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CP3 and Patch 128

Legate of Mineta

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Instructions: Copy all files and place into your Academagia install folder (same folder as Academagia.exe). For example: C:\Program Files\Academagia\Mods\Content.mdm (Please overwrite all files.) Begin a new game, checking 'The Third Interlude', to use CP3.

That's in the first post on the first page, and about as good a guide as is necessary. If you do get stuck on something though, feel free to ask for more specific detail

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The mods folder doesn't need to be there, just drop the content of the folder downloaded form the first topic post into the same folder as where Academagia.exe is located, and override everything that's prompted to override. When starting a new game check the box asking if you want to use The Third Interlude, wait a few minutes for everything to load, and done. If you don't have a mods folder that's not a problem, it just means you don't have any old DLC installed that needs to be replaced with the newer data.

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Welcome back to the forum Mikka.

Sadly now I'm sure that DLC 16 don't make it this month.

1) Part of the team still work on Holdfast

2) They just got a lot of Adventures and other text that at last have to go trough the Editor probably also trough a writer first before the DLC 16 then finally can be tested.

3) Alone the testing will take a few days and its only 6 days remaining in this month.

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Nice to see you too, Schwarzbart. :)



Hopefully my stuff hasn't delayed the team too much. I'm sure there will be a lot of great stuff in the release, even if my content is pulling it down... ah, bah, I'm kidding. I hope you all enjoy the new brats. I can't wait for March and release!

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