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Academagia on Steam


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I bought Academagia a long time ago but i never bothered registering here at the forums.


I remember that i read before that the developers tried submitting the game to Steam but it was denied. That was before and now it's widely know that it was pure luck if an indie game got to Steam.


Any idea if Black Chicken Studios has tried it again now that Greenlight it's working? Some games that were previously denied now are going to be on Steam thanks to the new system.


Personally i would buy the game again just to have it on Steam.

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The new PS4 allow developer the ability to self publish game, hopefully the dev kit is not too expensive.


While not revealing the explicit price of a PS4 development kit, Yoshida explains the cost is still a hurdle and isn't sure "if it's cheap enough for those indie guys." His suggestion to indie studios is to explore the PlayStation Mobile platform, because it doesn't require the purchase of a dev kit as it is "totally software driven."
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I've read some of the details on the Ps4.


No backwards compatibility, no physical media, "social" gaming aspects... I'm thinking I might just tell sony to kiss my rear.


I'm a VERY hardcore gamer but I just can't justify owning a console when it's nearly identical to a PC. I *hate* the concept of the Cloud, because it robs you of control. I'm sure they're going to "re-release" most of the older games on the PS4 Cloud, which means you have to buy them over again, just like how you have can do that with NES, SNES, and Genesis games on nintendo's network, and PS2 games on the PS3.


It's a cheap way to get money, and since you don't have a physical copy of these Cloud games, you won't have the right to sell it.


Honestly I think that second-hand sales are a great thing... for the economy, and for gamers. but all these copyright holders obviously look at it as "legal-piracy" because they don't get their cut of the action. So of course they're going to stamp it out, causing people like me to fall out of the loop.

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BCS tryed Greenlight with Scheherazade but given the result there I doubt they will try with Academagia.

If you have luck they will still try it Year 1 to gain awareness for Year 2 but dont get your hopes to high.


I try to keep informed about new games from developers i like, that have published interesting games that i liked or indie studios in general. It's normal that Greenlight didn't work for Scheherazade because i didn't even know that Black Chicken Studios released a new game and also didn't know that they did a kickstarter for a new one.


Greenlight it's a good tool to publish your game through Steam but the people has to know that the game is there so they can vote. I'm not saying that advertising it's the solution to everything but it would certainly help.

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I would like say one thing.


While Steam is very popular and is a great platform to sell your games. But the fact that I have to login to play my games or go offline but lose the login data after some time makes it a little annoying.

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To me the requirement to register games I bought on DVD there and then Steam even want to downlaod the complet game as Instalation make Steam a absolut no go!

I mean OK register the game is one thing but then be forced to have a shoping client to be running at the background the complet time I play a singlaplaer game is bad.

But worst of all that it want to download a game I just want to install from DVD is a killer.

Beside that Valve can kill your account any time if they want to and you lose all games on it is no thing I would agree on for more then 2-3 games on a single account.

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I have 400 games on Steam, i never had a problem and the reasons why Valve can kill your account are very well defined and most of them are illegal or at least really suspicious like buying a game in the US and paying in €, buying a game through Steam that is not available in your region, etc.


I have the client always open because i use steam chat to talk with friends instead of other programs and also keeps my games updated and it's really easy to play multiplayer games with friends. If i want to play a game in a second computer i only have to download it no matter where i am and in some games it will sync your savegames.


I'm not saying Steam is perfect but there is a reason why Steam is the most important gaming platform on PC and why on peak hours theres more than 5 million people connected playing games.

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