-House, than a traditional covenant. So what we normally call a covenant there is a "oppidum". There are historical and legal reasons for this, following The Sundering (see Ars Magica core rules) the Transylvania Tribunal was limited to 5 covenants so this fiction or cultural difference lets them get round it.


Non-Tremere can thrive in the Tribunal, but their residence status is down to a contract with the Praeco, and they are subject to certain rules, but those who work alongside House Tremere are welcomed and generously supported in the main. That's pretty much what I have gathered so far anyway!


cj x

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What are the vis sources that we have?


Still writing them out as that involves lots of fiddly cross checking with my Covenant notes. Might appear late tonight. For now, your wildly eccentric library has appeared above. Not just lab texts, actual books you can learn from...


cj x

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Question does Latin 3 (reading) allow me to study books which require a latin 4?



Yes. The specialisation adds, so that is fine. You can't write books though till you get to 4 (writing) or 5.


cj x

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sigh~~~ that book sigh~~~~ I guess I already read it.


The Freezing Death 31

Type: Summa; Quality: 21; Level: 10; Topic: Ignem; Language: Latin; Author: Anonymous



..........................................FAIL!!! Nagash can't tell the difference between Pedro and Ignem.



Not yet! None of you have read any of these books :D


cj x

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I think claiming books and such would be best done in character or at least online before each downtime, so that it's a bit fairer and doesn't overly reward planning everything 10 years in advance - everyone should probably start thinking about what they want to do when the time comes, though.

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They have to some extent. (Baruch hasn't read any but he has only just become a senior magus). I got caught up in some work tonight so not been able to explain everything but I will before the next session :)

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I think claiming books and such would be best done in character or at least online before each downtime, so that it's a bit fairer and doesn't overly reward planning everything 10 years in advance - everyone should probably start thinking about what they want to do when the time comes, though.


I kind of disagree on this we instead should do this claims here in the forum betwean the sessions so we have the limited Chat time for other things.

Also I think this is more fair to all as when it turn out that the books one want to claim for this saison are all gone then he either can talk to the claimer or have time to think about alternatives he want to make this saision. If we make this in the chat it ends up that we force snap decisions where the char actuall have at last ahour to think about it.

But in general I think the Forum is bether suited for the longterm Part of the RPG then the chat.

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Schwarzbart: Yes, you are right. We should perhaps have a separate topic for this. The question becomes, though: should we get another forum already, or is it OK for the Chickeneans that we crowd theirs with these quite unrelated technicalities?

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