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CP3 and Patch 128

Legate of Mineta

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CP3 has been released, and can be found here:


Instructions: Copy all files and place into your Academagia install folder (same folder as Academagia.exe). For example: C:\Program Files\Academagia\Mods\Content.mdm (Please overwrite all files.) Begin a new game, checking 'The Third Interlude', to use CP3.


N.B.: It is very important that you update your copy of Windows before using Patch 128/CP3. The memory streamlines require updated .NET components found in the update.

N.B.: This DLC and Patch was made using a new version of the Mod Tools. It is possible that there may be some unforeseen consequences of this change- please report any suspicious behavior. :)


Before you Install: CP3 does not require you to create a new game, but if you wish to have certain fixes, you will need to create a new one. This Patch is cumulative, and contains all previous Content Patches, Code Patches and DLC.


This Patch corrects these issues:


1) Several Adventures and Events were reworked for continuity

2) Several Adventures and Events now correctly refer to the appropriate Actors

3) Several Adventures and Events had their benefits and drawbacks reworked

4) Several Adventures and Events now have additional Exits

5) Some Items were reviewed for Type

6) Some things were saved, that had been cancelled

7) Certain vestigial Effects were removed

8) Hawks are 100% less scaly

9) Hawks are more cognizant of their master's gender

10) Some surprises. Surprise!

11) You can now more easily Explore

12) A crash issue related to stressed Familiars was corrected.

13) Reprimands have been reworked slightly, and can now fade over time if you don't push your luck


...as well as many typos.[/indent]


Special thanks to the following Academagians who originally suggested or raised awareness of these:















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Not the basics, sadly. I'm in one of those polytechnics colleges you read memes about, where we get excited to see real numbers in formulas.


Congratulations are in order for making such an addictive game. I didn't even notice it eating three hours of my day...


They were a welcome break considering the finals I had this week, though.

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Thank you! My professors are strangely more von Rupprecht than would be considered normal - almost suspiciously so. The Dean has a reputation of only passing a maximum of ten people out of thirty - usually about four guys.


The professors aren't inspired by real life are they?

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Hello I got the game a long time ago and have been playing it now and again but I never registerd on the forum untill now.

I see alot of content that you have made that isnt in my game. I have my copy on gamestop and it updated the game the last time 2011-10-17 version 1.605.018

And if my eyes are not lying to me you have made much more content after that date, or am I wrong in this?

I love your game and it is one of a few games I played nonstop to the end the first time I played it :)


I have downloaded the Academagia_Consolidated_Patch_012613 file and my questions are, will it work with my gamestop copy and will the gamestop client let me start the game with this patch in place?



Cant wait for y2 and thnx for all the hours of fun I have had and will have with your game.

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