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Unable to scroll locations


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So I'm new to the game, just got it yesterday, I'm sure you know how the story goes. All in all I'm enjoying it, but I'm stuck rather profoundly on a certain point. When I'm trying to choose a location to do anything, Studying, training, what have you, I can't scroll the location selector. Clicking the scroll buttons doesn't do anything, nor does arrow keys. If I try to select a location in hopes of using arrow keys to navigate from there, it just chooses it and closes the menu. I can't even get out of the "a" section!


Please help.

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That's a very strange error, although it sounds like an older reported issue that we were unable to replicate.


The first thing to try, if you have not already, is to restart your game.


If that does not clear up the issue, please let me know the version of the game you are playing- you can see this by pressing F12 and looking in the bottom left hand corner. Also, please let me know your OS.



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I've restarted it several times with no change. The version is v0.63.3.0 and I'm running Windows 7. Thanks for your quick help!


vvvWell both other numbers are variations on 1.0. I rather thought that the download link for the main game would be the most comprehensive version, but if not, should the standard update/patching routine work?

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Yes, can you give us the Client number? If you are fully patched, you should see 2.28.0.




Edit: Also, does the Location box appear shifted to the right to you? That is, to the right of the panel?


Edit 2: "vvvWell both other numbers are variations on 1.0. I rather thought that the download link for the main game would be the most comprehensive version, but if not, should the standard update/patching routine work?"


No, please do Patch! Use the latest, here:



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